Vulnerability CyberOffice Shopping Cart Affected CyberOffice Shopping Cart v2 Description Following is based on a Delphis Consulting Security Team Advisory DST2K0035. Delphis Consulting Internet Security Team (DCIST) discovered the following vulnerability in CyberOffice Shopping Cart v2 under Windows NT. It is possible with default installations (according to vendor instructions) of CyberOffice to gain access to the database which holds information on customer orders, details and credit card information. This data is held in an unprotected and un-encrypted Microsoft Access Database. Example: By default the _private directory is world readable and accessable by any anonymous web users. The vendor does however state in the documentation that the /_private/ directory should not be browsable (i.e. if the file name is known it can still be downloaded). Solution Currently Delphis recommend the following: o Within IIS (Internet Information Server) manager set the directory permissions to write but NOT read. This will enable users to update the database as required by the application but not be able to download it. o Migrate from Access to SQL SmartWin is aware of the problem from the begining since the release of the program. It is a shame that FrontPage does not automatically disable /_private from browsing. In all of our documents we have stressed this point enough to cause the ISP to take action to protect the folder. Because it is the ISP who is required to ultimately fix the problem, the installation is powerless in that regard. In addition to the solutions you have given. These are the more common actions: 1) Use IIS Managemant Console to disable the Read permission on the folder (done by ISP) 2) Use FrontPage Explorer to disable the folder from being browsed (done by the Web master) 3) Move the database to /fpdb (the database folder used by newer versions of FrontPage). How to protect databases from being directly downloaded is the problem that every ISP faces everyday. SmartWin has given sufficient warning toward this issue. It should NOT be classified as CyberShop's problem.