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Cobalt RaQ3 poprelayd exploit





    Andrea Barisani  found following.   Poprelayd is  a simple  script
    that  scan  /var/log/maillog  for  valid  pop logins and updates a
    hash db used  by sendmail to  permit relaying for  those valid pop
    users, this method is called "Pop-before-smtp".

    The syslog string searched by the  script is in this form for  the
    qpop server

        /POP login by user \"[\-\_\w]+\" at \(.+\) ([0-9]\.]+)/)

    On  some  cobalt  raq3  servers  (with the poprelayd add-on packet
    installed)  and  in  general  on  any system running the poprelayd
    script with sendmail  is possible to  "inject" this string  in the
    syslog  using  sendmail  logging.   So  anyone  can  insert a fake
    string with his own IP wich  will be parsed by poprelayd and  that
    will permit the use of sendmail as a relay.

    On cobalts the presence of  poprelayd is revealed by the  modified
    sendmail relaying denied message  "Relaying denied.  Please  check
    your mail first."


        telnet dumbcobalt 25
        Connected to dumbcobalt
        ehlo dumbcobalt
        mail from:"POP login by user "admin" at (
        553 "POP login by user "admin" at (
        @linux.org"...Domain name required

    Now the IP can do relay.

    In fact, on dumbcobalt, in /var/log/maillog:

        ...reject=533 "POP login by user "admin" at (
        @linux.org", size=0, class=0 ....etc etc...

        [root@dumbcobalt /]# /usr/sbin/poprelayd -p 	7


    Better to anchor the pattern  match to the beginning of  the line,
    so that  there is  no way  any program  can trick  poprelayd.  For

        if ($s =~ /^\w+\s+\d+\s+\d+:\d+:\d+\s+[^: ]+ (imapd|pop3d)\[(\d+)\]: login: \S*\[(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})\]/) {
	        ($daemon, $pid, $clientip)= ($1, $2, $3);

    The above example is for US-style syslog timestamps, things  might
    be different  elsewhere.   Also, you  need to  make sure that your
    syslogd  is  not  accepting  traffic  from anywhere except a local
    Unix-domain socket,  since otherwise  the attacker  could forge  a
    syslog message directly.

    Another workaround is to simply have your POP/IMAP daemons log  to
    their own facility (ie -- one of the locals).

    Attached   you'll   find   an   experimental   patch   (apply   to
    /usr/local/sbin/poprelayd) to immediately correct the email  relay
    exploit.  This  patch is integrated  into the current  version 2.0
    poprelayd RPM at:


    A supported  fix to  this email  relay exploit  will be integrated
    into  forthcoming  security  update  packages  for  Qube  and  RaQ

    --- poprelayd-2.0-3	Mon Jul  9 10:29:40 2001
    +++ poprelayd	Mon Jul  9 10:27:27 2001
    @@ -175,16 +175,19 @@
         my $s = $_[0];
         my @paddrs;		# Packed IP addresses.
         my @addrs;		# ASCII addresses.
    -    my $junk;
         # POP login by user "admin" at (
    -    if ($s =~ /POP login by user \"[\-\_\w]+\" at \(.+\) ([0-9\.]+)/)  {
    -        return $1;
    +    # ensure line ends at IP address.  Filter on rejection codes
    +    if ($s =~ /POP login by user \"[\-\_\w]+\" at \(.+\) ([0-9\.]+)\s*$/)  {
    +        my $authuser = $1;
    +        return $authuser unless ($s =~ /reject=\d/i);
         # imapd[11676]: Authenticated user=admin host=pyro.cobalt.com []
    -    if ($s =~ /Authenticated user=\S+ host=\S+ \[([\d\.]+)\]/) {
    -        return $1;
    +    # ensure line ends at IP address.  Filter on rejected syntax.
    +    if ($s =~ /Authenticated user=\S+ host=\S+ \[([\d\.]+)\]\s*$/) {
    +        my $authuser = $1;
    +        return $authuser unless ($s =~ /unknown command/i);
         return ();

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