Vulnerability ident Affected SuSE Linux 6.x 7.0 Description Niels Heinen found following. This advisory details a buffer overflow vulnerability under SuSE Linux that can enable a malicious user to cause Identification Protocol (Ident) handling to crash. Due to the overflow, the system will no longer be able to establish certain connections which use Ident, for example IRC (Internet Relay Chat) connections. If the Ident daemon is not running, users wishing to connect to IRC will not be allowed to make a connection. In the this case the vulnerability could be used in a denial of service attack to keep a person of irc. It's not clear at this present time whether this vulnerability could be exploited in such a way that arbitrary code is executed. If so, this will happen with the privileges of the user "nobody" in a default installation. This vulnerability has been tested on SuSE version 6.x and version 7.0. Previous versions may also be affected. Further testing will reveal whether other Linux distributions are vulnerable. By sending longer than expected strings to the identd port, a remote attacker can crash the daemon. The daemon will also fail to leave any log message given the right length of he string. Seeing the following in the logfile (/var/log/messages) date: suse-machine in.identd[xxx]: s_snprintf(...) = ?: buffer overrun is a clear indication of being attacked by a message length producing log entries. Some other Linux distributions are not vulnerable in the same way, but have to be looked at for suspicious log entries. Another test machine running Red Hat issued here a "Full buffer closing connection" error. Solution If you don't need the Ident, you can keep risk lowest by disabling the ident deamon. This can be done by editing /etc/rc.config. Look for a line like below: START_INDENTD="yes" Change the yes value into no and save the file. After that type as root killall -9 in.identd to stop the ident deamon. It turned out that the daemon dies because of a misinterpretation of the return value of vsnprintf() (which was subject to a change in glibc2.1). Upon detecting that the buffer is too short to keep the data, the daemon decides to "int *p = (int *) NULL; *p = 4711;", or, in other words, segfault and commit suicide. This is bright because a return address on the stack that might have been overwritten is not used (An actual buffer overflow doesn't take place, though.). OTOH, it's not very bright since the auth service is denied as a consequence of the daemon shooting itself in the foot. The risk imposed by the crashed daemon is considerably low.