COMMAND CoffeeCup users password and config remotely accessible SYSTEMS AFFECTED CoffeeCup Password Wizard All Versions PROBLEM In Rynho Zeros Web [http://www.RZWEB.com.ar] & ToOcOoL [http://www.valenciahack.com/] advisory : go to the login panel, see sourcecode HTML in search of the location of the file .swf used to make login. Example: Go to https://www.victim.com/billing/ See sourcecode, [...] ID=billing WIDTH=146 HEIGHT=125> <PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="billing.swf"> <PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high> [...] (https://www.victim.com/billing/billing.swf) the file of the passwords is called just as the file of login, but with the extension .apw now, go to & download the file: https://www.victim.com/billing/billing.apw (APW Is The COFFEECUP Password Wizard File) by I complete it opens east file with any text editor and found all the users with its passwords and the URL of direct access to its options. Example of passwords file: --------- billing.apw ----------- COFFEECUP PASSWORD WIZARD FILE WWW.COFFEECUP.COM PLEASE DO NOT EDIT!!!! MOVIE WIDTH:120 MOVIE HEIGHT:100 MOVIE FRAME RATE:0 MOVIE BK COLOR:$00ECECEC MOVIE DEFAULT URL: MOVIE DEFAULT FRAME: MOVIE SWF NAME:billing.swf MOVIE SWF PATH:C:\Documents and Settings\vhost\Mis documentos\Mis Webs\victim.com\new website project\billing\ MOVIE FONT NAME:MS Sans Serif MOVIE FONT SIZE:8 MOVIE FONT COLOR:clBlack MOVIE TRANSPARENT TRUE MOVIE VERTICAL TRUE USER BOX LEFT:2 USER BOX TOP:1 USER BOX WIDTH:116 USER BOX HEIGHT:34 USER BOX CAPTION:Username PASS BOX LEFT:2 PASS BOX TOP:36 PASS BOX WIDTH:116 PASS BOX HEIGHT:34 PASS BOX CAPTION:Password BUTTON LEFT:15 BUTTON TOP:78 BUTTON WIDTH:90 BUTTON HEIGHT:20 BUTTON PATH: BUTTON TX:1 BUTTON TY:1 ADD USER:0anyweb xnet0305 https://www.victim.com/billing/anyweb0001.htm ADD USER:0anysite xnet2904 https://www.victim.com/billing/anysite0002.htm [...] END --------- billing.apw ----------- Example of user & pass on billing: user: anyweb pass: xnet0305 url option panel: https://www.victim.com/billing/anyweb0001.htm Update (04 March 2003) ====== Per-Ola Kristiansson adds : The Java version is also vulnerable. The username, password and secret url can be extracted from the param "0" in the html code. I wrote a small program for this purpose a couple of months ago. Password Wizard java sample: http://www.coffeecup.com/java-password/samples/ <applet code="joylock.class" width=342 height=140> <param name="GENERATOR" value="CREATED WITH THE APPLET PASSWORD WIZARD WWW.COFFEECUP.COM"> <param name="GENERAL" value="1|11|004080|FFFFFF|wslzebajkcnrvogpquftxhidmyvttp://aaa.jnsseejrp.jny /ywxxce.vtyc| |Login Complete.|Enter the Username and Password.| | |"> <param name="0" value="6|4|36|0|cftzmapuxnrsjibgwykqvleodhlfegvwcwlczccg://qqq.axbbwwahg.axe /enyyvw.zcev"> </applet> SOLUTION ?