COMMAND a.shopKart Shopping Cart remote SQL database info leakage SYSTEMS AFFECTED Current ? PROBLEM In Ignacio Vazquez [infosecmanager@centaura.com.ar] of Centaura Technologies Security Research Lab advisory [CTADVIIC046] : http://www.centaura.com.ar/infosec/adv/ashopkart.txt An attacker can access sensitive information within the system database. The program is vulnerable in several spots along the code. There's a basic input checking function ( TwoSingleQ(str) ) but it's not applied everywhere, leaving potencial exploitable holes. The following statement shows the vulnerable points (taken from addcustomer.asp). Here "zip", "state", "country", "phone" and "fax" are unchecked for SQL Injection vulnerabilities. sqlAdd = "INSERT INTO customers(cfirstname,clastname,cemail,caddress" If Request.Form("address2") <> "" Then sqlAdd = sqlAdd & ",caddress2" end if sqlAdd = sqlAdd & ",ctown,czip" If Request.Form("state") <> "" Then sqlAdd = sqlAdd & ",cstate" End if sqlAdd = sqlAdd & ",ccountry,cphone" If Request.Form("fax") <> "" Then sqlAdd = sqlAdd & ",cfax" End if sqlAdd = sqlAdd & ") VALUES(" sqlAdd = sqlAdd & "'" & TwoSingleQ(fname) & "'" sqlAdd = sqlAdd & ",'" & TwoSingleQ(lname) & "'" sqlAdd = sqlAdd & ",'" & TwoSingleQ(email) & "'" sqlAdd = sqlAdd & ",'" & TwoSingleQ(address) & "'" If Request.Form("address2") <> "" Then sqlAdd = sqlAdd & ",'" & TwoSingleQ(Request.Form("address2")) & "'" end if sqlAdd = sqlAdd & ",'" & TwoSingleQ(town) & "'" sqlAdd = sqlAdd & ",'" & zip & "'" If Request.Form("state") <> "" Then sqlAdd = sqlAdd & ",'" & Request.Form("state") & "'" End if sqlAdd = sqlAdd & ",'" & country & "'" sqlAdd = sqlAdd & ",'" & phone & "'" If Request.Form("fax") <> "" Then sqlAdd = sqlAdd & ",'" & Request.Form("fax") & "'" End If sqlAdd = sqlAdd & ")" At least addcustomer.asp, addprod.asp, process.asp are vulnerable to this type of attacks. SOLUTION ?