TUCoPS :: Web :: Apps :: b06-2100.htm

DuGallery V2.x SQL Injection
# MHG Security Team --- DuGallery V2.x SQL Injection
# MHG Security Team --- DuGallery V2.x SQL Injection

# Milli-Harekat Advisory ( www.milli-harekat.org )=0D 
# DUGaleri Admin SQL Injection=0D
# Risk : High=0D
# Script : DUGallery v2.x=0D
# Credits : Dj ReMix=0D
# Thanks : =DFy Korsan , ESKOBAR , Poizonb0x , TR_IP , SariKamis=0D
DuGallery Admin Page's www.victim.com/[DuGallery Path ]/admin_default.asp=0D 
Login and password :=0D
Bye !=0D

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