TUCoPS :: SunOS/Solaris :: bt1198.txt

Denial of Service against Gauntlet-Firewall / SQL-Gateway

DOS-Attack against Gauntlet Firewall


We found out a security-issue with the Oracle-Proxy (SQL-Gateway) of
Gauntlet Firewall, Version 6 (manufactured by Secure Computing/NAI,
serversrunning Solaris 8, newest Patches installed). 



Sending subsequent requests with invalid data to the firewalls
SQL-gateway results in an immediate crash. The firewall won't accept any
further connections on any SQL-gw that is defined in the rule base.

Secure Computing as vendor of Gauntlet could reproduce the DOS, patches
or bug fixes are not yet available.



We tried to monitor the firewall's sql-gw with our own monitoring-system
to make sure that we notice if it does not run. Some seconds later, the
sql-gw crashed and we were no longer able to connect the port.

Further investigation of the problem showed that the sql-gw-process can
easily be crashed on any Gauntlet-Firewall by simply connecting to it:

Try the following (_very_ basic)script, use your firewall's IP instead
of aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd, running sql-gw at the standard port 1521: 

	for a in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17


		telnet aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd 1521


You will see that the last try to connect (#17) results in "Connection
refused" and the process of "sql-gw" is no longer running on the
firewall. ==> A DOS against Gauntlet is very easy.

This is especially unpleasant, as Gauntlet is one of the few major
firewall-products that provide true application level security _and_ do
have a dedicated application-proxy for SQL (sql-net 1 + 2). 

In fact, many companies use Gauntlet especially to protect

Solution/ Patches:


Secure Computing (www.securecomputing.com), the manufacturer of
Gauntlet-Firewall, has been informed by arago about the issue in August
2003 and has been able to reproduce the problem. 

Unfortunately, they have not yet managed to bring out a security-patch

The only current solution they give is to use "plug-gws" instead of the
"sql-gws", which obviously weakens security _and_ performance a lot, as
you lose application-level security!   

Regards, Oliver Heinz



 | arago,                   | Oliver Heinz                             |

 | Institut fuer komplexes  | Bereichsleiter Systembetrieb & Security  |

 | Datenmanagement AG       | eMail: heinz@arago.de                    |

 | Am Niddatal 3            |                                          |

 | 60488 Frankfurt am Main  | http://www.arago.de/                     |

 |                          | PGP-Fingerprint: a5de d4b4 46b3 4d8b 2646|

 |                          |                  d4d0 e5fd d842 cc4e 7315|


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