COMMAND Blazix jsp view and free protected folder access SYSTEMS AFFECTED Blazix 1.2 and previous PROBLEM In Auriemma Luigi, PivX [http://www.PivX.com] security advisory : The bug I want to describe is one of the most diffused problems in the current applications. It is the problem that have some operating sytems API that open files without checking some character that can be attached to the file name. In Blazix the "bad" characters are '+' and '\' (NOT %2b and %5c). With this bug we can view all the server side scripts in it and, more dangerous, we have free access to the password protected folders. Attention because the version 1.2.1 (released for some days) is still vulnerable to the "password protected folder access" (only the jsp view has been fixed in this release). A] Jsp view examples:\ B] Free protected folder access examples (bugtest is a folder that I have created and protected with a password):\/ If you don't have a protected folder you can quickly follow these simple steps: a) make a new folder called bugtest in webfiles b) copy webfiles\index.html in webfiles\bugtest\index.html c) add "role.user.url: /bugtest/*" in web.ini file d) close and restart the web server for load the new settings SOLUTION The Blazix team has patched the server and you can see your real version in the Readme.txt file in the Blazix folder (it is the ONLY place where is written the real version). Blazix 1.2.2 can be downloaded from its homepage: http://www.blazix.com