Vulnerability eSafe Gateway Affected Aladdin eSafe Gateway Description eDvice Security Services found following. eSafe Gateway is an Internet Content Security product. You can configure eSafe Gateway to remove scripts (VBScripts, JavaScripts) and other executable tags from incoming HTML documents. Alternatively, the administrator can ban certain scripting commands from appearing inside scripts. The banned commands will be removed, while the rest of the HTML page is left intact. eDvice recently conducted a test of eSafe's ability to remove scripts from HTML documents. Although scripts are widely used by many web-sites, some organizations requesting to allow only limited use of Internet access from their internal network, prefer to disable scripting capabilities in order to avoid various known, as well as yet to be found, browser-based attacks. eSafe does not recognize scripting tags constructed using extended Unicode notation. This allows an attacker to bypass eSafe script filtering mechanism and introduce malicious code into an organization. eSafe gateway analyzes the incoming HTML file and searches for the keyword "<SCRIPT'. From the moment the keyword was found, eSafe looks for a following "</Script>" keyword and then replaces the entire content between these keywords with spaces. However, browsers such as Internet Explorer accept extended Unicode character representation within HTML files. If the string "<SCRIPT" is replaced with some extended Unicode representation, then eSafe will not filter the tag and the browser will run the script. To repeat this vulnerability, place the file on your web server and configure eSafe to remove all scripts. Access the file using the browser and you will see the message "hello" on your screen. This is a message generated by a VBScript script that should have been filtered. Below is mimed zip of HTML file mentioned above --- Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="script38.zip" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: inline; filename="script38.zip" Content-MD5: eX2itEm3Udm+kb6kfo01hA== UEsDBBQAAAAIAEdxvSqz9PjqwgAAAP8AAAAOAAAAc2NyaXB0MzhhLmh0bWw9j8EKgkAQhu9B 7zDs3ewUQa5gtWWQCrUFHTfbcmFzTceo5+h1IuzNUqxOH/zzz8eM4/Ng6XY7js+8acOAcQ9C L2CUzFnIVh6PVgQmJkWZIiWBinNTmCPCVhWl0LDG8qAMDHp98l+Pf22UN7QTPOsRxInIC4l0 w2fWkECCmFnyUqor/botfs9ko+ALvmSuY7esA/t32zia7mpWz/cjzlWGoEV6KsVJ0uv+G1Uv oWWOQHyptSHV0/4PGtPYHO6tsn37A1BLAQIUABQAAAAIAEdxvSqz9PjqwgAAAP8AAAAOAAAA AAAAAAEAIAC2gQAAAABzY3JpcHQzOGEuaHRtbFBLBQYAAAAAAQABADwAAADuAAAAAAA= ----- Solution Do not rely on eSafe Gateway version 3.0 for HTML filtering until Aladdin fixes the problem. Aladdin will publish a workaround to avoid this vulnerability and will address this issue in the next release of eSafe Gateway.