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Hacking Tripod Accounts

       ############################## LEGIONS OF THE UNDERGROUND ##################
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*******************************Hacking Tripod Accounts**********************
******************************Wednesday, July 23, 1997**********************
*********************************by: NegativeRage***************************

Ever hate someone real badly, or seen a page that you really hate and/or 
find offensive?  If it's a tripod page, you're in luck!  In this text you 
will find out how to gain control of any tripod account!!  It is a very 
simple process... It all happened late one night when I felt the compulsive 
urge to write a text file... I started reading the tripod help files... and 
after a while it hit me! (I'd been wanting to write a text file on tripod 
for a while.. but wasn't sure how easy there pages could be hacked)!  After 
reading this, you'll probably say to yourself... "Hey, this has more to do 
with social engineering then hacking!" Well you're right (sort of) because 
social engineering does play a signifiacnt part in hacking! First you'll 
have to know what tripod is.  Tripod is a service that allows up to 2MB free 
space for personal home pages (just like geocities, angelfire, etc..)!  Now 
on to the important stuff...

***~What You Need:~***
To hack a tripod account you will need a few, very basic things.  You will 
obviously need to have internet access, you will have to find out the email 
address that your target has registered with tripod, often times it's on the 
persons page.  You will also need some time, about a week or two. Then 
you will have to find out the username, this is extremely simple because 
it's part of the url.  It looks like his: 
http://members.tripod.com/~username, except "username" would be subtituted 
with the the real username (duh!) The finall thing you will need is the 
person's real name (or the name the person gave as there real name). This 
can be tricky to find out, if it's not on the page you could try searching 
the member profiles!  To do this goto 
http://www.tripod.com/planet/profile/search.html and enter everything you 
know about the webmaster of the tripod account! This only works if the 
member has created there own "member profile" (or something like that). If 
he/she hasn't then you will have to try and find out what you need by other 
means! Try emailing them, pretend you liked there page and would like to get 
to know them better, tell them a little (made up stuff) about yourself, try 
and squeeze all the info you can from them (without them realizing it of 
course).  If you find your target's member profile, you will see his/her 
First Name, Last Name, The date that they joined, City, State, Country, 
E-Mail, Homepage URL (if it's not given, do not worry, it's kinda obvious if 
you know they're member name!), and a Brief Description.  If you're lucky 
enough to find it, you will/should have all the information you need!
If you are still having trouble finding out their info, see if they have ICQ,
often times, they'll put some stuff about themselves there!  Try everything 
you can think of to get that info!

***~Now What:~***
I didn't tell you to go find all of that out for nothing, what you just did 
is actually quite important!  The First step in gaining control of the 
account is to have the account "registered" under YOUR email adress! You 
will have to get an account with one of those free email services, for 
or any of the multiple other ones!  To make it less obvious try and keep 
your new email similar, for example if the persons email is dumb@ass.com 
make yours jack@hotmail.com (get the picture?) Now using your new e-mail 
address you have to write a letter to membership@tripod.com, this is exaclty
 what tripod says they want:
"If you need to change your email address, please contact us at 
membership@tripod.com with your new email address. Please include your 
member name, old email address, and full name in the message." 
**************************************end quote****************************
So do Exactly that, say that you have a new email address, and would like 
tripod to update their records! It takes about a week for tripod to respond,
this is what the letter looked like:
   Dear "User",
   Thank you for informing us of your new email address.
   We have updated your membership information:
       Tripod member name:  membername       (unchanged)
        New email address:  membername@freemailaddress.com
   If you have a homepage with Tripod, you will need to go through and
   update your page to use new email address.... 
*************************************end quote*****************************
If you don't realise it, you now have control of the account (sort of), 
everything the user normally gets from tripod is now sent to you! This 
means, if you send an e-mail to lost@tripod.com with your/their membername 
in the subject line YOU will get their password (be sure that the only 
thing in the entire e-mail is the subject, if you write something as a 
message, you will not get a reply!!! Trust me, I waited three weeks before 
I realised that! hehe)! Well, it's not really their password, what tripod 
does is send you a temporary password (one generated with their password 
generator =]), but it works just the same!  Once you have the password, you 
have total control over the account! It will take about 5 minutes or so to 
receive the password!

***~Don't Be An Idiot:~***
You realise of course, that as soon as tripod hear's about this text, that 
they'll probably fix the problem!  In order to prevent this, don't be an 
idiot! Don't go on a hacking spree, and attack a buch of accounts, only use 
this if you really have too! The more people use this, the more obvious it 
will become to tripod staff and the quicker they'll fix it!  It would be 
pretty lame for you to go and hack a buch of sites for no apparent reason, 
and it would piss me off(because like my geocities text, this would become 
outdated!)  So use this text cautiously! PLEASE!

In no way can you hold me responsible for your actions, if you get in 
trouble for hacking a tripod account, it isn't my fault!  I, in no way, 
encourage you to do it! Actually, I discourage you!  because of what I have 
said in the ~Don't Be An Idiot~ section!  You may reproduce or distribute 
this file as long as it stays the same! There is no copyright on it, but out 
of commen curdisee try not to alter this file without permission!  If you 
have any comments or questions, please feel free to email them to me: 
negativerage@hotmail.com !
I am also not responsible for any spelling errors in this text, or anything 
that occurs because of them! =]

-all those who have helped me/given me suggestions with/for this file!
-all the hackers who have gone before me, who have made the computer 
underground what it is today!
-If I didn't mention you and should have, i'm sorry! Maybe next time!

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