TUCoPS :: Web :: Apps :: bt1268.txt

cgiemail - patch for vulnerability

Recently we've seen a marked rise in attempts to exploit the bug in MIT's
cgiemail that's documented here:


Appended below is a quick patch to the cgilib.c file of the distribution,
designed to prevent abuse of the program.

Basically, it attempts to strip all non-printable characters (maybe a little
heavy-handed) from form input that's incorporated into the headers of the
resulting email.  It doesn't strip them from the body (assuming there's a
blank line between the two for it to make the distinction).


Matt Riffle
Senior Systems Programmer         
pair Networks, Inc.        http://www.pair.com/


< int noheader; // flag for when we exit template's header - MPR
< int flag;     // flag used to find split to set above flag - MPR
< /* MPR - 9/30/03 */
< void strip_nonprint(char *s) {
<   while (*s) {
<     if (!isprint(*s)) *s = ' ';
<     s++;
<   }
< }
<   char *myptr;
<   int count;
<           if (!noheader) 
<             {
<               strip_nonprint(formp->fields[i].value);
<             }
<           /* when flag hits 2, we're out of headers -- MPR */
<           if (flag >= 2) 
<             {
<               noheader = 1;
<             }
<               flag++;
<           if ((inchar != (int)' ') && (inchar != (int)'\n'))
<             {
<               flag = 0; 
<              } 
<           else 
<             {
<               if (inchar == (int)'\n') flag++;
<             }

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