TUCoPS :: Web :: Apps :: b06-3419.htm

AutoRank <= 5.01 - Multiple XSS and cookie disclosure
AutoRank <= 5.01 - Multiple XSS and cookie disclosure
AutoRank <= 5.01 - Multiple XSS and cookie disclosure

[MajorSecurity #19] AutoRank <= 5.01  - Multiple XSS and cookie disclosure=0D
Software: AutoRank=0D
Version: <=5.01=0D
Type: Cross site scripting =0D
Discovery Date: June, 23th 2006=0D
Made public: July, 2nd 2006 =0D
Page: http://www.jmbsoft.com/=0D 
Rated as: Low Risk=0D
Discovered by: David "Aesthetico" Vieira-Kurz=0D
Original Advisory:=0D
Affected Products:=0D
AutoRank PHP 3.02 and prior=0D
AutoRank Pro 5.01 and prior=0D
Contacted Vendor:=0D
I have contacted the vendor on June, 25th 2006 at 12:25 PM via e-mail.=0D
The vendor replied to my e-mail on June, 26th 2006, but there's still no fix available.=0D
A copy of the e-mail is attached as screenshoot at the end of this text.=0D
AutoRank PHP is our next generation toplist software, written completely in PHP and backed by a MySQL database.=0D
AutoRank Professional is a complete top list software package. =0D
It will keep a database of accounts, and the account holders can then send hits to your site.=0D
register_globals = On=0D
Input passed to the "Keyword" parameter in "search.php" and "Username" parameter in "main.cgi" isn't properly sanitised before being returned to the user.=0D
This can be exploited to execute arbitrary HTML and script code in a user's browser session in context of an affected site.=0D
Solution(Against XSS-attacks):=0D
Edit the source code to ensure that input is properly sanitised.=0D
You should work with "htmlspecialchars()" or "strip_tags()" php-function to ensure that html tags=0D
are not going to be executed.=0D
Set "register_globals" to "Off".=0D

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