COMMAND Openwebmail remote root compromise SYSTEMS AFFECTED Openwebmail 1.71 PROBLEM Dmitry Guyvoronsky [demiurg@altaee.com] says : Remote exploitation of several errors within the Openwebmail scripts could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary commands with the superuser permissions. Although this requires attacker to be able to put 2 files on target system (i.e. via ftp or if he has local shell access), this is a very serious vulnerability and should be taken seriously. Let's inspect the sources: - --- openwebmail-abook.pl #!/usr/bin/suidperl -T ... require "openwebmail-shared.pl"; ... openwebmail_init(); ... - --- - --- openwebmail-shared.pl ... sub openwebmail_init { ... $thissession = param("sessionid"); # (0) ... $loginname =~ s/\-session\-0.*$//; # (1) my $siteconf; if ($loginname=~/\@(.+)$/) { $siteconf="$config{'ow_etcdir'}/sites.conf/$1"; # (2) } else { my $httphost=$ENV{'HTTP_HOST'}; $httphost=~s/:\d+$//; $siteconf="$config{'ow_etcdir'}/sites.conf/$httphost"; } readconf(\%config, \%config_raw, "$siteconf") if ( -f "$siteconf"); # (3) ... require $config{'auth_module'}; # (4) - --- (0) Attacker can pass anything here: http://site.url/cgi-bin/openwebmail-abook.pl?sessionid=@[PATH]-session-0 (1) $loginname now holds [PATH] (i.e. "../../../../../home/ftp/incoming/attacker.conf" ) (2) $siteconf holds path to custom config file on the server. Attacker can upload config file via anonymous ftp (is any), or just put it somewhere (if he has local access) (3) readconfig() treats $siteconf as a plaintext file every string of which has format: - -- var_name variable_value - -- In our case, <attacker.conf> should contain line - -- auth_module /home/ftp/incoming/exploit.pl - -- (4) <exploit.pl> is executed with superuser permissions (!!!) SOLUTION Vendor of the OpenWebMail system had released patch and upgraded `current` sources. More information can be found at: http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?thread_id=782605&forum_id=108435 Patches: http://openwebmail.org/openwebmail/download/cert/patches/SA-02:01/ Current: http://openwebmail.org/openwebmail/download/openwebmail-current.tgz