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DOM Based Cross Site Scripting, or, XSS of the Third Kind

                  DOM Based Cross Site Scripting


                      XSS of the Third Kind


               A look at an overlooked flavor of XSS

                      Amit Klein, July 2005


Version: 0.2.8

Last modified: 4th of July, 2005


We all know what Cross Site Scripting (XSS) is, right? It's that 
vulnerability wherein one sends malicious data (typically HTML stuff
with Javascript code in it) that is echoed back later by the 
application in an HTML context of some sort, and the Javascript code
gets executed. Well, wrong. There's a kind of XSS which does not 
match this description, at least not in some fundamental properties.
The XSS attacks described above are either "non-persistent"/
"reflected" (i.e. the malicious data is embedded in the page that is
returned to the browser immediately following the request) or 
"persistent"/"stored" (in which case the malicious data is returned
at some later time). But there's also a third kind of XSS attacks -
the ones that do not rely on sending the malicious data to the 
server in the first place! While this seems almost contradictory to
the definition or to common sense, there are, in fact, two well 
described examples for such attacks. This technical note discusses
the third kind of XSS, dubbed "DOM Based XSS". No claim is made to
novelty in the attacks themselves, of course, but rather, the 
innovation in this write-up is about noticing that these belong to a
different flavor, and that flavor is interesting and important. 

Application developers and owners need to understand DOM Based XSS,
as it represents a threat to the web application, which has 
different preconditions than standard XSS. As such, there are many 
web applications on the Internet that are vulnerable to DOM Based 
XSS, yet when tested for (standard) XSS, are demonstrated to be "not
vulnerable". Developers and site maintainers (and auditors) need to 
familiarize themselves with techniques to detect DOM Based XSS 
vulnerabilities, as well as with techniques to defend against them, 
both therewhich are different than the ones applicable for standard 


The reader is assumed to possess basic knowledge of XSS ([1], [2], 
[3], [4], [8]). XSS is typically categorized into "non-persistent" 
and "persistent" ([3], "reflected" and "stored" accordingly, as 
defined in [4]). "Non-persistent" means that the malicious 
(Javascript) payload is echoed by the server in an immediate 
response to an HTTP request from the victim. "Persistent" means that
the payload is stored by the system, and may later be embedded by 
the vulnerable system in an HTML page provided to a victim. As 
mentioned in the summary, this categorization assumes that a 
fundamental property of XSS is having the malicious payload move 
from the browser to the server and back to the same (in non-
persistent XSS) or any (in persistent XSS) browser. This paper 
points out that this is a misconception. While there are not many 
counterexamples in the wild, the mere existence of XSS attacks which
do not rely on the payload embedded by the server in some response 
page, is of importance as it has a significant impact on detection 
and protection methods. This is discussed in the document.

Example and Discussion

Before describing the basic scenario, it is important to stress that
the techniques outlined here were already demonstrated in public 
(e.g. [5], [6] and [7]). As such, it is not claimed that the below 
are new techniques (although perhaps some of the evasion techniques 

The prerequisite is for the vulnerable site to have an HTML page 
that uses data from the document.location or document.URL or 
document.referrer (or any various other objects which the attacker 
can influence) in an insecure manner.

  NOTE for readers unfamiliar with those Javascript objects: when 
  Javascript is executed at the browser, the browser provides the 
  Javascript code with several objects that represent the DOM 
  (Document Object Model). The document object is chief among those 
  objects, and it represents most of the page's properties, as 
  experienced by the browser. This document object contains many 
  sub-objects, such as location, URL and referrer. These are 
  populated by the browser according to the browser's point of view
  (this is significant, as we'll see later with the fragments). So, 
  document.URL and document.location are populated with the URL of 
  the page, as the browser understands it. Notice that these objects
  are not extracted of the HTML body - they do not appear in the 
  page data. The document object does contain a body object that is 
  a representation of the parsed HTML.

  It is not uncommon to find an application HTML page containing 
  Javascript code that parses the URL line (by accessing 
  document.URL or document.location) and performs some client side 
  logic according to it. The below is an example to such logic.

In analogy to the example in [2] (and as an essentially identical 
scenario to the one in [7]), consider, for example, the following 
HTML page (let's say this is the content of 
  var pos=document.URL.indexOf("name=")+5;
  Welcome to our system

Normally, this HTML page would be used for welcoming the user, e.g.: 


However, a request such as:


would result in an XSS condition. Let's see why: the victim's 
browser receives this link, sends an HTTP request to 
www.vulnerable.site, and receives the above (static!) HTML page. The
victim's browser then starts parsing this HTML into DOM. The DOM 
contains an object called document, which contains a property called
URL, and this property is populated with the URL of the current 
page, as part of DOM creation. When the parser arrives to the 
Javascript code, it executes it and it modifies the raw HTML of the 
page. In this case, the code references document.URL, and so, a part
of this string is embedded at parsing time in the HTML, which is 
then immediately parsed and the Javascript code found (alert(...)) 
is executed in the context of the same page, hence the XSS 


1. The malicious payload was not embedded in the raw HTML page at 
any time (unlike the other flavors of XSS).

2. This exploit only works if the browser does not modify the URL 
characters. Mozilla automatically encodes < and > (into %3C and %3E,
respectively) in the document.URL when the URL is not directly typed
at the address bar, and therefore it is not vulnerable to the attack
as shown in the example. It is vulnerable to attacks if < and > are 
not needed (in raw form). Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 does not 
encode < and >, and is therefore vulnerable to the attack as-is.

Of course, embedding in the HTML directly is just one attack mount 
point, there are various scenarios that do not require < and >, and 
therefore Mozilla in general is not immune from this attack.

Evading standard detection and prevention technologies

In the above example, it may be argued that still, the payload did 
arrive to the server (in the query part of the HTTP request), and so
it can be detected just like any other XSS attack. But even that can
be taken care of. Consider the following attack:


Notice the number sign (#) right after the file name. It tells the 
browser that everything beyond it is a fragment, i.e. not part of 
the query. Microsoft Internet Explorer (6.0) and Mozilla do not send
the fragment to the server, and therefore, the server would see the
equivalent of http://www.vulnerable.site/welcome.html, so the 
payload would not even be seen by the server. We see, therefore, 
that this evasion technique causes the major browsers not to send 
the malicious payload to the server.

Sometimes, it's impossible to completely hide the payload: in [5] 
and [6], the malicious payload is part of the username, in a URL 
that looks like http://username@host/. The browser, in such case, 
sends a request with Authorization header containing the username 
(the malicious payload), and thus, the payload does arrive to the 
server (Base64 encoded - so IDS/IPS would need to decode this data 
first in order to observe the attack). Still, the server is not 
required to embed this payload in order for the XSS condition to 

Obviously, in situations where the payload can be completely hidden,
online detection (IDS) and prevention (IPS, web application 
firewalls) products cannot fully defend against this attack, 
assuming the vulnerable script can indeed be invoked from a known 
location. Even if the payload has to be sent to the server, in many
cases it can be crafted in such way to avoid being detected, e.g. if
a specific parameter is protected (e.g. the name parameter in the 
above example), then a slight variation of the attack may succeed:


A more strict security policy would require that the name parameter 
be sent (to avoid the above tricks with names and number sign). We 
can therefore send this:


If the policy restricts the additional parameter name (e.g. to 
foobar), then the following variant would succeed:


Note that the ignored parameter (foobar) must come first, and it 
contains the payload in its value.

The scenario in [7] is even better from the attacker's perspective, 
since the full document.location is written to the HTML page (the 
Javascript code does not scan for a specific parameter name). 
Therefore, the attacker can completely hide the payload e.g. by 


Even if the payload is inspected by the server, protection can be 
guaranteed only if the request in its fullness is denied, or if the
response is replaced with some error text. Consider [5] and [6] 
again, if the Authorization header is simply removed by an 
intermediate protection system, it has no effect as long as the 
original page is returned. Likewise, any attempt to sanitize the 
data on the server, either by removing the offending characters or 
by encoding them, is ineffective against this attack.

In the case of document.referrer, the payload is sent to the server
through the Referer header. However, if the user's browser, or an 
intermediate device eliminates this header, then there's no trace of
the attack - it may go completely unnoticed.

To generalize, traditional methods of:
- HTML encoding output data at the server side 
- Removing/encoding offending input data at the server side 
Do not work well against DOM Based XSS. 

Regarding automatic vulnerability assessment by way of fault 
injection (sometimes called fuzzing) won't work, since products that
use this technology typically evaluate the results according to 
whether the injected data is present in the response page or not 
(rather than execute the client side code in a browser context and 
observe the runtime effects). However, if a product is able to 
statically analyze a Javascript found in a page, then it may point 
out suspicious patterns (see below). And of course, if the product 
can execute the Javascript (and correctly populating the DOM 
objects), or simulate such execution, then it can detect this 

Manual vulnerability assessment using a browser would work because 
the browser would execute the client side (Javascript) code. Of 
course, a vulnerability assessment product may adopt this kind of 
technology and execute client side code to inspect the runtime 


Effective defenses

1. Avoiding client side document rewriting, redirection, or other 
sensitive actions, using client side data. Most of these effects can
be achieved by using dynamic pages (server side).

2. Analyzing and hardening the client side (Javascript) code. 
Reference to DOM objects that may be influenced by the user 
(attacker) should be inspected, including (but not limited to):

- document.URL 
- document.URLUnencoded 
- document.location (and many of its properties) 
- document.referrer 
- window.location (and many of its properties) 

Note that a document object property or a window object property may
be referenced syntactically in many ways - explicitly 
(e.g. window.location), implicitly (e.g. location), or via obtaining
a handle to a window and using it 
(e.g. handle_to_some_window.location).

Special attention should be given to scenarios wherein the DOM is 
modified, either explicitly or potentially, either via raw access to
the HTML or via access to the DOM itself, e.g. (by no means an 
exhaustive list, there are probably various browser extensions):

- Write raw HTML, e.g.: 
  * document.write(...) 
  * document.writeln(...) 
  * document.body.innerHtml=... 

- Directly modifying the DOM (including DHTML events), e.g.: 
  * document.forms[0].action=... (and various other collections) 
  * document.attachEvent(...) 
  * document.create...(...) 
  * document.execCommand(...) 
  * document.body. ... (accessing the DOM through the body object) 
  * window.attachEvent(...) 

- Replacing the document URL, e.g.: 
  * document.location=... (and assigning to location's href, host 
    and hostname) 
  * document.location.hostname=... 
  * document.location.replace(...) 
  * document.location.assign(...) 
  * document.URL=... 
  * window.navigate(...) 

- Opening/modifying a window, e.g.: 
  * document.open(...) 
  * window.open(...) 
  * window.location.href=... (and assigning to location's href, host
    and hostname) 

- Directly executing script, e.g.: 
  * eval(...) 
  * window.execScript(...) 
  * window.setInterval(...) 
  * window.setTimeout(...) 
To continue the above example, an effective defense can be replacing
the original script part with the following code, which verifies 
that the string written to the HTML page consists of alphanumeric 
characters only:

  var pos=document.URL.indexOf("name=")+5;
  var name=document.URL.substring(pos,document.URL.length);
  if (name.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$/))
        window.alert("Security error");

Such functionality can (and perhaps should) be provided through a 
generic library for sanitation of data (i.e. a set of Javascript 
functions that perform input validation and/or sanitation). The 
downside is that the security logic is exposed to the attackers - it
is embedded in the HTML code. This makes it easier to understand and
to attack it. While in the above example, the situation is very 
simple, in more complex scenarios wherein the security checks are 
less than perfect, this may come to play.
3. Employing a very strict IPS policy in which, for example, page 
welcome.html is expected to receive a one only parameter named 
"name", whose content is inspected, and any irregularity (including 
excessive parameters or no parameters) results in not serving the 
original page, likewise with any other violation (such as an 
Authorization header or Referer header containing problematic data),
the original content must not be served. And in some cases, even 
this cannot guarantee that an attack will be thwarted.

A note about redirection vulnerabilities

The above discussion is on XSS, yet in many cases, merely using a 
client side script to (insecurely) redirect the browser to another 
location is considered vulnerability in itself. In such cases, the 
above techniques and observations still apply.


While most XSS attacks described in public do indeed depend on the 
server physically embedding user data into the response HTML pages, 
there are XSS attacks that do not rely on server side embedding of 
the data. This has material significance when discussing ways to 
detect and prevent XSS. To date, almost all detection and prevention 
techniques discussed in public assume that XSS implies that the 
server receives malicious user input and embeds it in an HTML page. 
Since this assumption doesn't hold (or only very partially holds) 
for the XSS attacks described in this paper, many of the techniques 
fail to detect and prevent this kind of attacks.

The XSS attacks that rely on server side embedding of user data are 
categorized into "non-persistent" (or "reflected") and "persistent"
(or "stored"). It is thus suggested that the third kind of XSS, the
one that does not rely on server side embedding, be named "DOM Based

Here is a comparison between standard XSS and DOM Based XSS:

|                 | Standard               | XSS DOM Based XSS     |
| Root cause      |Insecure embedding of   | Insecure reference    |
|                 |client input in HTML    | and use (in a client  |
|                 |outbound page           | side code) of DOM     |
|                 |                        | objects that are not  |
|                 |                        | fully controlled by   |
|                 |                        | the server provided   |
|                 |                        | page                  |
| Owner           | Web developer (CGI)    | Web developer (HTML)  |
| Page nature     | Dynamic only           | Typically static      |
|                 | (CGI script)           | (HTML), but not       |
|                 |                        | necessarily.          |
| Vulnerability   | * Manual Fault         | * Manual Fault        |
|                 |   Detection injection  |   Injection           |
|                 | * Automatic Fault      | * Code Review (can be |
|                 |   Injection            |   done remotely!)     |
|                 | * Code Review (need    |                       |
|                 |   access to the page   |                       |
|                 |   source)              |                       |
| Attack          | * Web server logs      | If evasion techniques |
| detection       | * Online attack        | are applicable and    |
|                 |   detection tools      | used - no server side |
|                 |   (IDS, IPS, web       | detection is possible |
|                 |   application          |                       |
|                 |   firewalls)           |                       |
| Effective       | * Data validation at   | * Data validation at  |
| defense         |   the server side      |   the client side (in |
|                 | * Attack prevention    |   Javascript)         |
|                 |   utilities/tools      | * Alternative server  |
|                 |   (IPS, application    |   side logic          |
|                 |   firewalls)           |                       |


Note: the URLs below are up to date at the time of writing (July 
4th, 2005). Some of these materials are live documents, and as such 
may be updated to reflect the insights of this paper.

[1] "CERT Advisory CA-2000-02 - Malicious HTML Tags Embedded in 
Client Web Requests", CERT, February 2nd, 2000

[2] "Cross Site Scripting Explained", Amit Klein, June 2002

[3] "Cross-Site Scripting", Web Application Security Consortium, 
February 23rd, 2004

[4] "Cross Site Scripting (XSS) Flaws", The OWASP Foundation, 
updated 2004 

[5] "Thor Larholm security advisory TL#001 (IIS allows universal 
CrossSiteScripting)", Thor Larholm, April 10th, 2002

(see also Microsoft Security Bulletin MS02-018 

[6] "ISA Server Error Page Cross Site Scripting", Brett Moore, July 
16th, 2003 

(see also Microsoft Security Bulletin MS03-028 
http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/MS03-028.mspx and
a more elaborate description in "Microsoft ISA Server HTTP error 
handler XSS", Thor Larholm, July 16th, 2003 

[7] "Bugzilla Bug 272620 - XSS vulnerability in internal error 
messages", reported by Michael Krax, December 23rd, 2004

[8] "The Cross Site Scripting FAQ", Robert Auger, May 2002 (revised 
August 2003)

About the author

Amit Klein is a renowned web application security researcher. Mr. 
Klein has written many research papers on various web application 
technologies--from HTTP to XML, SOAP and web services--and covered 
many topics--HTTP request smuggling, insecure indexing, blind XPath 
injection, HTTP response splitting, securing .NET web applications, 
cross site scripting, cookie poisoning and more. His works have been
published in Dr. Dobb's Journal, SC Magazine, ISSA journal, and IT 
Audit journal; have been presented at SANS and CERT conferences; and
are used and referenced in many academic syllabi.

Mr. Klein is WASC (Web Application Security Consortium) member.

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