How to expose the URL via webmail server Hello, We can expose the URL via webmail server in following way :- Part-1 Stp-1: Log on in domain provider account (i.e. my-account-manager.com,nettigritty.com etc) Stp-2: Open the manage page of the domain. Stp-3: Link the URL with the exposed ip of webmail server. Stp-4: save and exit from the page. Part-2 Stp:-1 Now log in in local webmail server. Stp:-2 cd /opt/lamp/etc/exposedhost Stp:-3 make a new file with the name of exposed URL. Stp:-4 Add following contains in this file; This file was released under the GFDL (GNU Free Documentation License) on April 02, 2008 when it was contributed to Wikipedia.