Vulnerability Cross-site-scripting Affected Yahoo/Hotmail Description 'mparcens' found following. Cross-site-scripting holes in Yahoo and Hotmail make it possible to replicate a Melissa-type worm through those webmail services. An email is sent to the victim, who uses Yahoo Mail or Hotmail. Inside the email is a link to yahoo or hotmail's own server. The link contains escaped javascript that is executed when the page is loaded. That javascript then opens a window that could nagivate through the victim's inbox, sending messages with the malicious link to every email address it finds in the inbox. Because the malicious javascript executes inside a page from the mail service's own server, there is no domain-bounding error when the javascript is controlling the window with the victim's inbox. Users of the Yahoo Mail and Hotmail service are vulnerable. Although the exploit requires a user to click on a link, two things work for this exploit: (1) The email comes from a familiar user (sent by the worm), and (2) The link is to a familiar, trusted server. Theoretically, more services are vulnerable, due to the proliferation of these holes, but the worm is limited to web mail services. Sample links and the worm code can be found at: http://www.sidesport.com/webworm/ Solution Escaping all query data that is echoed to the screen eliminates this problem. This must be done on every page on a server that can send or read mail for the service.