TUCoPS :: Unix :: General :: discrete.txt

Baldrick's Guide to Discrete UNIX Use: A COMPLETE hacker/pirate UNIX tutorial

                  // Baldrick's guide to discrete UNIX use //
                 //     Complete with Internet babble     //

                 First edition: Never before released in
                                any bloody form.

		       Volume 1:  The story so far....

 DISCLAIMER:  I didn't write this file.  Someone else did and framed me using
              my pseudo so I'm obivously not liable for any of it.  He went
              that way.

 TEASER:  If you really liked this file then just wait a bit and if I figure
          out any new and funky interesting tips I'll put them out too in a
          text phile series that would make Maury Pauvich turn green.


	(if you wanna find it quick, search for the contents number x.x)

1.0	Introduction (aka mindless self-indulged ego statements and pseudo-
                      visionary babble about the realisation of Cyberspace)

2.0 UNIX from DOS in thirty minutes or your money back

    2.1     Logging in and logging out
    2.2     Basic file manipulation
    2.3     The manic man command
    2.4     Reaching Nirvanna through ed(1) (text manipulation)
    2.5     Intra-system communication - who, finger, write, talk, etc.
    2.6     Multitasking without L.S.D.
    2.7     Security - file permissions and chmod

3.0	Playtime on your local system

    3.1     aliasing commands
    3.2     Shell scripts (incl. ~/.*)
    3.3     Changing your default shell and the tcsh shell.
    3.4     Causing mindless havoc through write and other childish tricks
    3.5     The Importance of Being Earnest (hiding what you are doing)
    3.6     cat /etc/passwd > ~/lab7.h
    3.7     Security - A couple of cunning plans

4.0	Reach out and touch someone (playing with the Internet)
    4.1     finger, talk, and mail to remote clients
    4.2     USENet newsgroups
    4.3     telnet and rlogin
    4.4     FTP and FSP
    4.5     Gopher
    4.6     MUD, MUSH, MUCK, MUSE, IRC

5.0	Piracy and Internet
    5.1     The Internet Pirate:  Scourge of the Network
    5.2     Getting Contacts
    5.3     Information Trading
    5.4     Paranoia (how to not get caught)
    5.5     Aside: Faking Mail
    5.6     Aside: Naughty Pictures

6.0	Onwards to Victory

	     	       // 1.0 Introduction //

So I wanna be a guru...   A couple years ago, the foolish computer science
faculty at my post-secondary institution were nice enough to give me my very
own spanking new UNIX account.  After spending the first afternoon buggering
around typing the only command I thought I knew ("sh us", actually a VMS
command that had somehow sprung into my head), I gave up the cause of getting
any information for lost.

My lethargy soon lifted, however, and I set out on a quest to get some
information on UNIX. The computing services people graciously provided me
with two duplexed photocopy sheets of information, and I supplemented that
with Brian Kernaghan's "A Beginner's Guide to UNIX" and then I was on my way.
Now it seems that lots of people I know are just getting into the UNIX
/ Internet thing and want to know how to USE it.  Not how to read their mail
and play MUD, but all sorts of things that go on slightly under the table...

"I don't know much, but here's something to get you started" I invariably
reply to these people and promptly wear myself out typing page after page of
"Oh, P.S. - you might also want to ..." statements.  And so, I've set out to
create what you have before you - Baldrick's guide to discrete UNIX use.
This is an attempt at answering all the questions I had when I was learning
and couldn't find the answers.  I was very lucky to know some people who
dropped me hints and put up with my whining - the best way to learn UNIX is
apprenticeship it seems (the guild system alive and well?).

To close off this lofty and drab introduction, I'd like to offer ceremonial
gold stars for cooperation and UNIX knowhow to Gollum, without whom I would
probably be hanging out in #esperanto. Thanks also to Puzzling Evidence, who
although by his own admission "UNIX dumb" managed to find out a hell of a lot
and write a damn good article about it before I was even a sparkle in the
great big Computing Services martini.  Stingray also gets some honorable
mention for his general smarts in UNIX nastiness.

        // 2.0 UNIX from DOS in ten minutes or your money back //

2.1 Logging in and Logging out

You begin here.

There are two obvious ways of getting onto a system to log in - one is by
using an ever-so-stylish terminal, and the other is by actually phoning in
from home using communications software.  There are usually machine-specific
ways of doing each (wake-up commands for the terminals, and wierd tripped out
modem settings like 9600 7O1) which you will have to find out from whoever
gave (stole?) you an account.

When you do finally get connected to the UNIX system, you will see a header
resembling this:

SunOS UNIX (systemid)


The login: prompt is the infamous hallmark of a UNIX system.  You will have
a user id which can be up to 8 characters and which is typed entirely in
lower case.  This is often your first initial followed by your last name (or
the first seven letters of it).  Once you have entered a login id, regarldess
of whether it is right or wrong, you will see the prompt


and you must enter a password.  This is case sensitive (as is everything in
UNIX) and not echoed as you type.  Assuming you get everything right, you
should be rewarded with the login message; if you screw something up then
you'll end up seeing the rather unpleasent

Login incorrect


and you'll get to try again. Most systems get tired of you after four or five
attempts and will drop the connection with a curt "too many attempts / bye".

Once you've gotten past the login part, the UNIX system will automatically
display any prominent bulletins from the administration (these are
stored in the file /etc/motd if you ever need to see them again), and then
proceeds to log you in according to the settings you have recorded in your
.cshrc and .login scripts (these are usually preset for you, but you may want
to play with them and customize things.  More on this later - see section 3.2).
You may be asked to enter your terminal type (vt100 or vt220 are often the
standards) while this process takes place, and you may be notified of any new
news in the newsgroups you are subscribed to, along with any mail you have
waiting.  If all goes well you will either end up in the shell - your command

UNIX comes with two default shells: the bourne shell (prompt is a dollar
sign, '$') and the C Shell (prompt is a percent sign, '%').  On all the
systems I've used, the C shell has been the default.  Often the prompt also
includes the name of the machine (but not the current directory, like a $p$g
in DOS).  Most systems also have the "tcsh" shell, which is an advanced
version of the C-Shell with some nifty features.  More on using that

From here, you are free to explore with any of the topics mentioned
elsewhere.  Keep in mind that when you want to quit, just type 'logout' to
logoff the system.

To change your password at any time, simply enter the command, "passwd" at the
prompt.  UNIX will ask you to type your old password, and if you get it right
you will be able to enter a new one (you will also be asked to type it again
for verification).

2.2 Basic File Manipulation

Here I'll basically tell you the equivalents of your favourite DOS commands.
To get full (but alas totally incomprehensible) help on ANY UNIX command, type

man [command]

man stands for the UNIX online manual.

*Command: ls		In DOS:	dir
In UNIX, ls (a prophetic abbreviation for LiSt files) will list the files in
the current directory.  Simply typing ls will give you a terse listing of
filenames only (a lot like a dir /w).  By default, UNIX does not display any
file beginning with a  period "." character (this is used so you don't have
to see administrative files every time you do an ls command.)  Typing ls -a
will show ALL files, including these hidden files.  Typing ls -l will display
a listing in a long format, more similar to a normal DOS dir command.
You can combine these options: ls -al will list all files, in long format.
A useful additive is ls -F; this will mark all direcotires with a
trailing slash (eg:  dirname/ ) in an ls listing.  this is a faster way
of identifying directories than using ls -l.

*Command: pwd           In DOS: cd with no arguments
pwd stands for "print working directory".  This is the best way to find out
where in the hell you are.  It's quite easy to get lost on a mainframe system
when changing directories raplidly; pwd will tell you what directory you are
in by displaying the path from the root)
You start in your Home Directory - this is your personal space to put Stuff.
You can get info about your privelages by using the du and quota commands:

*Command: du		In DOS: No equivalent
du will simply tell you how much disk space the files in the current directory
are taking up.  It's handy to let you know where all your home directory space
has gone.

*Command: quota		In DOS: No equivalent
Use the command:

quota -v

to get information on your space restrictions.  you will usually be shown how
much space you were given, and your maximum limit (usually you are allowed to
go over by 100K or so, but you get nasty messages if you keep this much Stuff
in your directory.  If you go over the limit, you will not be allowed to save
any more Stuff.

*Command: cd		In DOS: cd / chdir
cd is the basic method of changing directories.  Like in DOS, a single period
'.' stands for the current directory (and can be used as a command argument)
and a double period '..' stands for the parent directory (one level up).
Unlike DOS, diretories in a path are seperated with FORWARD not backward
slashes.  This will drive you absolutely nuts every time you shell to DOS
from your communication program and try to change directories.  Furthermore,
in UNIX, you have one extra symbol you can stick in a path.  The tilde
character (~) stands for your home directory - this is very useful in a huge
file structure such as you often find on mainframe systems.
Examples:  cd ~/mystuff/textdir
	   cd ../../incoming

*Command: cp		In DOS: copy
cp is equivalent to the DOS copy command.  The only difference is that you
MUST use two arguments: cp f1 f2  ; you cannot just leave off the second one
and expect UNIX to default to the current directory.  (to achieve this you
just use '.').  Thus, you cannot type 'cp News/rec.arts' and expect that
file to pop into your current directory - you'd have to type one of the
	cp News/rec.arts .
	cp News/rec.arts rec.arts
	cp News/rec.arts newname
This command also brings us to the topic of the * wildcard character.  UNIX
is quite a bit more versatile than DOS here - you can use a * parameter by
itself to indicate you want all files, or even take a *.txt for example,
which will even allow you to get files like this_has_a-longName.txt.

*Command: mv		In DOS: ren (well, sort of)
The mv command moves the first file argument to the second file argument.
You can use this to rename files, or to move them around.  Just like the
cp command, you MUST use two arguments.

*Command: rm		In DOS: del or erase
The rm command will ReMove a file.  There is no warning before it does it and
it's pretty much irreversable (Central Point Undelete can't help you now that
you've left Kansas). Even more annoying, you can type rm * and kill EVERYTHING
very quickly without an 'Are you sure' prompt.  It is sometimes a good idea
to call rm with the -i switch so that it confirms each deletion seperately.
It is actually an even better idea to alias it to always use the -i switch -
see section 3.1.  You can remove a DIRECTORY and all its contents (no
verification) by using rm -r [dirname].

*Command: mkdir	In DOS: md or mkdir
mkdir functions the same as in DOS - it creates a subdirectory in the current

*Command: rmdir		In DOS: rd or rmdir
rmdir will remove an EMPTY directory, the same as the equivalent DOS
command.  Similarly, if there are still files in the directory rmdir will
display an error message.  Use rm with the -r switch to remove a directory
and contents.

*Command: cat		In DOS: type
the cat command will display the contents of a file to the screen with no
formatting and no pauses - it functions exactly the same as the DOS type
command.  Similarly in DOS and UNIX, if you try to display the contents of a
binary file you may get unpredicatble results and you probably won't get to
see the whole file contents.  Cat is often used in conjunction with the UNIX
pipe and redirection commnands.  These commands exist in DOS where they are
seldom used; in UNIX they're extremely useful and you will want to use them a

*Command: >, <, |  In DOS: <,>,| - file redirection and pipes
You can send the output of a command to a file by using the redirect output
(greater-than sign, '>') command.  For example, you can crudely copy a file
by using this command:

cat [file1] > [file2].

(This is useful when you have read permissions to a file but not exec
permissions and you can't copy it  with the cp command but can display it
with cat).  Similarly, you can redirect the input to make it a file rather
than the  'standard input'.  This is done with the input redirection (less
than sign,'<') command.  For example, you could issue the command:

ed /etc/passwd <rootscript >newpsswd

Which would run ed on the /etc/passwd file, issuing the commands as you have
typed them into the file rootscript, and then output any messages to newpsswd.

Using the symbol '>>' will append to the destination file rather than
overwriting it as you would with '>'.  So you can:

crack <passwd >>valids

You get the idea...

The pipe command "|" allows you connect the output from one program to the
input of another.  For example:

ls -al | stripblanks >>outfile

would run the executable 'stripblanks' with its input as the output of the
'ls -al' command, and the output from stripblanks is appended to the file

*Command: grep		In DOS: No equivalent
grep is a useful command that lets you pick needles out of haystacks.  The
syntax is:

grep [<">pattern<">] [filename]

You type a pattern to search for (use quotation marks around it if it
contains any spaces) and a filename and grep will dispaly all the LINES in
filename that contain the pattern.  For example,

grep root /etc/utmp

Will find and display all lines with the pattern "root" in the file /etc/utmp.
Using grep on a binary file can have unpredictable results.  grep is
especially useful for files where one record takes up one line - it allows
you to quickly get the information you need.

*Command: history	In DOS: No equivalent
History allows you to see what the past 10 commands (10 by default) that you
typed are.  Each command is numbered although the system usually saves only
the last 10.  You can turn off this saving of commands by using set history=0
(this is not available on BSD UNIX, but you can delete any incriminating
history files by deleting the .history file in your home directory).  You can
also opt to keep more or less than 10 commands using the set history= command.

*Command: !		In DOS: F3 and F1 do a little of this
Typing !! will repeat the last command verbatim, like using F3 in DOS.  You
can also type !23 and get command 23 (as it is shown in history) repeated.
Or you can even type !gre and the last command with the pattern 'gre' in it
(most likely a grep command) will be repeated.

With just those simple commands, you are able to perform most of the file
manipulation you will need.

2.3 The manic man command

Invaraibly, you will reach the point where you will want to know more 
than is found in this file.  Or, you will ask someone for help on 
something, and they will say something to the order of:

   Just see vi(5) and blah blah blah blah.

In UNIX, the entire manual is online for you to use.  It's so absolutely 
huge that you would never want the whole thing (indeed, when you see 
printed copies they usually take up more kitchen counter space than June 
Cleaver had in her house).  When people refer to programs as progname(#) 
they are actually dropping you an estoeric UNIX hint about getting more 
information.  The number in brackets is the section of the UNIX manual 
(there are less than ten of these volumous beasts, I believe) which has 
the information they are referring to.  To get that information you can 
usually just type

man progname

In some cases, you will want to search in another section than what
pops up - in this case just add the section number:

man vi 5

or something to that effect.  When you are reading the man pages, you 
will probably be in either the "more" or "less" viewer programs.  You 
can move around in these with the following keys:

Key:     Action:
----     -------
(space)  Next page
(enter)  Next line
g        Beginning of file
G        End of file
n        Next Page
b        Previous Page
/sometxt Search for the next occurrence of "sometxt" (hit Enter to start 
         the search).

With a little luck and some intuition, you can wade through the man 
pages and find what you are after.  Keep in mind that they are complete 
technical specifications for the commands, and are not necessarily 
written to be easily understood.  Rather, they just list all the options 
and blurb about the item in question in as much technical jargon as 
possible.  Should you really need to pore over it, you might want to 
pipe the manual into a file:

man more > more.man

This will create a file called "more.man" in the current directory, 
which contains the manual pages for the command more(1).

2.3 Reaching Nirvanna through ed(1) - Text Manipulation

One of the chief commoddities that you'll be getting your grubbly little
hands on using UNIX is information.  You need a method to keep all this
Stuff, hence text manipulation.  I'll go over creating a file first, so you
can have your very own to look at.  The easiest way to create a text file is
through ed(1).  If you liked EDLIN, you'll love ed at your prompt, type:

ed [filename]

If [filename] is a new file you'll be told so, and then be left waiting.
typing 'a' allows you to start adding to the file (though no indication is
given that you have done so.)  Type away and then when you're finished
enter a single period on a line by itself to end the input.  Now you can type
one of the following commands:
w - write to disk
q - exit - if you haven't saved a ? is printed and you are given salvation
p - list current line
1,$p - list first to last line ($ = the last line)

More archaic commands are available; see man ed for more help.

If this form of torture isn't entirely your scene then there is a much
friendlier text editor available named vi (for Visual Editor), which you will
immediately hate.  But given time you will really get to like it.  Call vi by
typing vi [filename] and a nice screen will pop up with tilde marks down the
left side and 'filename [New File] mm/dd/yy' at the top.  Now, I realise
that there must be SOME vi help SOMEWHERE, but I can't find it.  So
here's a rough guideline to using it.

vi has three modes that you might be in.  For lack of some wierd-ass
UNIX abbreviations for them, I've made my own names for them.  You start
out in VISUAL editor mode, and can go to INSERT mode or COMMAND mode.

If you "vi newfile" or some unexisting file, you will see a bunch of
tildes down the left hand side of the screen and that is it.  to
actually start typing (ie to move from VISUAL mode to INSERT mode), you
must choose the insert command, or "i".  You can also choose "a" which
does the same thing, but moves you ONE CHARACTER right before adding
text.  You can't move further left than where you started either (to,
for example, correct a mistake you just noticed earlier in the line).

However, once in INSERT mode you can just type normally.  When you want
to move around, or do some editing, or something, you'll want to move
back to VISUAL mode.  Do this by hitting [ESC].  Now, you can move
around with the movement keys:
j = one char left, k = one char right, k = one char up, l = one char down.

Or, you can delete a character in front of the current cursor position:
x = delete one character
dd = delete entire line (analagous to Ctrl-Y in wordstar)

You can also move up a page:
b = go back one page
n = go to next page
g = go to start of docuemnt
G = go to end of document

You can also repeat commands by typing a number first.  So for example,
typing 10dd will delete the next 10 lines.  typing 50j will move left
fifty characters.

Once you have everything edited and looking good, you'll want to save.
Go to COMMAND mode by hitting Q (must be upper case) from VISUAL mode
(and you will have to do [ESC]Q from INSERT mode).

You will see a prompt (a colon) pop up at the bottom of the screen and
the cursor will go there. At this point you are basically in ed(1)
again.  You can use the "w" command to write the file, then the "q" to
quit... or you can quit without changing by doing a "quit!" (it forces
you to do this if you haven't saved).  If you messed up and want to go
back to VISUAL mode from command mode, just enter the command "vi".
Many other commands are available but those are enough to get you by
on a day to day basis.  With vi, practice definitely makes perfect.

There is also a quicker way to get to command mode, but it returns you 
right back into visual mode when you have entered each command.  From 
visual mode, just type a colon ":" and the colon will appear, then type 
the command and ENTER.  Once it has executed you are back in visual 
mode.  This is faster in a lot of cases.

There is one more ESSENTIAL command for happy vi'ing.  It's the undo
command, "u".  You can use the "u" command from VISUAL mode any time
you like to undo the last editing action.  Using it a second time will
re-do the last edit action.

2.4	Intra-system communication

UNIX is designed as a multi-user operating system.  Thus the chances of only
one person being logged on the system at the same time are quite slim; in
large mainframes there are often well over 20 people logged in at once, even
during off hours.   UNIX allows you, using a number of built-in functions, to
communicate with and annoy these people freely.  This is extremely useful for
getting information in a hurry.  Coffee Talk thrives under UNIX.

*Command: who
The who command will tell you who is logged into the system.  You are given
two fields of information about each user.  Their login id is shown, and the
port that they are logged in from (called a tty - usually of the form ttyxx
where xx can be any combination of letters and numbers).  Try this command
now.  Usually there will be an operator logged in always, regardless of who
is on the system - this is just an account that stays open all the time and
should cause you no sudden paranoia.

The next thing we will want to do is commuinicate with these people.  If
there's someone you know (or you can even do this to yourself, it will work
fine) then write them a note:

*Command: write
At your shell prompt, use 'write [userid]' to write another user.  They will
hear a beep, and on their screen they will see:


Followed by each line of text you type, as soon as you finish typing it.
When you've finished your message, you can hit CTRL-D to finish - the person
you were writing to will see 'EOF' on their screen.

You can also pipe and redirect things into the input of a write function -
thus you can type a notice and:

write auser <notice.txt

I have a program called banner which just makes a large banner of the argument
(in big friendly letters).  I often greet people with this command:

banner Good Morning! | write auser

If a user is logged on more than once, you will see a message:

User auser logged on more than once - writing to ttyxx

If for some reason they aren't responding you can try another tty - simply
add which tty you want to write to after the command (don't include the
'tty').  For example, to write to user jblow on ttyie:

write jblow ttyie

Sometimes write will tell you:

Cannot write to ttyxx - Permission denied.

This means that the person has turned off their messages and obviously
doesn't want to be disturbed by people writing them.

*Commmand: mesg
mesg controls whether your messages are on or off.  The default is to have
them on so that people can write you; you can turn them off however by
issuing the command:

mesg n

Or turn them on using

mesg y

Typing 'mesg' with no aruments will tell you what the current setting is.

You can find out whether a person's messages are on or off, and a lot more
useful information by using the finger command.

*Command: finger
finger is one of the most useful UNIX commands you will encounter.  Sometimes
versions of finger vary depending on your system; but on most new System V
and BSD UNIX systems the format is exactly the same.  Finger is like an
extended who, which also allows you to get specific information on a user.

for example, you could type

finger jblow

and get the following:
[blah blah blah]

You are given the user's login id, message status (if messages are off you
are told so), time of login, idle time (time since user last entered a
command), when the mail was last read, the contents of the user's ~/.plan
and ~/.project files, and the user's full name.

The .project and .plan information is specified by creating files in your
home directory named .project and .plan respectively.  Note that only the
first line of the .project file is shown.  Some serious anal-retentive people
use this for its intended purpose, but most people put a friendly or silly
greeting in there (really dumb people provide you with their home address
and telephone number... heh heh heh).

Whoever set up your account most likely entered your full name in the "In
real life:" field - you can in fact change this to whatever you like using

*Command: chfn
chfn (for CHange Full Name), allows you to change the contents of the "In real
life" field when someone fingers you.  Just enter 'chfn' at the prompt and
you will be asked for a new full name - as your last name is given by your
id in most cases, lots of people stick their first name in here (It's not
kosher to call yourself Adolf Hitler on UNIX systems, by the way).

*Command: talk
When you tire of the akwardness of the write command, you might want to try
the talk command.  This bascially allows you to chat to another user in a
nice split-screen chat mode; your typing goes on one half of the screen and
the person's that you're talking to goes on the other.  Talk is much more
sophisticated too in that it gently pages the user without just barging in on
their screen.  Attempt to talk to someone else by typing:

talk userid

And they will hear a beep and see this message:

You are being paged by jblow@machine.address.address
To respond type talk jblow@machine.address.address

Don't worry about the @ sign or the address information for now - I'll
explain that in the next section.  You can actually reply to someone on your
own system just by typing the userid - (you don't need the @ sign or the

While this is going on, the person who initiated the page is waiting in a
blank talk screen and getting a status report on how the paging is going.
When the person finally responds the top status line will say

[Connection Established]

and you can begin typing.  To stop talking use Ctrl-C to exit.

If you are talking to someone on your machine and they are logged in
more than once you can pick the tty to talk to (just like with write).
but this time, you use just the two letters at the end:

talk jblow i5

will talk to jblow on ttyi5.

*Command: mail
Using the mail command, you can send electronic mail to any user of the
system, and you can read any mail that you have waiting in your own mailbox.
Most sytems will notify you if you have mail when you log in.  To check your
mail box type:


If there is no mail for you you will be told so, otherwise the list of
subject lines, or headers, will appear on the screen.  Each message header
has a number and tells you who it's from, as well as the subject.  You can
then hit <enter> to start reading at the first message.
Like ed, mail has the concept of a current message - you can use any of the
mail editing commands and they will effect the current message, or you can
specify which message you want them to work on.  The commands are:

h 		- Redisplay the list of headers
d<#> 		- Delete message
r<#> 		- reply to message
s<#> <filename> - save message (it will save it to a file called mbox unless you type a
                  filename using 's filename')
q 		- quit and append all undeleted messages to the ~/mbox file
x 		- exit, leaving the messages pending in your incoming mailbox.

the mbox file is a file in your home directory where any mail that you don't
delete is kept.  You can go through and edit or delete this as you please;
it's a convenient place for storing mailings you want to keep for a while.

To mail another user, type:

mail userid

You will be prompted for a subject (which the other user will see in their
headers when they type mail).  Then you are free to type whatever you want in
the mailing and end it with a CTRL-D character.

If you mess up their userid the mail will eventually get returned to you and
you can save it in mbox or somewhere else, edit it and then try again.  In
chapter 4, I'll explain how to mail someone anywhere in the world, assuming
you know their address.

If you are lucky, there is a program called "elm" on your system.  elm
is a much more advanced mailing system then the default mail(1), and
allows you to quote in your replies and use vi to write them etc.  Find
out by just typing "elm" (it will be in the path if it's there) or if
you suspect it's around but not in the path then talk to the
administration on your system and bug them about it.

2.5 Multitasking without L.S.D.

Multitasking on UNIX is extremely useful and very easy to do.  Each 'thing'
you have running on the system is called a process or job.  The shell which
you use to enter commands is a job which is always running; when it ends
you are logged out of the system.

*Command: jobs
To find out what jobs you have running, type the command:


from the shell.  A list of all jobs currently running (each one with its own
number) is shown.  Initially all you will see is your shell.

You get out of a job and back to the shell (where you can start new jobs) by
using the CTRL-Z hotkey.  When you CTRL-Z a process its exectution is
suspended, and UNIX issues the message


and you are returned to the command prompt.  Try this - look up something in
the manual by typing:

man talk

and wait until the screen appears, then hit CTRL-Z.  You will be returned to
the shell. Typing 'jobs' shows you that, sure enough, process number two is
man talk, and that the job is currently stopped.  There will also be a '+'
symbox next to it, meaning simply that this is the CURRENT job.  The csh job
will most likely have a '-' symbol next to it, indicating that it is the

You control which job you're seeing on the screen using the fg command.

*Command: fg
fg will put a specified job in the foreground.  To put the job listed as
CURRENT (+) in jobs into the foreground, type fg %.  The job resumes
execution from where you stopped it.  To put a specific job in the foreground
by number, use fg %n where n is the number of the job.

You can also keep processes running in the background while you do ohter
things - this is achieved using the bg command.

*Command: bg
bg will place a specified job (use %n or %) into the background and continue
its execution.  Note that if this job decides it's going to output to the
screen it will display right over whatever you are doing in the foreground.
You can avoid this by redirecting the output using > when you start the
process. This can be very chicken-and-egg if you don't know that you're going
to stick it in the background when you start though; most times it's not
really worth the hassle.

When a process finishes execution and exits while still in the background you
will be notified by UNIX that it has finished.

*Command: &
Using an ampersand '&' after a command line will automatically put that job
in the background.  So, for example, you could type:

crack /etc/passwd >validfile &

and that process would begin running in the background, piping its output to
validfile and allowing you to go on and play with other things.

*Command: ps
ps, another wizard abbreviation for ProceSs will give you the processes (n‚e
jobs) that you have running on the system (even ones you started from a 
different terminal when you're logged on more than once).  You are given four
columns of information, left to right.  These are the pid, the tty it was
started from, the CPU time it has used to far, and what the process is.

You can be nosy and see ALL the processes running on the system if you like.
This lets you know what other people are doing, and you can even find out
some interesting information from doing this sometimes.  Use the -a switch.
If you see something that interests you and you want to see who is running it
you can easily find out using 'who' - just match up the tty.  Alternatively,
you can get sophisticated and use grep.  For example:

who | grep ttyie

will tell you who is on ttyie. Or you could

ps -a | grep talk

to find out which tty's are using the talk command right now.

ps displays information for active (doing something) processes only.  To see
a list of inactive (stopped) processes that you have, use the -x switch.
This is useful for when your terminal freezes and you get stuck on the
system.  Sometimes even dropping carrier on a modem won't terimate the
session.  To do this properly, or to kill a process you don't want quickly,
use the kill command (you have to log in from a different tty to do this.)

*Command: w
w is a much eaiser way than using the "ps -a | grep" combination of
finding out what people are doing.  typing "w" by itself tells you all
the userids on the system and what they are up to.  You can also

w jblow

to see what he is up to.  The only setback with w is that it only shows
the top command that a user is doing.  So for instance, you can hide
what you are doing from a "w" by doing something like this:

write root <fuckyoufile& ; rn

and w would only show you as using "rn".  This doesn't make the above
method safe at all, by the way, for hiding what you are doing - try it 
sometime by putting lots of commands going and then doing a "ps -a".
It's a hurrendously bad idea.

*Command: kill
The easiest way to use "kill" is to list your jobs with the "jobs"
command, and then kill the one you want by typing, for example,

     % kill %3

to kill job 3.  Sometimes you need to kill a defunct login shell or
something else you have started that isn't listed in the "jobs" listing.
In this case, type "ps" to see the process listing for your login, and
if that STILL doesn't have what you want to kill, the process you're
looking for is idle or defunct.  Type "ps -x" to show ALL processes,
even those inactive ones you've started.  Write down the pid you want.

kill [pid] will kill the process with the specified pid.  If you are trying
to kill an incative process, use the -9 switch as well:

kill -9 12746

will kill the inactive process with pid 12746.

If you're killing an inactive shell (ie. a stuck shell) make sure you don't
mess up and kill the current one - that will just log you out.  You can usually
tell the difference by looking at the pid's - pids are simply handed out in
order and so the shell with the closest pid to the ps -a command is the one 
that you're currently using; kill the other one.  (One of these kids is not 
like the other one/ one of these kids is doing his own thing...)

2.6 Security - file permissions and chmod

Every file in the UNIX operating system has privelages associated with it.
These are grouped into three categories:  owner, group, and all.  You can set
the access on a file to different levels for each of these.  When you do an
'ls -l' command, you are given the access privelages of each file.  Here's
what the fields mean:

drwxrwxrwx filename ...
||||||||||------ Execute by all (if a directory, execute controls "cd" access)
|||||||||------- Write (alter) by all (or write into a directory)
||||||||-------- Read by all
|||||||--------- Execute by group
||||||---------- Write by group
|||||----------- Read by group
||||------------ Execute by owner
|||------------- Write by owner
||-------------- Read by owner
|--------------- File is a directory

When you see these letters it means that the attribute is set (ie. the access
is available).  When these attirbutes are cleared, a dash (-) appears in
their place.  For example, You might set a private text file to read and
write by owner only, and no other permissions.  Its ls -l attributes would
look like:

-rw------- filename

Or you might give read and execute access to everyone, and read, write, and
execute access to yourself:

-rwxr-xr-x filename

And so on.

You actually set these parameters using the chmod command.

*Command: chmod
The syntax of the chmod command is as follows:

chmod xxx filename

Where xxx is a three digit number describing the files permissions.  The
first column of the number represents owner permisssions, the second group
permissions, and the third 'all' permissions.  You get the digit to place in
each by adding the attributes you want:
1 - execute
2 - read
4 - write

Examples are the easiest way to illustrate this concept:

chmod 600 myfile will make the file read and write only, for the owner only.
-rw------- myfile

chmod 777 afile will make the file read, write, and execute for all users:
-rwxrwxrwx afile

chmod 733 thefile will give the situation above, where all users can read and
execute, but only you can write:
-rwxr-xr-x thefile

Understanding chmod is quite important if you want to be able to keep your
Stuff secure.  You can do away with the worry by just chmod 700'ing your home
directory and then ignoring it forever more; this way no one can get in there
to look around (although you will want to chmod 700 any subdirectories you
make as well).

And so there you have it; the compelte ten minute guide to UNIX.  With the
information in this chapter you're quite able to start playing around and
exploring your system.  The next chapter goes into some more advanced things
you can do locally, including attempting to find youself another account to
work from if you are going to be doing anything you shouldn't.

              // 3.0 Playtime on your local system. //

3.1 Aliasing Commands

By now you are probably already pissed off with some stupid UNIX
commands, thinking "that could be a lot shorter if I could just type
THIS..." or "I can't type and hate typing THAT...".

UNIX has an extra-funky command called "alias".  You may have seen this
concept before as a lot of people loved it and snagged it right away.
Anyways, here's some examples right off the bat:

alias fall finger rnixon llong root admin@csoffice

would make a command called "fall" that would do all that; a quick way
to finger all the people you're interested in.

alias copy cp

will make every occurence of "copy" mean "cp".  You can effectively
alias UNIX to be the same as DOS.  (Why you'd want to is utterly beyond

alias fp setenv FSP_PORT

in FSP (covered later) you sometimes have to issue a command like this:

setenv FSP_PORT 6667

After the 20th time this gets annoying.  So this is an example of how to
use alias to abbreviate commonly used commands.  After that other alias
you just type

fp 6667

to accomplish the same thing.

Typing alias with no arguments gives a list of your current aliases.
You can remove one of them by typing "unalias fp" or whatever it is you
want to unalias.

One more note - when you logout your aliases are lost.  To keep them
permanently, use vi to add them to your .cshrc file.... (the .cshrc is
preferred to teh .login as the .login should not contain any c-shell
commands (alias is one)).  An EXCELLENT few aliases to add to your
.cshrc are the following:

     alias rm rm -i
     alias mv mv -i
     alias cp cp -i
     alias ls ls -F

These make UNIX ask you before it deletes or overwrites a file (there's
no undelete whatsoever, so this is a good idea), and shows directories
in "ls" listings with a trailing slash.

3.2 Shell Scripts (inc. ~/.*)

Shell scripts in UNIX accomplish the same thing as batch files in DOS.
They can be a lot more advanced with that; the UNIX shell is actually a
very powerful programming language with just about every feature you
would want in most cases... however, for most users you very rarely even
look at shell scripts.

The much-mentioned .login and .cshrc and .logout files are all shell
scripts that reside in your home directory.   When you log on, the
system just runs them.  They are the same thing as AUTOEXEC.BAT in DOS,

To run a script you have prepared yourself, or to just run one of your
login scripts or whatever, you type

source script

where script is the name of the script you want to run.  You CAN make
scripts that are run by just typing their name; to do so you must make
them executable using chmod.

What about arguments to scripts?  You may well want to write a quick
script that will make it quick to do a task.
In DOS, to refer to the first argument in a batch file you use
%1.  Or to refer to the second it's %2.  UNIX is the same, with a dollar
sign:  $1 is the first argument, $2 the second, etc.  Also, $0 returns
the number of arguments that were passed.

Lots of good books on shell programming are available (usually cheap--
who the hell wants to learn about SHELL PROGRAMMING anyways?) if you
want to go gung ho in this area.  It can really pay off if you use UNIX
a lot.

3.3 Changing your default shell, and the tcsh shell

Sometimes you will want to change your default shell... usually if you
are moving up to a newer one or some wierd client program or something.
The command for this is "chsh", but you need to know the full path of
the shell you are changing to.  The best way to do this is to finger
someone else who is using it; the full pathname is shown in that

If you have the tcsh available on your system, I'd definitely recommend
using it, for two main reasons:  Command line editing and filename

What and what?

In tcsh you can go back to your last command just by hitting the up
arrow.  You can move around in them using left and right arrows and edit
them.   This is referred to as Command Line Editing.

Too lazy to type the name of "this.is.a.long.bloody.file^Lwith.wierd.
control.^G^Gcharacters.in.it" every time you want to cat the damn thing?
In tcsh just type the first few letters and hit TAB - it will complete
the filename.  If that's not the right one (ie you did not enter a
unique pattern) then hit TAB again until it's right.
A trailing slash character ("/") will let you know it is filename
completing - this will not effect the command so don't try to get rid of
it and get yourself a nice headache...

3.4 Causing mindless havoc through write and other childish tricks

Really want to annoy someone?  Just write them the (usually several
megabytes) /var/adm/lastlog file.

There are ENDLESS childish tricks that work great on a UNIX system to
annoy people.  I don't really have time to delve into any of them,
rather I included this section to let you know that they exist.  So if
someone flames you or annoys you, worry not; revenge is just a few
keystrokes away.

Some thing to experiment with are the "batch" and "at" commands - they
let you do things when you aren't logged in (and wreak all sorts of
havoc).  But beware -- all of this activity is logged.

You may, in your exploring, come across how to use the "su" command to
switch between accounts with the same password.  EVERY su USE IS LOGGED!
I just included this as I know someone who nearly got himself in a lot
of trouble by su'ing between two accounts and not realising that it was
logged every time.  This is a good lesson - when you ARE breaking the
rules, especially if you are causing havoc, make damn sure you're not
getting entries with your id in the user logs (look in the /var/adm
directory for these and grep them frequently).

I will include my favourite trick here, as it's just so damn funny.  
Find someone logged onto an account which you have access to.  Then log 
quietly in as that account, and "w" them, finding out which tty they are 
on.  Suppose for the sake of argument they are on ttyi5.  Because you 
are logged in as that person, you have write access to their /dev/ttyi5 
file. This file controls all the output that appears on their terminal - 
programs just append directly to it and that appears on their screen.  
Imagine the possibilities!  The next thing to do is make up a fake 
message using cat:

%cat >fakemsg
^G^GMessage from root on ttya0 at 08:23

You have been found in violation of system security!  Your telephone
number has been logged and the police will arrive shortly.  Do not 
attempt to escape.

%cat fakemsg >>/dev/ttyi5
%rm fakemsg

See what this does?  As far as they know, they are receiving a genuine 
write (as it couldn't be from anyone else, could it? 8).  There are lots 
of fun things to do along these lines.

3.5 The importance of being Earnest (hiding what you are doing)

One of the double-edged blades of UNIX is that everyone can see what
everyone else is doing.  This is great if you're snooping someone else
but awful if you are trying to hide what you are doing.  Fear not,
however, with a couple very simple tricks, you can hide virtually
ANYTHING you are doing.

The logical idea is to make it look like you are running something
benign.  For example, I use an Internet-Relay-Chat client that I have
compiled on my system.  As the administration there is
super-anal-retentive, I doubt they'd approve.  So instead of having
"irc" on my process list, I have "rn".  How?  Easy - I just rename the
irc command to "rn" with a "mv".

But that by itself doesn't work - you try it, type rn and will find
yourself in the news reader.  (this is intentional I think).

The reason for this lies in how UNIX finds commnands and puts them onto
the process list.  Every time you run a command, whatever you typed is
added with various other information to the process list to be run by
the system.  While it is executing others can peek and see what you are
doing with a "w" or "ps -a" command.  You can hide from "w"'s by putting
a benign command on the end and using a semicolon (as I described
earlier) but I would discourage this as soon someone will come along who
is not brain dead and will catch you.

UNIX finds commands (like DOS) by following the PATH variable, which is
defined at startup time in your .login or .cshrc (usually this one)
script.  The reason I am mentioning this at all is this:
UNIX will NOT look in the current directory first then hunt the path; it
follows the path directly.  If you look in your .cshrc, you will most
likely find the path statement, looking something like this:

set PATH=( /usr/yourid/bin /bin /usr/ucb/bin [etc etc etc] . )

Note the period at the end.  This means your current directory is
searched LAST.  In order to fake commands, you need to move this period
to the front of the path statement (use vi) so that commands in the
current directory are executed FIRST.
Your new path would be

set PATH=( . /usr/yourid/bin /bin /usr/ucb/bin [etc etc etc] )

Now, you can execute commands you have renamed and have them run.  It
was of course possible before by typing "./rn", but then that shows up
on the process list and anyone with any UNIX-know-how will realise you
are doing a lousy job of faking the command; your downfall will be

Once you have fixed your path then you can safely make all sorts of
renamed commands.  I even rename my telnet command so no one knows I'm
even logged onto another system (again, the admin at my location is very
anal about telnet use, so I just hide it).

This procedure is basically foolproof, unless someone finds this "rn"
program of yours.  The best strategy at this point is to give up
sheepishly.  Thus it's a good idea to delete it every time and remake it
when you need it.  This is hard for a client or something but easy if
you are just stealing a system command like telnet.

A note on symbolic links - you may have someone reveal to you another 
method, called "symbolic linking".  In UNIX you can make a file "point" 
to another file.  For instance, you could do the following from your 
home directory:

%ln -s /usr/ucb/telnet rn

This would make a file as such:

lrwxrwxrwx 0 Blah blah rn -> /usr/ucb/telnet

Which (note the first "l" there) is a SYMBOLIC LINK to the 
/usr/ucb/telnet file.  Then when you type "rn", telnet would be run and 
"rn" would appear on your process-id line.  HOWEVER, if one is to do a 
"ps -x" it shows that you are really just using a symbolic link.  The 
administrators at your site no doubt know this so it's not an advisable 
method to use, even if it does save you the space of creating another 
copy of the program you are trying to hide (as symbolic links are 0 
bytes big).  If you are really pushed for space, use a directory off 
"/tmp" or something.  Be sure to chmod 700 it though or anyone could 
look in!

3.6 cat /etc/passwd > ~/lab7.h

What does that mean?  It's the quintisential idea around which password
snagging and UNIX account hacking is built.  The first time you try to
copy the /etc/passwd file to hack it, you will get a "permission
denied" message.  NO problem... on UNIX you must have read permission to
this (though I have seen systems where this ain't so, so you may well be
screwed either way) file.  You get a look at it by "cat"ing it and
piping the output to whatever file you like.

This is the first step in stealing passwords.  There is an art to doing
this.  I'll include a brief explanation of how and why this is done, the
rest is up to you.

UNIX is designed so that once your password is saved and encrypted, it
is IMPOSSIBLE to unencrypt it.  I mean this.  Not a fucking

So what happens when you log in?  In the /etc/passwd file, UNIX stores a
des-encrypted version of your password that is not decryptable.  When
you type your password UNIX encrypts this version and compares the two
encrypted versions; if they match you got it right, otherwise you get a
"login incorrect".

The loophole is that this encryption method is readily available and
there is nothing to stop people like YOU snagging a copy of this file,
as described above, and monkey/teletyping every possible word into every
possible account until they are all matched up and cracked.  You use
common sense of course; running a dictionary file of 115000 words or so
into a normal passwd file will net you some accounts in under a minute
usually.  I (and I'm sure others too) have developed special methods for
cracking unused accounts on systems (nice as you can mail etc and relax
a bit).

Anyways, there are numerous and deservedly hard to get your hands on
programs to do this.  I stand religiously by Dr. Dissector's Killer
Crakcer (I use v9.11), but there are lots others.  KC is good as I have
an MS-DOS compiled one.  The big one used by system administrators to
catch stupid people and bitch them out for easy-to-crack passwords is
called (suprisingly enough) Crack.  The verison I have seen run is Crack
4.1 but newer versions may be around.  I don't know of anyone who ever
got Crack to compile on a PC, but I do have a friend who made it work on
a couple of NeXT machines.  It flew.

If you are trying to crack a new system and are totally stuck for
passwords and a word file, just feed it the userids.  On any system I
guarantee at least two users are dumb enough to actually use their
userid for their password, thinking no one will ever guess that THEY
did.  They don't realise, obviously, that anyone can do what we're
discussing here and catch them real quick.  They're also so dumb I think
they deserve to have their accounts stolen.

So how to you avoid having someone hack your account?  Easy.  Because
people approaching this massive task are going to use dictionary files
and things like that, you can immediately make yourself safe by using
a nonsense word.  Spell it backwards.  Make it upper/lower case. Even
include control characters (^G's and ^L's etc) if you want.  With a tiny
bit of imagination you can make the task of cracking your account jump
from mildly difficult to absolutely fucking impossible.

3.7 Security - a couple of cunning plans

We've talked about hiding your password and what you are doing, but how
about hiding data?

UNIX has a built in DES standard encryption program called "des".
However, on some systems you may find the facist fuckers have removed it
so they can snoop better, and also if you are outside of the U.S.A. you
will not have des(1) available for legal reasons.  (I found it on my
Canadian system as "d" - they just hid it and moved it outta the path).

Anyways, des is so remarkably crackable it's not really worth the
effort.  It's much better, considering disk quotas etc) to use a
compression program to do the work for you, or, if you have it,
PGP to conventionally RSA encrypt it.  You can even write your OWN
scheme which will do it very well.  I wrote a program that just
scrambled the first 1K of a .ZOO file (I did it in FORTRAN!) and that
worked awesome.  NO one would EVER know what kind of a file it was, and
the ZOO's structure was all in the first 1K, and there is no zipfix
utility for a .ZOO archive.  You see?  Nearly all systems have a
version of arc (creates .ARC files compatible with PKARC and PKXARC)
available.  This works great - just use the g switch.  create a password
protected archive with

arc agpassword filespec

or unpack it with

arc egpassword name.arc

Easy stuff.  You can also get super-technical if you are very very very
worried.  The most elaborate scheme I ever came up with was to take .zoo
files, which keep all their file allocation information in the first 1k,
and then just use a random access FORTRAN thingy to encrypt teh first
1k.  Then rename it to be a .tar file or .lzh or something to really
throw a wrench into the proverbial works.

Usually you don't need anything near this elaborate.  But renaming the
extension is super-handy for adding confusion.

What about mailbox security?

Currently, there is only one really good method of mailbox security, and 
for messages coming into you that aren't encrypted with it, you are SOL.

This is a genius piece of software named "PGP" for "Pretty Good 
Privacy".  It was written madly against new legislation in the U.S.A. 
which would have made ALL new encryption software have a 
government-accessable backdoor.  That means no more security for the 
common people.  However, PGP 1.0 was released just in time to beat this 
law, and then the authors had lots of time to improve it in the 2.x 
versions.  (As of this writing, the current version is 2.3A).

PGP uses an RSA encryption scheme, which is damn near impossible to 
crack, unlike the "goverment standard" DES algorithm, which is piss easy 
to crack by the government and other people with the computing power to 
waste.  At any rate, here's a brief yet confusing description of how PGP 
works, and an insight into its genius.

PGP uses what's called a keyring system.  This allows someone I've never 
met from across the world to send me private mail which only I can 
decrypt, although I've never even met her.  Similarly, I can be SURE 
that the mail has actually come from her and not from anyone else, 
having never met or talked to her either.

Each user has what is called a "public keyring" and a "private keyring".  
Your public key contains instructions on one-way RSA encrypting messages 
so that only YOU can decode them.  It's totally useless for 
decrypting messages.  Thus you make it readily available and lots of 
people take it and addit to their public keyring.  On your public 
keyring are the public keys of everyone you exchange mail with.  All of 
these are public knowledge and PGP is even clever enough to add keys 
automatically depending on how much you trust others on your keyring.
Your private keyring contains the key needed to decrypt the private mail 
to you.  This you take all pains to keep where no one can get their 
grubby hands on it.  Even if they do, however, they have to know your 
secret key phrase to unlock it, so you are really pretty safe keeping it 
on a big UNIX system.  The authors recommend keeping it only on your 
secure PC, however).

PGP is a truly excellent piece of software, and everyone should use it.  
You can find the latest version by ftping (see section 4.4 later) to
soda.berkeley.edu and looking in directory /pub/cypherpunks/pgp .

     // 4.0 Reach out and touch someone - playing with the Internet //

4.1 finger, talk, and mail to remote clients

The collection of computers (most are UNIX based) known as "the 
Internet" is the largest network in the world.  It was originally 
developed by the US Military as a network that would function after a 
nuclear strike; it's very decentralized so if part goes down the rest 
will survive.  However, this has led to its explosive growth to become 
the "cyberspace" of today.  The Internet is actually a collection of 
smaller networks - all sorts of things with names like BITNET, USENET, 
and many other animals.

From your internet account, you can receive mail from anyone else on the 
internet, anywhere in the world, for free, in a matter of minutes.  
Those who use email frequently refer to the old fashioned 
letter/envelope combination as "snail mail".  And indeed it is; if I 
mail someone in another country I'd be very irate to find out it took 
more than 1/2 hour for the mail to reach them through the Internet.

Just like in the real world, you have an "address" which people can use 
to send you mail, and to do other things (such as talk and finger you).
Your internet email address is totally unique - there is only one of you 
in the world.  Just like in the real world, sites are organized into 
countries, areas, etc.  The organization is logical rather than physical 
though, and may differ a bit.  Here is a typical email address of your 
typical San-Franciscan hipster cyberpunk white male:


Let's break this down into sections:

bsmith   @   well           .       sf         .    us    .    com

userid  at   machine name    sf=San Francisco      USA       "company"

When you are logged onto your machine, you will usually see its name 
before your prompt.  Were you on the Denver nyx sytsem you would see
nyx% before every command.  Unsurprisingly, nyx would be the "machine 
name" in the address.  There may be less or more fields in between the 
machine name and final "region" at the end of your address.  However, 
after a while you can quickly place an address in the world by its last 
region.  Here are some to watch out for:

.ca  - Canada
.edu - Educational institution (USA)
.com - Company (USA)
.uk  - United kingdom
.se  - Sweden
.fi  - Finland

You get the idea.  So, if you were to see the address:


and the Cleveland didn't give it away for you, you would definitely 
realise that you were talking to an educational institution in the USA 
from the .edu suffix.

Now we get to the actual meat of the discussion.  Let's say you want to 
mail your friend bsmith on the WELL system.  It's very easy to do:

% mail bsmith@well.sf.us.com

And then type your message.  In fact, you can finger him and even TALK 
him, right across the world, in the same manner.  It's just like on your 
local system:

% finger bsmith@well.sf.us.com

% talk rnixon@nyx.cs.du.edu


Now one problem remains... short of mailing someone else to have them 
tell you, how do you figure out your own email address?

It's easy - just mail yourself on your system:

mail userid

and type a test message.  Then wait five seconds, check your mail, and 
write down the complete email address it gives you in the From: field.

One more aside on this subject.  Sometimes people who don't have ftp on
their system (the UNIX file transfer protocol program), mail files back
and forth through Email.  Because internet email is only 7 bits, there
is no way that you can send a regular binary 8-bit file through and get
a good copy out the other end.  There's a remedy for this, however:  the
UNIX uuencode and uudecode programs.  These basically take a binary file
and convert it to 7 bit.  It makes a huger file, but it will go through
email (and can be viewed with the unix "cat" or the dos "type") just
fine.  If someone sends you a uuencoded file, you need to save all the
messages (often it's broken into parts to overcome a message length
restriction) and then edit it.  Remove all the blank lines and
concatenate the pieces (this is where the ">>" pipe comes in really
handy... always keep copies of everything so you don't bugger up your
only copy!) and then type

   %  uudecode file1.uu

where file1.uu is your final encoded file.  If all goes well your binary
will just appear a second later.

4.2 USEnet newsgroups

USEnet newsgroups are huge.  They are essentially just like FidoNet
newsgroups or any other newsgroups, but they are really really really
really really BIG.  Lots of people read them.  They are broken down into
two types; unmoderated and moderated.  In moderated newsgroups a
moderator must approve every post before it appears; unmoderated ones
operate on the anarchy principle.

Newgroups are named in a hierarchial way.  There are a number of
prefixes, such as

alt - "alternative" newsgroups, usually unmoderated.  Has wizzo groups
      like alt.sex.bondage.hamster.duct-tape
comp - Computer Science related newsgroups
rec  - "recreational" newsgroups.  These are more tame than the alt.
        groups.  Exmaples are rec.car.audo, rec.games.mud, rec.erotica.

You probably read newsgroups using the newsreader "rn".  Using rn
is pretty intuitive, so I'll let you struggle through it.  A hint
is to run it, and use "u" to get rid of newsgroups you hate, and
"g newsgroup" to change to and subscribe to a newsgroup.

hgwoeve,r you will probably find right away that you can't access a lot
of the groups.  Most places censor alt.* or at least alt.sex.* etc.
However, all is not lost, you can telnet to services like
nyx.cs.du.edu, or launchpad.unc.edu, or freenet-in-a.cwru.edu to get
full network news.  More on telnet in a second.

4.3 telnet and rlogin

telnet and rlogin will become some of your most used commands.  they
allow you to log into another system, ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD, that is
connected to the internet.  It's free, it's easy, it's often very very

To telnet to another system, type "telnet system.address.domain.etc".  To
rlogin to a system, you type "rlogin system.address.domain.etc."'

The difference between the two is that rlogin will try to log you in as
the user, and has less options you can set than telnet.  In most cases
you will want to use telnet over rlogin; there are occasinal times that
you will use rlogin (see "man rhosts" if you are really curious), but
there is one very good advantage to telnet.

You can IMPLICITLY (ie. not on the command line) specify the host to
connect to with telnet.  Consider, if you had typed this:

     rlogin hacked.system.somewhere

          or even

     telnet hacked.system.somewhere.

Someone doing a "w" or "ps -a" would see you doing just that.  Then
they might get nosey and finger that system, and see that you're not
logged on as yourself any more (hence a stolen account.  Sound the

You can, however, type:

% telnet
telnet> open hacked.system.somewhere
Connected to some.system.somewhere
Escape character is ^]

Berkeley BSD 3.5 (hacked)

--- you get the idea.  This way, all that shows up as a pid is "telnet".
You can further try to hide things by making a copy of the telnet
command (it's /usr/ucb/telnet) and calling it something else, like "rn".
(This can be better done with a symbolic link, try "man ln").  However,
don't think that this makes you safe.  TELNET IS STILL NOT TOTALLY SAFE.
Anyone who types "netstat" can see all the network connections
(including your telnet) to everywhere that are established.  With a
little deduction and work, a UNIX guru can find out who you are and
where you're telnetting to quite quickly.  There are other methods of
hiding yourself, but I'll leave those up to you to find out; we're
getting beyond the scope of this file already.

Anyways, one you connect a telnet session, hitting Ctrl-Z will send the
^Z to the other computer.  So how do you put it in the background?

You put it in the background by typing the ESCAPE CHARACTER.  By default
this is ^] (control+right sq. bracket "]").  This can be changed to
anything you want by typing "set escape <char>" at the "telnet>" prompt
before you type "open".

When you type the escape character, it will put you back to the telnet>
prompt, and you can then ^Z.  Putting a telnet session in the background
doesn't do anything, as it just leaves it there waiting for you to type
something at the telnet> prompt.  However, while it's suspended, things
may be happening on the other system.  They will be kept in a buffer and
fly past when you reconnect.

To get back into a suspended session, type "fg %x" to get back into your
telnet.  YOu'll be back at the "telnet>" prompt.  Just hit Enter to go
back to the session you're in.

There is one other feature of telnet that is useful.  It lets you
connect to a specific PORT of a UNIX machine.  Usually, when you telnet
to a machine it has a default PORT setting that you get connected to.
You can imagine ports as different Big Grey Desks in the Deparment of
Motor Vehicles (...those of you who've been there know exactly what I
mean...).  When you just telnet, you get connected to the default, which
might be the "misinform you and just generally delay you" port.  But you
might want to specify the "new license and delay you" port, or the
"change your address and delay you" port.

You select a port by number and it will be given to you.  Some ports
have special values; for instance port 25 is how Internet mail works.
It's a very interesting one to play with (more on this later).  Port 112
is the news server.  These are never meant to be connected to by
people, but by programs called "Daemons" which do all the work at a low
level.  Anwyays, you will often find that online games, as well as
special sevices (like IRC, FSP, etc) require you to know the port
number.  You just add it after the address in your OPEN command, eg:

telnet> open louie.cc.utexas.edu 9999

will hopefully connect you to the Renegade Outpost MUD.

If you _do_ use rlogin, and want to suspend your session, you'll notice
that ^] doesn't work.  YOu need to start on a new line, and type
~^Z to suspend it.  If you see the "~" appear, then you weren't at a new
line; hit enter and try again.  (it shouldn't appear, and after you hit
the ^Z it will suspend the session.)  Just using "fg %x" will put you
right back in the thick of things.

One more tip before I leave these two; sometimes you will really want to
log a telnet session.  You do this with the "tee" command.

% telnet hacked.system.somewhere | tee hacked.log

The "tee" command will take the output from telnet, echo it to your
screen, and then write it to the file specified (hacked.log in this
case).  I'm not sure if you can implicitly telnet like this; try it out.

4.4 FTP and FSP

FTP and FSP are the way you transfer files from other systems.
Traditionally, you'd type "ftp system-name", and then log into the
system with a valid account, and then grab files from a directory.

However, there is another method of ftp available that everyone uses.
This is called "anonymous FTP".  This basically means you can ftp
somewhere, type in "anonymous" as the user name, send (theoretically)
your e-mail address for their files as your password, and it will let
you in.  there are many many many many files available through anonymous
FTP, and huge servers called "archie servers" (try telnet archie.unl.edu)
which just maintain anonymous FTP file lists throughout the internet.

Anyways, you start by connecting to a machine.  Always FTP implicitly
so you're not giving away where you're FTP'ing to:

% ftp
ftp> open ftp.netsys.com
200 Connected to ftp.netsys.com
200 Please login with your user-id and password

it will then ask you your username. type "anonymous" (DON'T HIT ENTER or
they might log your username and it will be YOUR FAULT.  They DO Log
your machine, though they can't get your username if you anonymous FTP).

IT will say:

220 Guest login OK.  Send complete e-mail address as password

Here, I always type something like "bsmith@my.machine.etc.etc".  This
way they won't necessarily suspect.  Don't be an idiot and type things
like "fuck you" here, as it shows up on the anonymous-ftp logs.  Most
pirate FTP sites don't even realise that they are being victimized.
It's shit like cowboys typing "fuck you" at the password prompt that
hint to them what's going on.  So keep it nice and incognito; lie, but
lie nicely.

Anwyays, as long as all goes well, you will be left at the
ftp> prompt.  Here, hitting ? brings up a list of commands.  The
important ones are:

binary - switch from ASCII to binary mode (ASCII is the default.
         You MUST do this before downloading a zip file or any
         8-bit (non text only) file.)
ascii - switch back to ASCII mode.  It's slightly faster for text files.
quit - close connection and quit.
ls  - get a UNIX ls listing.  swtiches (like ls -la) work fine.
dir - the same as "ls -la"
cd <dirname> - change to directory "dirname"
get <remote-file> [local-file] - get the remote-file (on that system)
                                 and call it local-file on your system.

ftp> get wing2-3.zip /tmp/mydir/hubble-3.gif
to download wing2-3.zip (you need to do a binary first, of course)
and put it in the directory /tmp/mydir, and name is as "hubble-3.gif".

or just

ftp> get filelist.txt
to get "filelist.txt" and put it in the current directory.

put <local-file> [remote-file]
works the same way. Again, Binary must be set to upload binary files.

There are also batch commands (mget and mput) you might experiment with.
They're all pretty intuitive.

You may have noticed this section is called "FTP and FSP".  Although
FTP is the primary method of acquiring files, FSP is starting to become
popular.  FSP is an internet file transfer protocol developed by Chuck
Forsberg and Omen Technology.  This is the guy who made Zmodem, so he
certainly knows his stuff.  Omen claims that FSP is much more efficient
than FTP; I haven't really noticed any astounding increase in
performance, but a lot of pirate/underground sites are FSP only so I've
included a quick section on it.

At the time of this writing, FSP is still relatively new.  Clients
(UNIX executables that you must download and compile; that's way beyond
the scope of this document... good luck) are now just starting to appear
that look the same as FTP and are as easy to use.  Just a short time
ago, the only way to FSP was to use "setenv" commands to set the port
etc. as part of your UNIX shell environment.  It was a real pain, and
you had to hack the code so that you could implicitly download.  (sigh).

Anwyays, by the time you read this, you can probably get a "Friendly"
FSP client anywhere.  (one may even be installed).  FSP addresses are
in the form of a site name/address and a port number:

     site.somewhere.etc 6667

You can open it just with

fsp> open site.somewhere.etc 6667

If you get stuck with one of the ugly "old" clients, you might have to
set these manually. Here are the ocmmands you'd type before running any
of your FSP programs (they'd be called things like fdir, fcd, fget,
fput, etc.)

% setenv FSP_PORT 6667
% setenv FSP_HOST site.somewhere.etc
% setenv FSP_DIR /

Hopefully you don't get nailed with one of these clients.  It's almost
worth downloading and going through the fun of compiling a newer one.
(you can always archie search for it).

Both the ftp and new fsp clients can be put in the backgound by
suspending them with ^Z and typing "bg".  They display a message when
the transfer is done.  If you keep doing ls -l's in the target
directory, you will see the size of the file grow.  Don't touch it until
the transfer is over or you will kill it!

You might encounter lots of files on public domain FTP and FSP sites
that end in .tar or .tar.Z or .tar.gz.

The .tar is a UNIX "tape-archive" file, like a zip with recursed
directories and no compression.  the .Z is the UNIX zcat compression
program, and the .gz stands for the UNIX gzip/gunzip compression
program.  (the .gz is to avoid confusion; if you get a gz file you MUST
rename it from filename.gz to filename.z before you gunzip it.
Originally it was just .z, but that got confused with .Z, so the files
are often saved as .gz.  Gunzip won't work with a .gz file though, it
looks specifically for the .z)

Anwyays, to uncompress a .Z file:

% uncompress <filename>[.Z]

To uncompress a .gz file:

% mv <filename>.gz *.z
% gunzip <filename>[.z]

To expand a UNIX tape archive:

% tar xvf <tarfile.tar>
(you need to tell it the .tar, it doesn't just assume it like the other
two.  Also a tar can be named something else totally, it needn't end in
.tar, but that's convention.)

4.5 Gopher

Your system probably has a gopher client.  This you can run by
typing "gopher".  If you're too stupid to figure this out then you have
no hope with UNIX.  gopher is basically a moron-style menu driven
interface that flies around the internet and finds stuff for you.  YOu
can use a utility called "Veronica" to search the Internet for
information.  In a few seconds, through gopher, you could have the
complete works of Shakespeare at your fingertips, stocks, weather
reports, whatever the hell you feel like searching for.  It's a great
way to waste time.  Beware though; gopher makes readable temporary files
in your userid in the /tmp directory that people can see, so be careful
of what you're doing.  If you're definitely doing something you
shouldn't, type

% umask 022

first.  This will mean that no one can read any temporary files that are
created.  This may have already been done for you on your system.


These are basically online games and chat services that you can find
over the Internet.  Some of you may (cringe here) have used STS (the
Synergy Teleconferencing System), or D-Dial systems, where someone buys
a bunch of phone lines, and lots of people with no lives all phone them
up and just chat to each other as a feeble substitue for social
interaction.  Some of you may have played those D&D type BBS's where you
can kill other people's characters.  These feeble modem type
implementations take on a much grander scale on the internet.

First, there is IRC:  Internet Relay Chat.  Rather than twelve
pimple-faced teenage males trying to seduce an 11-year old, you can talk
with any of thousands of online users from all over the world at any
time, on any of hundreds of channels.  You can even use DCC (Direct
Client Connect) to trade software over IRC etc.  To use IRC requires
setting up a client, which is pretty easy to compile.  Traditionally,
you are supposed to be able to "telnet bradenville.andrew.cmu.edu" and
get onto IRC, but it hasn't worked for me in about 2 years.  People
still insist that it works though.  Go figure.

MUD stands for Multi User Dungeon or Multi User Domain.  If you're going
to get addicted to any sort of stupid online game, this is the one for
you.  Picture one of those D&D BBS deals where it's like an infocom
adventure and you rush around killing things.  Now add a couple hundred
social commands so that with a little practice your character can
express any emotion, do anything you would do in a conversation through
commands (or even make up custom actions).  Now add 100 people all
logged in at once and interacting with each other, talking, relating,
making friends, and of course, grouping into paties and kicking the shit
out of countless monsters to raise through the hierarchy.  You have a
little bit of what MUD is like.  Be forewarned:  it is LETHALLY
addictive.  This is more or less cyberspace in a text implementation.
MUD is a _place_ that you explore and learn in.  The MUD I use is
Renegade Outpost.  It can usually be found at louie.cc.utexas.edu 9999,
daisy.cc.utexas.edu 9999, and will possibly move to
gpx.lis.uiuc.edu 4000.  MUD's are illegal in almost all situations where
you have an Internet account, so beware, and try to hide what you're
doing and do it at off hours or you will get caught.

MUSHes, MUCK's, MUSE's, etc are derivations on the same theme, more
geared towards social interaction.  There are some pretty sad people on
the internet; there are MUSH's where all you have in the universe is a
hotel lobby and rooms you can go to for net-sex with whoever you can
attempt to pick up (probably some large gay biker named Bubba from
the backwater district of Chicago, who calls himself "Alice").  These
are tiring and more or less a waste of time, unless you're really REALLY
desperate or something.  You will find you get sick in 10 seconds flat
of everyone wandering around looking like fucking venus incarnate.  It's
just too idealistic and pathetic for me.  MUSE's are a bit different
from MUCK's and MUSH's, as they are really a simulation environment.  A
lot of them are just more social drivel, but there are some really good
Battletech and Star Wars MUSE's etc.  MUD/etc lists can be found pretty
easily.  Try using "gopher" to search for them.

                  // 5.0 Piracy and the Internet //

5.1 The Internet Pirate:  Scourge of the Network

I can't overstress how nice it is to pirate software through the
internet.  It can be safe, anonymous, and free if you do it properly.
It can also be VERY DANGEROUS if you fuck up.  You're meddling in a
worldwide network and all the straight people on it take piracy very
very VERY seriously.  It pisses them off.  Here's a few of the reasons

     - They're advanced to an ethically higher ground, and much
       holier than thou.

     - They never learned to do it when they were young and they're

     - They just realised that pirates have been happily using their
       mainframe as a pirate anonymous-FTP site for three months,
       and they're really pissed.

     - They are Bill Gates.

     - They're one of the MANY MANY people who are BETTER THAN YOU
       and paid good money by large corporations to nail your ass.

The first and only rule for safe Internet Piracy is "suspect everyone".
You NEVER know who you're talking to.  Don't ever, EVER give out any
information unless you trust the person you're giving it to with your
future.  If it's a stolen account you're using then you're a little
safer, but if you can steal it, professionals can catch you stealing it.
There's always someone much better at UNIX than you (always) and they're
often against you.  Remember that and you should be fine.  More on do's
and don't's in section 5.4

5.2 Getting Contacts

The problem with Internet Piracy is that the sites are up and down
constantly.  In almost all cases, they are just simply stolen from a
system and announced.  For example, here's a typical scenario.

K-RadPir8 goes onto a University of Manitoba machine.  He finds that he
can make a directory on that machine (of course he can; it's for
anonymous ftp).  He goes and makes a very esoterically hidden directory
(with lots of non-printing and backspace characters in the name if he's
clever, but more often than not just something like ".. " (two dots and
a space) or ". unreadable  " (. unreadable is the message FTP displays
when it can't show you the contents of a dir... a good way of hiding a
site.  Sort of).

Anwyays, after making this directory, K-RadPir8 makes another three
underneath it, called ".bin", ".req", and ".tlk" or something to that
measure. They stand for binary files (wares), requests, and a dir to
just blab in.  How do you blab on an FTP site?  Well, the trick is to
just upload a very small (or 0 byte; see "man touch") file.  Then using
"put" you can give it a descriptive name:

ftp> put ~/nullfile "I want Wing Commander 2! - K-RadPir8"

The easiest way to delete these buggers when you're done is to use an
"mdel" command... I'd delete that above message with
ftp> mdel "I want*"
200 mdel: Delete I want Wing Commander 2! - K-RadPir8 ...? YES
200 mdel: Delete I want some new games - Some1ElSEkRad ...? NO

You get the idea.  anyway, as you can see, it's quite hard to find the
damn things if you dont' know where to look.  There are a couple of
methods, both which take a little work.

The first one is to use archie.  You can set it searching for ".bin",
".req", etc.  Or you can search for group names (likely to be in the
ZIP's of only pirate files), such as *INC*.ZIP, *TDT*.ZIP, etc.  (the
TDT in this case would be much better than the INC, as if you think of
it, lots of legitimate things might have the string "INC" in them, but
not very many of them will have the string "TDT" in them!)

If you suspect that a site has a pirate dir, or you know it does but
can't get into the dir beucase you can't figure out the name, don't
Just go the directory above the dir and type

ftp> dir . mydir

This does a dir of ".", the current directory, and puts it in the file
"mydir".  Now go back to UNIX and if you have a UNIX hex editor edit
mydir, or just send it to your PC and then edit it.  You can get the
ASCII codes of the characters in the directory name easily (spaces are
hex 20, a likely candidate) that way.

There is one other good method of getting sites and contacts.  On IRC
there is a special pirate channel.  It's called "#warez".  Once you find
a suitable IRC channel you can log to #warez by typing "/ch #warez".
Be SURE you are using a hacked account, or a hacked IRC client here.

I will only say this once.  It might cost you years in jail.

               ***** #warez IS NOT SAFE!!!!!!!!!!!!! *****

Last year, Microsoft alone budgeted over $5 million for busting internet
pirates through monitoring and talking to them on #warez.  It's a great
place to meet contacts, but never, NEVER give someone software or a site
info unless you trust them, or they trade you enough stuff back for it
that you trust them.  SUSPECT EVERYONE.  See sections 5.3 and 5.4.

5.3 Information Trading

Eventually you will build up some contacts.  Be patient; it takes ages
to reach trusted status on #warez, or with other pirates.  Be helpful;
upload a shitload until people like you and know your pseudo.  Then they
will trust you with new sites, etc.  Keep finding active sites with
archie and giving them to the people YOU trust, etc.  Build up a rep;
it's the only way to go unless you know someone who'll find all your
sites for you (not very likely).

Anwyays, the key to doing this successfully is information trading.
Information is the only commodity you've got to work with, so don't
throw it around freely.  For instance, there are certain self-righteous
assholes (they're probably Reform-party voting Baptist freaks) who take
on the anti-piracy crusade.  They call themselves "deleters".  They pose
as pirates, sucker sites out of the unwary, then go onto those sites and
write down any other sites that are advertised there.  Then, whenever
they have free time, they log onto the site, delete any wares there
(it's anonymous-ftp so anyone can delete anything), and leave taunting
feelgood ethically correct jeers in return.  Once a site gets a deleter
it's fucked and no one will post where it's moving too or anything,
beucase of course the shithead will pick up on that and move onwards.

This is just one example of why you have to use a lot more discresion
than you're used to in regular piracy.  Anways, if you pretend everyone
you meet is out to get you, then you should be just fine.  Don't give
out anything for nothing.  Especially in Internet Piracy, there ain't no
such thing as a free lunch.

5.4 Paranoia (how not to get caught)

This section covers the general philosophy of not getting caught,
Paranoia, and the best way to hide your tracks when you're pirating

First off, whatever you do, be paranoid.  The problem with the people
trying to catch you, is that they are usually better than you are.  This
gives them an unfair advantage right of the boot.  You have to surprise
and outwit them.  Never never leave any incriminating evidence lying
around an account in non-encrypted form.  never leave your real name
anywehre on a hacked account.  Never get people to mail you there using
your real name or referring to you by any information that might get you
in trouble.

You can get around the mail problem (of giving unwary people your email
address) by getting an "anonymous mail-id".  There is this crazy guy in
Finland who keeps a NeXt locked in his basement to handle anonymous mail
for the whole world.  You do a "mail nick@anon.penet.fi" and it will
send you a nickname and instructions.  From ehre you can now give people
your anonymous nickname, and they send mail to you with this nickname at
@anon.penet.fi, and it gets forwarded to you without anyone knowing who
it was from.  This lets you hide behind anonyminity.  It's invaluable to
a pirate, so I suggest you get one.

Also, follow the rules I laid down in the last section about information
trading.  Trust no one, suspect everyone, don't tell no one nuthin'
without thinking carefully about it first.

The majority of this section concerns how to hide your FTP'ing. (or
FSP'ing).  This is ESSENTIAL READING if you plan to pirate.

First, never FTP to your home directory.  Stupid!  Dumb!

On your UNIX system there is a directory called /tmp.  This is where
users can make temporarily large files and keep them until it fills up
(at that point the /tmp directory is wiped clean automatically).
Anwyays, you can make your own directory off here and run ftp from that
directory (or explicitly put the files there in your "get" command).

Also, why make this directory visible?  Start it with a dot.

Also, why make the characters printable?  If you're using "tcsh" you can
easily do control characters in filenames.  I make my temp directory
something like this:  (type exactly as you see it.  Typing a Ctrl-V will
put "^V" on the screen in tcsh, and then when you type the next control
character, even if it's like a backspace (^H), it will replace the ^V.
This is how you embed control codes into filenames.  I'm not sure if it
works properly under the C-shell (csh) or not.

% mkdir /tmp/".   tmp  ^V^H ^V^H"

That's a bugger to get into if you don't know what it is.  It won't stop
a snooping system administrator for a second, but it will stop most
nosey users.

Now, when you are downloading a file, DON'T DOWNLOAD IT WITH THE PIRATE
FILENAME.  Stupid!  Dumb!

Give it a nice believable name so it looks legitimate.  Change the
file-type.  For instance, if it's WING2-1.ZIP, make it MOR3DDT1.ARJ or
something that sounds right, might be that size, and isn't the right
file extension.  Or you could give it a tricky filename, like above, but
this means you have to either rename it before you download, or take
your chances on what DOS does with that filename (not good if it begins
with a period).

You can make it harder still.  Use PGP to encrypt the file if you have
PGP.  Instead of leaving 5 disks there, use zip to archive them all
together.  If you use zip you can rename them all, zip them all into one
big archive (who cares that it's no compression) and put a password on
it in the process.  this is my preferred method.

A lot of UNIX systems don't have a new enough zip utility to put
passwords onto a zip.  Use the "arc" program - this is compatible with
the old PKXARC and PKUNPAK commands.  You make an archive with a
password using the "g" option for example:

% arc agpassword myarc *.arj

to add them all.  Remember to get rid of all the .arj files when done.
Then send it to yourself and just

C:\DOWNLOADS> pkxarc -g password myarc c:\destination\path\

That -g might be another letter depending on which de-arcer you use, but
they are compatible.  Now rename the .ARJ files back to the proper ZIP
names and you've done it.

This is a bit of a long process, but it IS THE ONLY WAY TO BE SAFE.
A good friend of mine was thrown out of his College and prosecuted for
having MS-DOS 6.0 in his home directory, unencrypted.  Microsoft nearly
took his ass to pieces (and still might).  It's worth the extra hassle
to keep yourself safe, as everyone who might catch you will take your
offenses very, VERY seriously.

Be sure to always clean up as soon as you are done.  rm -r the entire
directory out of the /tmp dir so no one suspects you were ever doing
anything. Check your home directory and make sure you didn't leave any
aborted xfers in THERE by mistake!  (it happens to everybody, so check
it).  All in all, just BE CAREFUL.

5.5 Aside: Faking Mail

A fun UNIX trick is faking mail.  I'm not going to go into detail, but
some of you may really quite badly want to learn this trick.  Be careful
with it, but it's quite easy to use and pretty safe, as long as you
don't cross the wrong people.

[begin large hint]
% man mconnect
(mconnect does exactly the same thing as telnetting to port 25.)
[end large hint]

5.6 Aside: Naughty Pictures

There is a huge X-Rated .GIF industry going on the Internet, which
operates in a lot of the same manner as the pirate thing.  Usually the
people doing it aren't as skilled, but they are just as paranoid; it's
illegal and enforced not to spread pornography over the internet (at
least not by anonymous ftp; uuencoded pictures fill alt.sex.binaries).

I don't dabble in this so I have no idea how to get started.  If I were
to try though, I'd go about it in much the same manner as I suggested
you do the piracy thing.  There are sex channels on IRC, lots of sex
MUSH's, etc., and lots of alt.sex newsgroups.  Be careful, and don't get
caught (though the penalty for getting pornography would be much much
less compared to getting busted for pirating software).

                      // 6.0 Onwards to Victory //

Well, there you have it:  Baldrick's discrete guide to UNIX use.  This
guide took me a bloody long time to write as I kept completing sections
and then stopping for 6 months.  However, it's finally finished after 4
revisions and ends as you have it in your hands.

Since I started it I've learned a lot more about UNIX (there's an
endelss pyramid of knowledge to climb) and I hope you'll find yourself
snagged by the same curiosity.  It's a great way to hack and pirate etc.

             "Yo ho, ho, ho, it's a pirate's life for me"
                     - Unknown Amiga "Backup" Program,
                       sung, by a chorus of burly pirates,
                       when you load the beast up.


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