Vulnerability Virus Buster Affected Virus Buster 2001 8.0 Description Ichinose Sayo found following. He found a security hole in the feature of virus scan for e-mail in Virus Buster 2001 from Trend Micro Inc. Virus Buster 2001 is a japanese software package that has similar functions of PC-cillin 2000 such as eMail Virus Scanning and Browser Scanning. The feature of virus scan for e-mail in this software, called "eMail Virus Scanning" on PC-cillin, is used not to receive e-mail including virus by scanning every e-mail whenever MUA (Mail User Agent) imports e-mail by using POP3 protocol. The function is running as a proxy between MUA and MRA (Mail Retrieval Agent) as well. The buffer overflow occurs when MUA received email with the header defined in RFC 822 including unusually long strings. As a result, the user of this software is not able to receive any e-mail(s) more. A restart of the computer is required in order to gain normal functionality. Example of Issue: From: ichinose@lac.co.jp To: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(about 16,000 charactors)aaaaaaaaa Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 16:07:23 +0900 Subject: TEST I've seen at all. or From: ichinose@lac.co.jp To: ichinose@lac.co.jp Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2001 15:06:57 +0900 Subject: TEST Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: MultiPart/Mixed;Boundary="aaa(about 300 characters)aaa" --aaa(about 300 characters)aaa Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-2022-jp body --aaa(about 300 characters)aaa Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="aaa.exe" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: inline; filename="aaa.exe" --aaa(約300個)aaa I've seen at all. Solution Due to prompt response by Trend Micro, the version 8.02, which was fixed this problem, was published on February 7th. You can update to Program Version 8.02 by using the feature of automatically updating software called Intelligent Update. If you have not updated your software since February 7th, you must upgrade to the version 8.02 with Intelligent Update immediately. Required conditions for updating are: 1) using product version as registered user. 2) updating the software with Intelligent Update (License key is necessary to do this.) Also, the Service Pack to fix this issue is available from: http://www.trendmicro.co.jp/homeuser/download/vb2001sp2.htm (Japanese only; the program will be updated to 8.02.)