COMMAND Many scripting language IMG tag XSS vulnerability SYSTEMS AFFECTED Xoops RC3.0.4 PHP-Nuke 6.0 NPDS 4.8 SuperCache daCode 1.2.0 Drupal 4.0.0 phpWebSite 0.8.3 PROBLEM In David Suzanne (aka dAs) [das@echu.org] advisory : http://www.echu.org/modules/news/article.php?storyid=97 After having sent ECHU alert on "Xoops RC3 script injection vulnerability" (http://www.echu.org/modules/news/article.php?storyid=95), I realize that it's not a XOOPS problem (Kazumi Ono, XOOPS Developper, and Jan304, XOOPS Dutch Support, confirmed this) but a html problem that is hard to fix and can be misuse in almost every cms. The problem appears when a user post a news, a vulnerability exists in these CMS that allow a typical IMG attack against visitors : <IMG SRC="javascript:alert('unsecure')"> In order to test this vulnerability, you can go on websites that use these CMS, post a news with this code and see the result. A badly disposed member can propose a news containing code (for une news containing code sample of a new vulnerability for example) and if webmasters or moderators don't take care, they will approve the news. SOLUTION There's no secure release of these CMS, so the unique solution is, at this moment, to disable Html, in each news post, to avoid the problem. The "removehack" from NPDS doesn't fix the problem even if NPDS team tell it does. Links ===== XOOPS: http://www.xoops.org PHP-NUKE: http://www.php-nuke.org NPDS: http://www.npds.org daCode: http://www.dacode.org Drupal: http://www.drupal.org phpWebSite: http://phpwebsite.appstate.edu Blocus Advisory on NPDS: http://www.blocus-zone.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=132