COMMAND NAI SYSTEMS AFFECTED McAfee Netshield and VirusScan 4.5 PROBLEM Richard Fry found following. During extensive testing of Netshield 4.5 and VirusScan 4.5 a potential security loophole emerged in the AutoUpgrade facility of the product. If the directory pointed to by the mechanism (controlled via a registry key) is insecure and has the correct format (PKGDESC.INI, SETUP.ISS included) any file which is placed there with the name of SETUP.EXE will be run in local administrator context. Actually, SETUP.EXE will be run in the context of whatever account is used to run 4.5's equivalent of the old 4.03 McAfee Task Manager. AutoUpgrade, for those without experience works like this: You grab the latest SuperDAT file (SDATnnnn.EXE) from NAI's website or FTP server. You then put it in a directory with these other mentioned files (PKGDESC.INI, SETUP.ISS, etc) and rename it to SETUP.EXE. Voila! You have just created a McAfee AutoUpgrade site. Because of the relative complexity of this procedure, most installations make the very wise choice of having a single server go and grab the SDAT file each week, dump the old SETUP.EXE, then dump the new file in and rename it. Then AutoUpgrade on all workstations and other servers are pointed to the shared directory where these files reside. Boom! All stations are updated regularly, as long as the server is able to get to NAI's site to update its own AutoUpgrade site. Hopefully, registry security has been generally hardened on all accessible servers in your enterprise. And also hopefully, administrative rights and permissions are doled out very sparsely, as well. This should protect the servers from either registry shenanigans (to run ANOTHER SETUP.EXE) or file replacement (subbing in a trojan SETUP.EXE "in place"). Further, you have hopefully used a service account for McAfee that is a local Administrator on all the workstations, but has no further domain rights or permissions beyond those necessary to reach the file share. However, the workstations are WIDE OPEN as far as this is concerned, unless you also secure their registry permissions. Scenario: Domain Admin Bob secures his servers and domain(s) in general against every known threat to people, property, and liberty. He makes sure his AutoUpgrade site is safe from the world. He then, for good measure, implements desktop security procedures that protect the users from themselves (somewhat). After a hard day's work, he returns to his own workstation (probably wide open, due to laziness or "it can't happen to me" syndrome...admins are notorious for this) only to find that his AutoUpgrade has been used (via a trojan SETUP.EXE run from an altered location) to create a new Domain Admin account, which has in turn been used to delete the company's financial data for the last six years, change all occurrences of "plan" to "peanut butter" in all Word documents, and deface the website to espouse the relative merits of paper versus plastic. SOLUTION NAI have been informed and there response is "This security hole can be filled by the operating system, using user rights, and registry lockdown. Some of this is outlined in the NetShield 4.5 Administrators Guide". NAI also claim that this "feature" also exists in other scheduling type software such as the Microsoft Scheduler. Shouldn't be a threat to anything but workstations unless you have sloppy admins.