Vulnerability ROADS search system Affected ROADS search system Description 'UkR-XblP' found following. The search.pl program is a Common Gateway Interface (CGI) program used to provide an end user search front end to ROADS databases. When accessed with no CGI query, the program can return an HTML form to the user to fill in to make a query. This form can be designed by the SBIG Administrator and can include a number of options. The default form for this installation is held in the search directory under the ROADS config directory by http://www.roads.lut.ac.uk. Through this bug you can see any files, bug works on every system were perl is installed. "%00" - means hex symbol of the end of the line, used in C,C++ and perl. Exploit: http://www.victim.com/ROADS/cgi-bin/search.pl?form=url_to_any_file%00 Solution All of the ROADS 2.x series releases were vulnerable to this, and the same vulnerability existed in some of our other CGI programs. 2.4 release fixed this. For more on these, see: http://www.roads.lut.ac.uk/lists/open-roads/2001/02/