COMMAND google office suite indexing mechanism leaks info SYSTEMS AFFECTED google search engine @ www.google.com PROBLEM Vincent GAILLOT posted following : [Editors note : this is to be looked at along with Phrack issue 47 article 10, @ www.phrack.org] Google indexes documents from Word, Excel or Powerpoint. Experiment words and expression (with \") to look for, such as : 1)\"Index of /admin\" 2)\"Index of /password\" 3)\"Index of /mail\" 4)\"Index of /\" +banques +filetype:xls (for france...) 5)\"Index of /\" +passwd 6)\"Index of /\" password.txt And you can continue as long as your imaginatio is active. For example this leaks informations from the central banks of Luxemboug and Switzerland ... SOLUTION Nothing.