-------------------------------------------------------------------------= --- IRM Security Advisory No. 008 Citrix Metaframe XP is vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting Vulnerablity Type / Importance: XSS / Medium Problem discovered: August 18th 2003 Vendor contacted: August 18th 2003 Advisory published: October 31st 2003 -------------------------------------------------------------------------= --- Abstract: The Citrix MetaFrame Access Suite is a product that enables users to = access enterprise applications and information on demand. Metaframe XP is vulnerable to a Cross-Site Scripting attack based on the manipulation of error messages sent to user's web browser. Description: During a recent penetration test IRM identified a machine running Citrix Metaframe XP that prompted for authentication credentials. When 'random' credentials were supplied, a page was returned displaying the following error:=20 "ERROR: The credentials supplied were invalid. Please try again."=20 The text used to construct this error message formed part of the URL: https://server/citrix/metaframexp/default/login.asp?NFuse_LogoutId=3DOn&N= Fuse_ MessageType=3DError&NFuse_Message=3DThex0020credentialsx0020suppliedx0020= werex00 20invalidx002ex0020x0020Pleasex0020tryx0020againx002e If the URL was changed to the following: https://server/citrix/metaframexp/default/login.asp?NFuse_LogoutId=3DOn&N= Fuse_ MessageType=3DError&NFuse_Message=3D<SCRIPT>alert("Vulnerable to = XSS")</SCRIPT> the server processed the HTML and executed the javascript on the user's browser. Citrix were contacted and immediately confirmed that this was indeed a security issue and set about producing a patch to include in the next = update for the product. Tested Versions: Citrix Metaframe XP 1.0 Web Interface 2.0 Tested Operating Systems: Microsoft Windows 2000 Vendor & Patch Information: Citrix were contacted on August 18th 2003 and released the update on = October 2nd 2003, which can be downloaded from http://www.mycitrix.com=20 Workarounds: IRM are not aware of any workarounds for this issue. Credits: Research & Advisory: Andy Davis=20 Disclaimer: All information in this advisory is provided on an 'as is'=20 basis in the hope that it will be useful. Information Risk Management=20 Plc is not responsible for any risks or occurrences caused=20 by the application of this information. -------------------------------------------------------------------------= --- Information Risk Management Plc. 22 Buckingham Gate=20 London=20 SW1E 6LB +44 (0)207 808 6420 =20 =20