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The topics we will cover include: o Logging In o Help Numbers o Overview of UNIX o File System & working with files o Wild Characters o Pipes o Indirection o Standard Commands o Picatinny Commands We will not cover Email or text editing. These are covered in different courses. Important Terms o Terminal - A video display screen with keyboard. A terminal will only work when connected with a remote device. o Personal Computer - A small self contained computer. Most PCs have programs that allow it to act as a terminal for communications o Host - A minicomputer or mainframe computer. The name of the host is typically in the prompt (i.e. cor1> ). o Workplace Automation Account - commonly called an "email" account. An account on a computer host. o GANDALF - a device that connects a terminal to the SYTEK network. o SYTEK - A network that connects GANDALFS, terminals, or PCs to Workplace Automation Hosts and other Picatinny Computers. o PICAnet - A network that allows host to host communications. EMAIL is transported across the PICAnet. o UNIX - The operating system in use on ARDEC workplace automation machines. Logging In PC`s - Regardless of PC type (WYSE, Apple, or Zenith) a communication program must be called. This program can be xtalk, kermit, versaterm, or others. Once this is done you can connect with the Sytek network. GANDALF - Turn the box on and connect to class 100. SYTEK - Call the proper location for you host. Zenith with NAC - Issue the command sycall uaXXXX where XXXX is the location of the host. LOGIN: At the login prompt type in your login name in lower case letters. When the passwd prompt comes up, type in your password. SYTEK Locations o c280 - cc1 o c400 - cor1 o c440 - cor2 o c480 - cor3 o c580 - qa1 o c800 - ac4 o ca00 - aed Help o FSAC, BATD o 2474 o email <wal> o CCAC o 3668 o email <wac> o PAD o 2316, 5640 (email works better> o email <help> o All Others o UNIX (8649) o email <wad> o Help email addresses o action - system administrators o msdos - PC help o forum - computer help o sun - sun computers ##### ##### # # # # ## ##### ##### ###### ##### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ###### # # # # # ##### # # ##### # # # ###### ##### # # ##### # # # # # # # # # # # # # ##### # # # # # # ###### # # ####### ###### # # ## #### # #### # # # # # # # # ###### # # #### # # # # ###### # # # # # # # # # # # # ###### # # #### # #### ##### # # #### # # #### ###### ##### ##### #### # # # ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ##### # # # #### # # # # # # # # ##### # # # # # # # ## # # # # # # # ##### #### # # #### ###### # # #### Introduction When you are finally logged into your account you are given a system or UNIX prompt. This can be changed by you at a later time. The standard prompt is: o machine> where machine is the host that you are logged onto. At this point you can type any UNIX command. If you are logging in for the first time you might have to choose a passwd. The password should contain at least six characters and at least one non-alpha character. You should change your password frequently. To change your password, type "passwd". The passwd command will ask you for your old password and then for your new password. It will then ask you to verify your password. Never tell anyone what your password is, not even your system administrator. If you suspect your password or account has been comprimised contact your system administrator ASAP. Typing Mistakes Most people make a lot of typing mistakes. UNIX allows you to fix them in three differt ways. Backspace - This is typically the "Backspace Key". This will correct your last character. Control H (^H) also acts as a backspace character. Word Erase - This character is the Control W (^W). This will erase the word you typed. The definition of a word includes puncutation. Kill Line - This character is the Control U (^U). On some systems it is the "@" character. This will erase the whole line. Job Interruptions UNIX allows you to temporarily stop execution of a program or to kill it completely. o Control S (^S) - Will stop input/output of characters. Anything typed after these keys are hit are saved and will go to the computer when resumed. o Control Q (^Q) - Will resume input/output. These will work on any terminal but might not work with Personal Computers. o Control C (^C) - Will kill most programs. Some programs (msg, vi, gemacs) will not allow themselves to be killed. Logging Off Always log off when you are done. Never leave the terminal when you have an open login session. There are many ways in which to log off: o Control D (^D) - On most systems this will log you off the system. On some it will not. o exit o logoff Man Pages UNIX has help pages for you. They can be accessed through the man command. This command will print out topics of the UNIX manual. All information is divided into several sections: o Commands o System Calls (Programmers) o Library Calls (Programmers) o Special Files (Sys admins) o File Formats o Games o Maintenance Commands Use the man command like: man section topic where section refers to a number between 1 to 8, and topic is a name. Example: man cat will display to your terminal the man pages for the cat command. man 2 exec will display the "exec" topic of section 2 (System Calls) of the manual. ##### ##### # # # # ## ##### ##### ###### ##### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ###### # # # # # ##### # # ##### # # # ###### ##### # # ##### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ##### # # # # # # ###### # # ##### # # # # # #### ##### # # # # # #### # # # # # # # # # # ## # # # # # # # # # # #### # # # # # # # # # # ##### # # # # # # # ### # # # # # # # # # # # ## # # ## ## #### # # # # # # # #### # # # ##### # # # # # # # # # # # # ###### # ## # # # # # ## ## # # # # # # # # # # ####### # # # ###### #### # # # # # ##### # # ##### #### # # # # # # # # # # # # # ###### ###### #### UNIX & Files UNIX deals a lot with working with files. This includes creating, changing, deleting, and changing the status of different files. There are many different types of files that UNIX has they include: o directories - A directory is a file that contains other files. Every Ordinary file must be associated with a directory. o ordinary file - A "normal" file. Examples include mailbox, data, vi, and program files. o special file - A special file is connected to a physical device like a printer, disk drive, or terminal. All special files normally reside in /dev/. Basic File Commands There are some basic file commands. They include: o ls ls -a ls dir1 The command ls will list all the files in you present working directory. The "ls -a" will list all files in your pwd including hidden files beginning with ".". The "ls dir1" will list all files in the directory dir1. o cat file1 file2 file3 ... The cat command will display to the terminal the contents of each file listed. o mv file1 file2 or mv file1 file2 ... dir1 The mv command will rename a file. The first example renames file1 to file2. The second command will put file1 & file2 into a directory called dir1. o cp file1 file2 file1 dir1 The cp command will copy file1 to file2. In the second example it will copy file1 to a directory dir1 and give it the name of file1. Basic File Commands As stated before UNIX has a tree like directory structure. A example of a stucture is this: / . ------------------------------------------------- bin/ dev/ /u1 /usr filea fileb /tmp ------- ------ ---- --------- ---- files files files bin/ filea ---- files The pwd command will tell you what directory your are in. Enter pwd at the UNIX prompt. Changing Directories o cd - will change your directory to your "home" directory. o cd / - will put you into the root directory of the system. o cd dirname - will cd to dirname. o cd .. - will bring you up a level. If you are in the directory /u1/guest/pyram01 what will happen when you: o cd o cd ../pyram03 o cd /dev o cd ls Command o ls -1 is the long option which will give you: -rw-r--r-- 1 drears 322 Apr 27 09:17 3.5 o -|---|---|--- T O G W o T indicates the type of file. There are five types: o d - directory o - - ordinary file o c - character special file o b - block special file o l - symbolic link o O - indicates Owner Permissions o G - indicates Group Permissions o W - indicates World Permissions o rwx o read permission o write permission o execute permission you need read & execute permission to read a file in a directory and then only if you have read permission of the file. Files & Directories If you change the name of a file you are actually changing as directory entry, not the file itself. You can change permissions of file by using the chmod command. chmod XXX file1 file2 ... This will change the permissions of file1 and file2 to XXX. The first X refers to the Owner, the second Group, and the third the world. 1 Execute 2 Write 4 Read - Examples: chmod 700 file - The owner has read, write, execute permission, No one else has anything. chmod 740 - The owner has all, group has read, world has none. chmod 551 - The owner has read/execute, group has read/execute, world has execute. chmod 007 - people who do not own the file or are in not in the group have all permissions, owner & group can't do anything. Making & Deleting Files/Directories o mkdir dir1 dir2 .... will make those directories. o rmdir dir1 dir2 .. will remove those directories provided they are empty. o rm file1 file2 will remove file1 & file2. o rm -i file1 file2 will remove the files but ask for conformation for each one. o rm -f file1 file will remove file without question if permissions are right. o rm -r file1 dir1 will remove file1 and dir1 and all contents of dir1. Special (meta) Characters o ? - will match any character. rm a??? will remove any file beginning with "a" and containing 4 characters. o [] - will match any character in the brackets. rm [qwe] will delete any file that that has a name of q w or e. o * - matches any string in the filename: rm * removes all files in the directory. rm q* removes all files beginning with q. rm a*t removes all files beginning with a and ending with t. o What will these do: o ls [1-4]* o ls a?*ty[2] o rm t* o rm t * ##### # # # # # ## ##### ##### ###### ##### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ###### # # # # # ##### # # # # # # # ###### ##### # # ##### ####### # # # # # # # # # # # # ##### # # # # # # ###### # # # ####### # # # ###### # # # # # ###### ##### # # # # # # # # # # # ###### ##### # # # # ###### # # # # # # # # ##### ###### ##### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ##### # # ###### ###### ###### The Shell o The Shell is the UNIX command interpeter. It is also called the Bourne Shell, shell, sh, or UNIX prompt. The shell communicates your commands directly to the computer. It actually runs the commands that you request. stdin, stdout, stderr o The Shell has three "files" open at all time. They include: o stdin - Standard Input, this is where all input for commands come from. This is normally the keyboard. o stdout - Standard Output. This is where all output goes. This is normally the terminal. o stderr - Standard Error, This is where error messages resulting from the use of commands is output. This is normally the terminal o These can be redirected to other files. Stdout can be redirected by using ">" or ">>". o > will put the output of a command into a file. This will eaither create a file or overwrite a file by that name. Example: date > pol stdin, stdout, stderr (cont) o >> will append (if the file already exists) or create a new file. Example who >> wholist will list all users currently logged on into the file wholist. o 2> redirects standard error. Example: date klfhskjfh 2> err will put any errors arising from the command into the file err. o < will have the problem read from standard input. Example: wc < .profile will invoke the command wc based upon what is in the file .profile. W O R K P L A C E A U T O M A T I O N T O O L S COMMAND - EXPLANATION [May 26 1988] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $change - change terminal (TERM) and printer (PRINTER) definitions 411 - directory assistance program 411change - modify user's 411 information P - print out files to a printer when using a Tab Products terminal addresses - lists addresses of key ARDC/AMCCOM/AMC individuals' mailbox ID's cal - prints a calendar for a month or a year cal3 - prints a three month calendar (this month and the next 2 months) calc - on-line calculator calctutor - tutorial for the 'calc' program calendar - calendar, appointment service cat - print the contents of a file cc - C language compiler cd - change working directory cgs - Commander's Guidance Statements review program checkaddr - checks validity of mail ID's checkups - check to see if there are UPS packages waiting for delivery chmod - change permissions on a file cmdract - generate the Commander's Action Item List cmdrcal - generate the Commander's Short- and Long-Range Calendars cp - copy files cs - clear screen date - give current date and time dc - desk calculator; Reverse-Polish Notation (RPN) ed - basic UNIX line editor emacs - UNIX full-screen text editor extract - Executive Extract Program (only accessible by certain users) f77 - FORTRAN 77 compiler fing - front-end to 'finger'; knows about other hosts finger - user information lookup program ftp - file transfer program gdate - give Gregorian date (for a Julian date) gemacs - Gosling EMACS UNIX full-screen text editor gothic - produce large text in Gothic font grep - search a file or files for a word, pattern, etc. grope - give possible correct spellings to misspelled words group - find the names of the people associated with a particular group W O R K P L A C E A U T O M A T I O N T O O L S COMMAND - EXPLANATION [May 26 1988] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- groups - list the groups that one is a member of initpr - initialize NEC or Diablo printer ivan - electronically notify Visitor Reception of incoming visitors jdate - give Julian date (for a Gregorian date) jove - friendlier EMACS-like UNIX full-screen editor kermit - file transfer protocol program learn - a computer-aided instruction (CAI) to learn UNIX leave - inform the user when it's time to leave limo-req - electronically request limosine to/from area airports listusers - list all users on the system giving mailbox and organization name lock - lock a terminal keyboard logout - exit/quit/logout from UNIX ls - list names, etc. of files in a directory lss - list names, etc. of files in a directory in columnar fashion m - check "mailbox" for mail man - print reference manual page for selected UNIX command mesg - permit or deny messages via the 'write' command mkdir - make a directory modgraph - downloads settings to Modgraph GX-100 terminal more - file perusal filter for viewing on a terminal (similar to 'page') mprint - print a mail message with "Message-Id" linesstriped out msg - read, answer, forward, etc. electronic mail messages mv - move/rename a file news - print posted news items (current events, announcements, etc.) nroff - text formatter page - file perusal filter for viewing on a terminal (similar to 'more') passwd - change the login password print - print out files to a printer pc - PASCAL compiler pr - print files pwd - prints the present working directory qmod - modify, hold, or delete system line printer (MDQS) jobs man - same as "man" but faster since it does not do highlighting quota - give disk usage quotas qpr - system line printer spooler qstat - give status of system line printer (MDQS) jobs remind - sets up a formatted file for the 'reminder' program W O R K P L A C E A U T O M A T I O N T O O L S COMMAND - EXPLANATION [May 26 1988] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- remind - sets up a formatted file for the 'reminder' program reminder - reminds users of upcoming events and/or appointments repair - program to report ADP hardware problems to get them repaired rfc - manages the listing of network Request-For-Comments (RFC's) rm - remove a file (see also 'delete') rmdir - remove a directory s2020 - integrated electronic spreadsheet program, 20/20 see - like 'cat' but displays non-printable characters (/bin/cat -v) send - send electronic mail messages sh - fork a new shell (prompt indicates depth level, exit with "exit") sickleave - give sick leave usage by organization sp - spool file(s) to printer on the Sytek LocalNet/20 Cable system spellproofer - interactive spelling checker/corrector susp - a mechanism used to keep track of suspense sysnd - send a text file from a PC equipped with a Sytek Network Card talk - allows two users to concurrently communicate on split screens teach-emacs - tutorial to learn the 'emacs' screen editor teach-jove - tutorial to learn the 'jove' screen editor tools - lists this list tree - draw directory file tree structure typer - menu-driven, interactive touch-typing instruction ups - send large files to other users via the UNIX Parcel Service uptime - current computer system status vi - UNIX full-screen visual editor wb - view the weekly bulletins which - locates which command within a path is the primary who - lists all users on the system whois - search the Network Information Center (NIC) for info on a user wmc - WordMARK COMPOSER word processing program write - write, interactively to another user's terminal (to communicate) Pipes pipes - pipes allow you to redirect the stdard output of one command to the input of another command. examples: ls |more cat *|wc ls|head cat a b c |more ####### # # # # # # # ####### ### ####### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ##### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ####### # # # ####### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## ####### # # # ####### ##### # # # ### ####### # # 1) What were your goals in taking this course? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) Did you learn anything in this course? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) What did you think of the course notes? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) Did you like the course? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) What did you think of the instructor? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------