COMMAND Vignette Story Server sensitive informations leakage SYSTEMS AFFECTED Vignette Story Server v4.1, 6 Windows / Unix PROBLEM In @stake, Inc. Security Advisory a040703-1 [ http://www.atstake.com ], Ollie Whitehouse found, with contributions of Florian Walther and Simon Kilvington : Vignette's Story Server is a web interface to Vignette's content management suite of applications that operates on a variety of platforms and web server technologies. Vignette Story Server allows the publication of both static and dynamic content. The dynamic pages are created using a TCL[1] Interpreter. There exists vulnerability within the TCL interpreter used that allows 'dumping' of the stack of the current running TCL process when generating dynamic pages. This vulnerability results in an attacker being able to extract information about other users sessions, server side code and other sensitive information. This vulnerability has been verified on Vignette Story Server v4.1 and v6.0. Description =========== Vignette supports a vast range of dynamic content via it's content management system. It allows the use of TCL code to interact with databases, generate cookies, and wide range of other functions. When a request is made to a dynamic page which accepts user input there exists an issue when a large number of " and > characters are input to the TCL interpreter. The effect is that the TCL interpreter will crash returning to the user the data that was on the stack at the current time. @stake's testing observed that the most likely way to generate the crash is a with a combination of around 214 " and > characters. Contained below is an example URL that if populated would return a large amount of data. https://www.example.co.uk/securelogin/1,2345,A,00.html?Errmessage="x214>x214 If above URL is submitted when there is a large number of users performing dynamic functions within the site (i.e. logging in or performing a search) then a large amount of sensitive TCL code will be available upon the stack and send to the attacker. It should be noted that this vulnerability can be exploited continuously without any effect on the availability of the site in question, thus allowing an attacker to effectively wait until they have enough data to achieve their end goal. SOLUTION The problem is fixed and a patch is available. Any Vignette customer who has a security concern with their Vignette deployment should contact Vignette Technical Support through normal channels. Those channels include support@vignette.com, contacting Technical Support in the Americas at 1 888 846 6907, Europe, Middle East and Africa 44(0)1628772299 and Asia Pacific Australia 1 800 110 118 Asia Pacific New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan & China: +800 110 11811 Asia Pacific All Others 61.2.9455.5099. Additionally, customers have the following resources available at http://support.vignette.com/VOLSS/KB/View/1,,5360,00.html @stake Recommendations ======================= If you are you have a dynamic application that receives user input you should install the patch. Alternatively, employ string length checks upon user submitted data. @stake has discovered requests under about 100 bytes rarely yield any sensitive information.