Application: Trend Micro OfficeScan Client for Windows 8.0 sp1
OS: Windows XP
1 - Description
2 - Vulnerability
OfficeScan is a good antivirus that used in many companys.
The problem with this bug is that a bad user can install any virus and the av is crash can not notifies to the admin of av ,also other user can install
irregulars programs, for example a legal program with a crack and if there are a audit the company have a risk that detect ilegal software.
The problem is when the officescan try scan a folders with a long name, this caused that aplication crash. The result varies =09
depending on the number of chars that you use in the poc.
The poc is a simple code in visual basic that creates many folders with a longs names and after this, the aplication, scans the folder and the av crash.
download here : http://es.geocities.com/jplopezy/officescan.zip
Juan Pablo Lopez Yacubian