From the-avatar@NoSPAM-2418.myhideout.com Thu Jun 25 15:32:03 1998 Newsgroups: alt.2600 Subject: [info] Hacking porn sites From: the-avatar@NoSPAM-2418.myhideout.com Date: 25 Jun 1998 22:32:03 GMT I have a real dull life so I figured I'd post this. -Avatar THE BEGINNERS GUIDE TO HACKING -Disclaimer- I don't do this, or condone the use of this... I made up this file for informational use only. See, I found a way to screw with certain sites, so I'm telling others how. There is alaways a chance you could screw up and get caught, so I don't want to recommend you doing this. But if you decide to, then what the hell !!!! Have fun. . TABLE OF CONTENTS ----------------------------------------------- Getting Started Living Somewhere Else Staying Anonymous ----------------------------------------------- GETTING STARTED Alright, anxious to hack porno sites, are you ???? Well, I'm going to make this whole damn thing as short and easy to understand as possible. First off, I suggest you have of download Netspace 4.0 or higher. Only because that's what I use and it should make things easier to understand. Ok, you have Netscape 4.0.. Good.... Next thing you want is a low profile while surfing the web. The first thing you need to do is turn off your "cookies". What are "cookies" you ask ??? If you use the web alot, then you probably have collected several "cookies" on your computers hard disc, without realizing it. "Cookies" are small pieces of information that are sent automatically from a web server to a client's computer. They can be stored on the clients hard disc, where they act as "labels", showing that the user has visited a particular page. If the user goes back and visits the same website at a later date, the web server will detect the presence of one of its "cookies" on the users computer, and even modify the page accordingly. http://www.yahoo.com uses "cookies" to do this on occasion. So you definityly want to shut your cookies off. To shut them off, go to the top of your screen and click on "edit", then go to "preferences", then click on "advanced. You will see where you have choices as to your cookies. click to "disable cookies". Secound, while your there, turn off "Java" and "Java Script". Shure they are cool shit, but with "Java" and "Java Script" on, sites can find out stuff like your e-mail address. Once they have that, all they have to run is a simple e-mail check thru a place like Yahoo (http://www.yahoo.com) and they can find out where you get your internet service from, where you live, your name and home phone number. And that would definetely suck wouldn't it. Ok, next you need a way to get into these pay sites. So you want to download a "credit card generator". This little prog will create valid credit card numbers for you to use at these pay sites. They will accept the number, give you access ( login, password) and you have free porn..... until they see that you've fucked them, and they delete your account. But don't worry, by that time you'll have probably already looked through the whole damn site anyway. A good place to get one of the generators is at http://www.lordsomer.com his site has been hard to get into lately, if you can't get in there, go to a search engine and type in "Carding", "Hacking, and "Credit Card Generators" you should get about 30,000 + sites.Go visit some of the sites that you find. You will also find programs at many of these sites for "calling card generators, e-mail bombs, password cracking programs and more. Most of these programs are in zip format. if you don't have zip. go to http://www.winzip.com and download their trial version for free. LIVE SOMEWHERE ELSE Ok, cool, you've got your cookies, Java and Java Script turned off, you have some cool new programs you found at some of these sites that you want to try, but first, you need to make it look like you're not from where you really are from. This is probably the most time comsuming part of all. I have heard that many "hackers" use the service of Anonymizer ( http://www.anonymizer.com ) to keep them from being traced, but the fact is anonymizer logs all visits to see where your going and why you want to be anonymous, Doesn't this kinda defeat the purpose ????? They also want $15.00 a year for you to surf anonymous, or you can surf using the free part of their page, but its too damn slow. I think they put a 30-60 secound delay on it to make you want to sign up for their pay service. Anyways, no need to use anonymizer. You can use something that works almost the exact same way. Its called a proxy server. Its basically a firewall that makes it seem as if you are living and getting your internet somewhere else. this is how it works: Surfing Normally: your account>-access->porn site your account<-send data-<porn site . That's how it happens when you surf the usual way, you go to the site, and they can see what your IP is, and they can trace you back, contact your IP and oh shit !!!!!!! You're in trouble. So use a proxy server, and they will think you live somewhere like Japan, even if you live in the USA. This is how a proxy server works: . Surfing using a Proxy Server: your account>-access->proxy server>-access->porn site your account<-send data-<proxy server<-send data-<porn site . So what you are doing is logging into a proxy server from your ISP account. Now, if when you find a cool proxy server, they let you use theirs, and they don't log IP addresses !! That means you logged onto a proxy, they don't give a shit who you are, so they don't get your IP logged. Then you go to a porno site. Since you live in the USA, the porno site would normally see you live in the USA, but lets say your using a proxy server over in Japan. The porn site is sending all its data to the proxy server in Japan, then the proxy server sends the data to you. The porn site just figures that your some horny dude in Japan !!! But what happens when the porn site finds out that your using a fake credit card number ??? This is what the thoughts of the dude would look like: Some fuckhead signed up using a fake credit card. Now what do we do ?? We'll check our logs and find out who did this !!! " Oh fuck", some moron in Japan signed up !! Lets contact him.....Shit! It's on a fuckin proxy server and the idiots in Japan didn't even keep a log of who used it. Oh well, we'll just delete this account....... After all, it does take up to much of our time to take the fucker to court. It's only a $15 account and it would take thousands to take the fucker to court, and try to put him in jail. So you see how it works ??? the Anonymizer doesn't even let you say you live in Japan, Korea or where ever. It'll just say your in the US under their dumb fake IP thing. The porno site could contact them.....And your could get into trouble. So use a proxy server instead. Alright cool, now you need to find a proxy server. finding proxy servers is easy. Go to any search engine and type in: "proxy server", and a huge amout of sites that have proxy servers will come up. The time consuming part is finding a good one. Once you do find one, do this: . -go to the top of the page of Netspace and click on edit -choose "preferences" -pick "advanced" -pick "proxies" -click on "manual proxy configuration" -then click on "view" -where it says: "http" put in the proxy server ( ie: proxy.inter.net) -under "port" enter in the port number (ie: 8080) -click "ok" That's it, now you just surf. You'll be using the proxy server of the inter.net or whatever one you picked. Now you gotta see if it's a good one.... go to : http://www.tamos.com/bin/proxy.cgi and see what it says. If it says "proxy server detected" that means that they're keeping track of your IP and that means you may get detected. Then find another proxy. If it says: "proxy server not detected" then you know that you got a good one, and they are not keeping track of you, and where you're going. But just to be certain visit Anonymizers snoop page at: http://www.anonymizer.com/snoop.cgi and see what it says. Usually without using a proxy server it would say: (pretent your using inter.net to get your internet) your connection provider is Inter.net Your Internet browser is Mozilla/4.04[en] (Win95; I; 32bit; Nav) You are comming from Anonymizers homepage But lets say you have a proxy server in Japan, it would look like this: Your connection provider is located in Japan Your Internet browser is Mozilla/4.04[en] (Win95; I; 32bit; Nav) You are coming from the Anonymizer homepage. So cool, now your some dude in Japan (or where ever) I even sent a e-mail to my hotmail account. Every Hotmail e-mail says the IP address on it, and I was supprised when it had the IP address of a place in Japan. Totally cool............ THAT'S IT !!!!!!!!!! Cool, now you can sign up for porno sites with your fake credit card nunbers that you got from the generator program, and you stay anomyous!!!! Have fun with it, and just imaging what else you could do. You can buy almost anything. cd's, computers, stereos and etc... just find an vacant building or house and make sure there are street numbers on it and have the stuff sent there. I have heard of people I know, picking up receipts from parking lots and mall floors and using the credit card numbers on those receipts the same way !!! THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS...................................................... GET A FREE ADULTCHECK PASSWORD It's easy. First off, you need to have a website, if you don't have one already go to a place like xoom or geocities and set up a w It's easy. First off, you need to have a website, if you don't have one already go to a place like xoom or geocities and set up a website. Then go to Adultcheck and sign up for their webmaster's banner program. Once they check to be sure that you have the banner up on your site, they will active your webmaster id. The cool thing is that you webmaster id will allow you to get into any of the almost 11,000 sites that Adultcheck protects. It has cost you nothing and they haven't even made sure that you are over 21. You must follow their rules for this to work. Your site should have some adult content as they will check your site, guaranteed. It takes about 5 days for them to activate the account. HACKING INTO ADULTCHECK Hacking into adultcheck is not that hard at all. First you have to go to Adult check and go to the members section. When it ask you for a login password do this: Take the first four numbers of a common credit card ie: 6011 for Discover 3727 and 3728 for Amex 4824 or 4495 for visa Actually there are several starting combo's for Mastercard and Visa, so choose one from a majior bank. So anyway. take those first four numbers and then add a common first name to the end of it. ie: 6011 mike, 6011bill, 6011jason, or 3817mike and etc. It generally takes less than 15 minutes of this to get in. Just keep changing the combinations. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Posted using Reference.COM http://WWW.Reference.COM FREE Usenet and Mailing list archive, directory and clipping service --------------------------------------------------------------------