Vulnerability PostACI Webmail Affected PostACI Webmail Description Michael R. Rudel found following. The PostACI webmail system contains a rather trival vulnerability. One can obtain the hostname, username and password variables for the MySQL server (in addition to other setup information) if PostACI is setup as described running out of the box by simplying going to the url: http://<host.running.postaci.com>/includes/global.inc So, if webmail.com was running PostACI: http://<host.running.postaci.com>/includes/global.inc Solution Well, you ask, what can I do to fix this? There are a few different ways. You could just modify the source tree to make /includes a different directory that only you know. Or, you could do it the right way and use a .htaccess file to only allow localhost to access anything in the includes directory or you can do the rightest thing and move the include's outside the web server document tree, and modify the source code accordingly. Moving it to a directory that only know, but still inside the www document tree is false sense of security, a primer of security through obscurity. MySQL database passwords are something that need to be more closely guarded, and this isn't the first application like this. In addition to properly guarding your passwords, you should only let certain hostnames connect to MySQL, and should have several layers of protection, such as at least one firewall, and then MySQL's built in host protection.