NOCC: XSS PROGRAM: NOCC VENDOR: Olivier Cahagne et al. HOMEPAGE: http://nocc.sourceforge.net/ VULNERABLE VERSIONS: 0.9.5, possibly others IMMUNE VERSIONS: 0.9.5 with my patch applied SEVERITY: high LOGIN REQUIRED: no DESCRIPTION: "NOCC is a simple and fast Web-based e-mail reader which can handle POP3, SMTP, and IMAP servers. It is written with PHP4, and uses sessions, has low requirements (no database, frames), and is easy to install. It also features multi-language support, MIME attachment decoding/encoding, and the ability to display HTML messages." (direct quote from the program's project page at Freshmeat) NOCC is published under the terms of the GNU General Public License. It is one of the packages in Debian GNU/Linux and one of FreeBSD's ports. SUMMARY: NOCC has got several cross-site scripting holes when displaying e-mail messages. They allow an attacker to take over a victim's e-mail account and/or perform actions against the victim's will, by simply sending a malicious e-mail message to the victim. TECHNICAL DETAILS: 1) If the e-mail message's MIME type is text/plain, the program doesn't remove any HTML code from the mail body. It is shown "live". 2) When the victim selects "View header", no HTML codes are removed from mail headers like Subject and Date (yes, you can write whatever you like in the Date header). COMMUNICATION WITH VENDOR: The vendor was contacted on the 9th and the 10th of July. They haven't released any official fixed version yet. MY PATCH: I wrote a patch for these security holes, and it is included in this mail as an attachment. I have patched against version 0.9.5. // Ulf Harnhammar VSU Security ulfh@update.uu.se "I saw the worst minds of my generation / getting their political information from tabloids / listening to Savage Garden's greatest hits / getting married and having kids at 25 just 'cause the neighbours did / and building the worst administrative web-based members interface ever known to man" (To B.) ---293465837-47254757-1035134538=:28852 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; name="nocc.patch" Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64 Content-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.21.0210201922180.28852@Tempo.Update.UU.SE> Content-Description: Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="nocc.patch" LS0tIG5vY2MtMC45LjUvZnVuY3Rpb25zLnBocC5vbGQJU3VuIE9jdCAyMCAw MDoxMjozNCAyMDAyDQorKysgbm9jYy0wLjkuNS9mdW5jdGlvbnMucGhwCVN1 biBPY3QgMjAgMDA6Mjc6MTIgMjAwMg0KQEAgLTIxMyw3ICsyMTMsNyBAQA0K IAkJJ2JvZHknID0+ICRnbG9iX2JvZHksDQogCQknYm9keV9taW1lJyA9PiAk dG1wWydtaW1lJ10sDQogCQknYm9keV90cmFuc2ZlcicgPT4gJHRtcFsndHJh bnNmZXInXSwNCi0JCSdoZWFkZXInID0+ICRoZWFkZXIsDQorCQknaGVhZGVy JyA9PiBodG1sc3BlY2lhbGNoYXJzKCRoZWFkZXIpLA0KIAkJJ3ZlcmJvc2Un ID0+ICR2ZXJib3NlLA0KIAkJJ3ByZXYnID0+ICRwcmV2X21zZywNCiAJCSdu ZXh0JyA9PiAkbmV4dF9tc2cNCkBAIC00NDQsNiArNDQ0LDcgQEANCiAJfQ0K IAllbHNlaWYgKGVyZWdpKCdwbGFpbicsICRtaW1lKSkNCiAJew0KKwkJJGJv ZHkgPSBodG1sc3BlY2lhbGNoYXJzKCRib2R5KTsNCiAJCSRib2R5ID0gZXJl Z2lfcmVwbGFjZSgiKGh0dHB8aHR0cHN8ZnRwKTovLyhbYS16QS1aMC05Ky09 JSY6Xy5+P10rWyNhLXpBLVowLTkrXSopIiwiPGEgaHJlZj1cIlxcMTovL1xc MlwiIHRhcmdldD1cIl9ibGFua1wiPlxcMTovL1xcMjwvYT4iLCAkYm9keSk7 DQogCQkkYm9keSA9IGVyZWdpX3JlcGxhY2UoIihbI2EtekEtWjAtOSstLl9d KilAKFsjYS16QS1aMC05Ky1fXSopXC4oW2EtekEtWjAtOSstXy5dK1sjYS16 QS1aMC05K10qKSIsIjxhIGhyZWY9XCIkUEhQX1NFTEY/YWN0aW9uPXdyaXRl JmFtcDttYWlsX3RvPVxcMUBcXDIuXFwzJmFtcDtsYW5nPSRsYW5nXCI+XFwx QFxcMi5cXDM8L2E+IiwgJGJvZHkpOw0KIAkJJGJvZHkgPSBubDJicigkYm9k eSk7DQo= ---293465837-47254757-1035134538=:28852--