* FileName: JvmGifVulPoc.java
* Date: 2007-01-21
* Description: Sun Microsystems Java GIF File Parsing Memory Corruption Vulnerability Prove Of Concept Exploit
* Environment: Only successfully tested on Sun Jre 1.5
* Author: luoluo
* Contact: luoluonet_at_hotmail.com || luoluonet_at_126.com || luoluonet_at_yahoo.com
* Team: PST(Ph4nt0m Security Team, http://www.ph4nt0m.org) from P.R.C.
* Thanks YunShu very much, he helps to find a simple way to modify the width of image block.
* Thanks all friends from ph4nt0m secutiry team, espacially Axis SuperHei Onlyu Nop EnvyMask CoCo OYXin Mix and etc.
* Best wishes to the newly married couple TomyChen and his wife!