Exploiting Wu-2.6 FTPD Many people have wanted a quick and easy way to "own" a box and gain root. This little tutorial will tell you how to gain root on the latest red hat 6.2 (Zoot) box. Now this box is a red hat box and red hat is known for being very rootable, so the exploit works 70% of the time if you find the right box. This exploit takes very little brains and is just a way to get root. It takes no skill or anything. - Note : this exploit works on all boxes running wu-2.6 ftpd but it's been my experiance that red hat boxes were the best for it. - FINDING THE RIGHT BOX Ok so you want to own a red hat box we've got that so far, so what do you need? The address of a red hat box this is very easy to do and im sure tons of people know about this. Open up a browser and go to www.infoseek.com and search for this exact phrase 'Thanks for Using Red Hat Linux!' this will give TONS of red hat apache test pages which YEP YOU GUESSED IT will lead you to a red hat 6.2 box. So search through and telnet to each host on port 23 untill you find a Red Hat 6.2 (Zoot) connection. - EXPLOITING THE BOX Use this file here. Download it and compile it. It is a wu exploit that when used properly will give you root. Don't get frustrated if you can't root all wu-2.6 daemons. It's gonna happen and it's part of hacking is taking time. - Note : I only suggest you do this if you know what you are doing. The Method I've given has proven to gain root on boxes many times so I suggest you know how to cover your tracks. -Liquid Illusion