COMMAND ypxfrd may allow local attacker to read any file on the system. SYSTEMS AFFECTED The following systems are identified as affected by this vulnerability: Sun Microsystems Solaris SCO OpenServer Caldera OpenLinux PROBLEM Janusz Niewiadomski of iSEC Security Research [http://isec.pl/] found : ypxfrd daemon is used for speed up the distribution of large NIS maps from NIS master to NIS slave servers. Details: ======== When getdbm procedure is called, ypxfrd daemon creates a path to the /var/yp/domain/map file (where domain and map are arguments provided in the request). Unfortunately it fails to check if both arguments contains slash or dot characters, thus making databases outside /var/yp directory accessible. A symlink done can override .pag / .dir file extension limitation, allowing local attacker to read any file on the system. --snipp-- Impact: ======= When ypxfrd is configured and running, local attacker is able to read any file on the system. As ypxfrd is typically run as root, this may lead to privilege escalation. It is also possible to remotely read DBM files outside /var/yp directory, depending on the securenets configuration. SOLUTION Please refer to CERT VU#538033 for more information