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Security Holes in FileMaker 5 Web Companion
Security Holes in FileMaker 5 Web Companion Privacy and Legal Notice


K-038: Security Holes in FileMaker 5 Web Companion

May 11, 2000 18:00 GMT

PROBLEM:       The field restriction "Don't show" may fail to prevent the
               exposure of the contents of data fields.
PLATFORM:      Only those platforms used to publish Filemaker 5 databases via
               the Web Companion.
DAMAGE:        Users may be able to gain unauthorized access to fields
               containing sensitive information.
SOLUTION:      Update Filemaker Pro 5 Web Companion as directed by the

VULNERABILITY Risk is MEDIUM. There has been discussion in public forums on ASSESSMENT: how to exploit the vulnerability.

The advisory below was captured on May 10, 2000 at the URL


[ Start FileMaker, Inc. Advisory ]

FileMaker Web Companion Update 5.0v4
May 9, 2000

FileMaker Web Companion Update 5.0v4 WorldWide English.

Now available for download, FileMaker Pro 5 Web Companion 5.0v4
for FileMaker Pro 5, FileMaker Pro 5 Unlimited, and FileMaker
Developer 5.

The fix will be downloadable from www.filemaker.com/webcompanion.

The security issue is of concern only to FileMaker users publishing
FileMaker 5 databases via the Web Companion. We advise customers
who are using the FileMaker Pro 5 Web Companion to publish FileMaker
Pro 5 databases over the Web to install this update as soon as possible.

The fix addresses a Field-Level Security issue when using the Web
Security Database: Some technologies in the Web Companion may
inappropriately expose field contents which the user thinks are
protected by Field-Level Security.

This version supercedes 5.0v1, 5.0v2, 5.0v3 of the Web Companion.

Included with this update are:
1) Read Me
2) Web Companion 5.0v4

Select the platform version you wish to download: Mac | Windows

[ End FileMaker, Inc. Advisory ]

CIAC wishes to acknowledge the contributions of FileMaker, Inc. for the information contained in this bulletin.

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    Voice:          +1 925-422-8193 (7 x 24)
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    E-mail:          ciac@llnl.gov
    World Wide Web:  http://www.ciac.org/
                     (same machine -- either one will work)
    Anonymous FTP:   ftp.ciac.org
                     (same machine -- either one will work)

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