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Sun AnswerBook2 format string and other vulnerabilities
2nd Aug 2002 [SBWID-5591]

	Sun AnswerBook2 format string and other vulnerabilities


	Solaris ab2 1.4.2 / dwhttpd 4.1a6 with patch 110011-02 (and before) :


	| dwhttpd version  | AnswerBook2 version | format? | admin scripts? |


	| dwhttpd/3.1a4    | 1.1.1               | no      | no             |

	| dwhttpd/4.0.2a7a | 1.2                 | yes     | yes            |

	| dwhttpd/4.1a6    | 1.4.2               | yes     | yes            |

	| dwhttpd/4.1a6    | 1.4.2 w/ 110011-02  | yes     | yes            |





	ghandi [ghandi@mindless.com] [http://www.dopesquad.net] says :

	Sun's AnswerBook 2 utilizes a third-party web  server  daemon  (dwhttpd)
	that suffers from a format string vulnerability.  The  vulnerability  can
	be exploited to cause the web server process to execute arbitrary  code.
	The web server runs as user and group 'daemon'  who,  under  recent  installations
	of Solaris, owns no critical files.  Typically,  daemon  only  owns  all
	files  pertaining  to  the  AnswerBook  2   installation.   This   effectively
	limits the severity  of  the  vulnerability  to  a  remote  unprivileged

	In addition, not all AnswerBook Admin  scripts  require  authentication,
	allowing the attacker to perform administrative functions without an  account.
	Among other things, it is possible to add a new admin user or  view  the
	server's error log.

	The combination of these two  vulerabilities  allows  for  a  remote  exploit
	that can determine the  exact  location  of  its  payload,  requiring  no
	guessing of return addresses or NOP padding.

	The following command will verify the vulnerability of  the  locally  running
	ab2 server (requires perl and netcat):

	% perl -e 'print"GET /";print"%x"x20;print" HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n\r\n"' | \

	  nc localhost 8888


	If a long string of hexadecimal digits appears in the error log, the  server
	is vulnerable to the format string attack.

	 Format String Vulnerability



	User-supplied input from a GET request is used in a format string  in  a
	call to vsprintf(3s). When the file isn't found by  the  send_file()  function,
	an error is logged to the ab2 log files. As the file name  of  the  requested
	file is printed to the error log, vsprintf() is  called  with  the  unchecked
	filename. Sending a long string of "%n" formats as the filename  in  the
	GET request causes the webserver to die with  a  segmentation  fault  in

	If a long string of "%x" formats are used as the filename,  values  from
	the stack are printed out to the error log:

	http-8888 [23/Sep/2000:13:09:37 -0700] warning: send-file reports: The

	requested object "/usr/lib/ab2/data/docs/0fea19f580073656e642d66696c6520


	c69622f6162322f646174612f646f63732f" could not be opened!



	 Unauthorized Script Execution



	In DynaWeb requests, the string following the @ refers to a dwScript  that
	generates the output. In most cases, these will be things  like  Ab2Admin,
	Ab2TocView, etc. But, browsing through the .template files  in  /usr/lib/ab2/dweb/data/config,
	we find several other interesting scripts that we  can  call.  In  particular,
	in ab2_admin.template, we find AdminViewError  particularly  interesting
	for our present purposes. For example, the following  URL  will  display
	the error log of the local AnswerBook2 server:



	There are many more (possibly more useful) scripts that  we  can  abuse,
	including AdminAddadmin (add user 'foo' with password 'bar'):







	Because input is already bounds checked, a simple buffer overflow is  not
	possible. But because of the interpretation of the  format  string,  the
	string can be "inflated" by the format string interpretation  to  overflow
	internal buffers. A large field width is used to  "inflate"  the  attack
	string, overflowing the  destination  argument  of  vsprintf(),  placing
	code on the stack.

	Using a carefully crafted request string, it is possible to  exploit  the
	format string bug to print a pointer to the stack into  the  error  log.
	From this value, we can calculate the exact address where  our  shellcode
	will be on the stack. In addition, we are able  to  bypass  authentication
	and executing scripts directly. This will allow us to retrieve the  error
	log and parse our stack pointer from it.

	Because the overflow happens after the HTTP request is parsed, there  can
	be no space (0x20) or '?' (0x3f) characters in the  shellcode,  frame  pointer
	or return address. Devising shellcode encoded without these bytes is  relatively
	simple and space bytes in the frame pointer or return address (quite  common
	under some Solaris revisions) can be encoded  by  creative  use  of  the
	format string interpretation.


	The patches were released (without a  Sun  Security  Alert  or  Security
	Bulletin)   on   January    31,    2001    and    are    available    on

	110538-01 AnswerBook 1.4.3_x86: HTTP GET overflow allows code execution

	110537-01 AnswerBook 1.4.2_x86: HTTP GET overflow allows code execution

	110532-01 AnswerBook 1.4.3: HTTP GET overflow allows code execution

	110531-01 AnswerBook 1.4.2: HTTP GET overflow allows code execution


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