COMMAND PostNuke path disclosure SYSTEMS AFFECTED PostNuke Version: (other) PROBLEM Thanks to rkc [rkc@uncompiled.com] advisory : A vulnerability have been found in Postnuke which allow users to determine the physical path of this cms. This vulnerability would allow a remote user to determine the full path to the web root directory and other information, like the database name (!) Example: ======== http://www.target.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=Members_List&file=index&letter=All&sortby=uname1234 Change 1234 by anything. If you are looking for: * Path disclosure in & v: (Two simples examples) http://www.target.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=Stats&file= http://www.target.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=Members_List&file=index&letter=Svi&sortby=uname1234 (Change 1234 by anything). SOLUTION Change the Member_List privileges, for admin's only (?) Deactivate the Member_List module (?)